NorthStar Lights
North Syracuse Central School District's weekly e-news
Issue #43 | December 3, 2021
Hello North Syracuse Central School District Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Staff!
Next week is an important one for our community as District residents take to the polls for the December 8 Structured for Success vote. If you didn't have a chance to attend one of our public meetings this past week, the project details are outlined online and the presentation is available to review on the District's YouTube page using this link. Polls will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM.
You may notice that the typical photo used with this article has changed this week. The photo used in its place is of me with a Cicero-North Syracuse High School student who recently performed in the school's play 12 Angry Jurors. The student, Isabella Borte, acted her role using a very impressive and convincing Italian accent. After seeing her performance I took time to congratulate her on the show's success and compliment her fluent presentation. This week I received an email of thanks from Isabella accompanied by the photograph her mother had taken. It means a lot to me that this young lady took the time to reach out to me and share her positive (and very articulate) thoughts so I wanted to recognize her efforts publicly as a wonderful example of kindness. Thank you Isabella!
On the topic of kindness, I am pleased to report that the District held its first COVID vaccination for 5-11 year-old students this past week in partnership with Kinney Drugs. I want to commend the pharmacists and clinic staff for their kindness, compassion and professionalism with our students and families. As you might imagine, our youngest students have fear and nervousness about getting vaccinated but the medical professionals made the process go as smoothly as possible. I can't thank you enough and I look forward to our continued partnership.
I also want to thank our families for their support and positive feedback. We received a great deal of appreciation for the convenient time and location and intend to use the input as we schedule additional clinics after the first of the new year.
Daniel D. Bowles, Superintendent of Schools
Important News Regarding K-4 Report Cards
As we continue into our third school year of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students from across the nation are encountering gaps in their education. In the North Syracuse Central School District we have implemented multiple strategies and are utilizing available resources to help close these deficits. During the height of the pandemic, we prioritized our content and focused our instruction on essential standards and skills. This year we have increased our instructional support personnel and focused our systems to identify and close these gaps through remediation and intervention.
All districts in our county, state and nation face a similar dilemma and you may notice that your child’s report card grades reflect some of these gaps. It is our goal and responsibility to accurately report each child’s progress as measured against progressive grade level standards. We are continually monitoring each child’s progress and working to remediate any deficits. This will take time, patience and the collective effort for our entire school community. If you have any questions about your child’s grade/progress, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher.
More Than Sad: Suicide Prevention for Parents on December 14
Bring Water Bottles for our Filling Stations
Over the past few years the NSCSD has added approximately 40 bottle filler water fountains throughout the District. We will continue to expand access to these devices as time and funds become available. Hydration helps improve our student's energy level and therefore their learning. Although nurses provide paper cups in their office for use by their patients, it is a burden on the nurses and adds traffic to their already busy offices to hand out cups to students who could be using a water bottle.
Onondaga County Updates COVID-19 Testing Information
Structured for Success! VOTE on December 8
Next week is an important one for our community as District residents take to the polls for the December 8 Structured for Success! Capital Project vote. The project asks voters to consider three propositions. The first includes $64.95 million worth of construction upgrades to Cicero-North Syracuse High School, Cicero Elementary, Lakeshore Road Elementary, and Smith Road Elementary Schools. The second proposition details the development of a community pool facility at C-NS and the third calls for the creation of a capital reserve fund.
The project if being called Structured for Success! because District leaders have worked painstakingly with architects, the Board of Education and the State Education Department to design a proposal to maximize State Aid and minimize the local tax impact. Proposition 1, which includes renovations to the buildings mentioned above, will not increase local taxes. The priorities and structure of the project, along with good fiscal management of the District over time, creates a structure for success.
The project newsletter is available by clicking here. To learn more visit the project website by clicking here or watch the video by clicking here.
NSCSD Students and Staff in the News
Some basketball players on a CNY team needed sneakers. So an opposing coach treated the whole team - November 30, 2021 By Lindsay Kramer, Cicero-North Syracuse High School Boys' Varsity Basketball Coach Kyle Martin was recently highlighted by for his generosity gifting new sneakers for an entire team. Click here to read the article online.
Staying Home When Sick and Getting Tested
In accordance with CDC guidance, students, teachers and staff who have symptoms of infectious illness (influenza or COVID-19), should stay home and be referred to their healthcare provider for evaluation care and testing. Individuals who are absent from school will need to provide either a medical note or proof of a negative COVID test (PCR test).
Students or staff members who develop symptoms during the school day will be sent home immediately. Parents of students will be contacted immediately to come and pick up their child.
Please remember the symptoms of COVID 19 include:
● Fever or chills
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore throat
● Congestion or runny nose
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea
Employment Opportunities Available with the NSCSD
Winter Weather Reminders
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Band Concert and Tri-M Induction Ceremony on November 17
Roxboro Road Elementary School Counselor Kerry Delduchetto shared the above screenshot of a Kindness Jamboard activity she did with a group of 4th grade girls at the school. Her students shared their ideas for spreading kindness while at home, online/over social media and at school.
Nationwide Service Disruptions Impacting School Meals
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are seeing nationwide disruptions to manufacturing, supply and distribution channels. You may have experienced this yourself when you’ve tried to order something online or buy something in the store and what you’re looking for isn’t available right now.
What does the shortage mean for school meals? In short, it means that we’re having trouble getting certain foods and supplies. Your student(s) may notice that we’re serving different items than we’ve served in the past or different items than were listed on the menu.
School districts across the country are experiencing these shortages and unfortunately, we cannot control the problem. We are doing our best every day to come up with solutions to these challenges.
Connect with the NSCSD on Social Media!
North Syracuse Central School District
Location: 5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 218-2100
Twitter: @NSyracuseCSD