RES Community Updates
The purpose of RES Community Updates is to highlight the learning and connections that happen every day between our RES students and educators, as well as to provide a space to communicate updates and information. This blog will be updated monthly. Thank you for visiting!
- January -
Ice Rink is Open!
The RES ice skating rink is up and running, and students have been enjoying skating and hockey during their PE classes. Thank you to all of the community members who offered a hand getting the rink set up this year. It is available to the community after school hours and on the weekend, so feel free to swing by and check it out. If you need to borrow skates for a kiddo please reach out to Brian Godfrey directly at brian.godfrey@mmuusd.org, we can help you out!
Art on Display
Third and fourth graders in art class have worked so hard to finish up their figure sculptures this month. Students started with just a piece of tinfoil and began to transform it into a human figure by using paper mache, paint, and more! I'm so proud of all the careful planning and creative thinking that each artist put into this project. Sculptures will be on display at our upcoming STEAM Night on February 18th so come see these amazing artworks there.
-Ms. Murphy
Kids Heart Challenge
Hello Healthy Heart Community,
What an amazing start we have had to the Kids Heart Challenge this year. We have already raised over $5000 this week alone!!! I am blown away and so grateful for this community so thank you all for your support.
In continuation of this fundraiser, we would love for you to share any pictures of students doing heart healthy activities around the community (skiing, snowboarding, hiking, walking the dog, playing in the snow, cross country skiing, playing on the playground, extracurricular activities, etc) to raise awareness for all the amazing things you do. If you could please send any photos to carl.ellerkamp@mmuusd.org we will happily display them on our Heart Heroes display in the school!
Thank you so much.
Mr. E
Lunch Bunches at RES
Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for all students to eat in small groups with our School Counselor Ms Spaulding in her room. During lunch bunch we often play games that develop executive functioning skills while having fun. It’s also an opportunity for relationship building. In grades K-2 all students are invited to participate and in grades 3-4 students sign up for lunch bunch independently.
Valentines Day Reminder
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful holiday to spread love and kindness to others. With that, we want to make sure we are considering the safety and needs of all students when celebrating at school. If students would like to bring in cards or items to share with classmates that's great, but please do not include any food or candy. We encourage classrooms to celebrate if they wish but without any food. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
January All School Meeting
We were lucky to have our three Kindergarten classrooms share with the RES school community a beautiful song honoring the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as a little history. Each Kindergarten student "signed" a poster reading Libertad, the Spanish word for Freedom.
Summer Planning Info
We know that registration for camps and summer childcare will be taking place soon, therefore, we want to share the following information that may be helpful.
- Currently, we have had no cancelled school days this year and the last student day of this school year is June 13th. In the event, we do need to cancel school for weather or an emergency, we will add these days to the end of the school year. However, in an effort to help parents/caregivers plan for the summer months, we implemented a practice 2 years ago that the last student day will be no later than June 18th. Any additional student school days added to the school calendar will be repurposed for staff professional development. Please note, we will update the school year calendar on the schools' websites if the last student day changes due to school cancellations.
- The 2025-26 Champlain Valley Regional School Year Calendar has not been approved, but the initial drafts have the tentative first student day scheduled for August 27, 2025. The District will inform the school community when the first student day of 2025-26 has been approved by regional superintendents and when the MMUUSD 2025-26 School Year Calendar has been finalized.
Thank you,
Options Based Drill
The Vermont Agency of Education has developed new requirements around school safety as required by Act 29, Title 16 VSA, Section 1481. Based on guidance and recommendations from the Vermont School Crisis Team, Vermont School Safety Center, FBI and US Department of Homeland Security, MMUUSD will take an options-based approach to safety, i.e. Run/Hide/Fight. This methodology does not replace current safety protocols for evacuation, sheltering in place or other emergency response procedures, but does give additional tools that may be used to respond to an active threat. You can find a link to the Run/Hide/Fight protocol on the Homeland Security website here.
We have learned that no one size response plan fits each incident and teachers, administrators and students need to have options so that they can effectively respond based on a specific set of circumstances. As part of Act 29, these drills need to be age-appropriate and trauma-informed. We will be practicing option-based drills during the school year in a developmentally appropriate manner in order to minimize anxiety for students. While the very unexpected nature of a crisis may make preparation difficult, MMUUSD believes that staff and students should be ready to respond quickly and appropriately to emergency situations. School violence and other emergency events can be difficult to discuss and consider, but we must do our best to be prepared. One of these requirements is for schools to conduct two Options Based Response to a Violent Intruder Drills, one to be held in January and the other in the month of May. Richmond Elementary School will be holding the first Options Based Drill in the next week. Please know that age appropriate steps will be taken to reduce student anxiety.
Student and staff safety is our top priority, and the district is taking steps to best prepare for any number of emergency situations. Please see the attached link to the VT School Safety Center parent/caregiver resource guide.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Jeremy Rector
Richmond Elementary School
What's Next at RES
S.T.E.A.M. Night at RES
From the PTO
Silent Auction - April 17th
The RES PTO Fourth Annual Silent Auction will be held on April 17th, 2025. Please contact Jennifer Snow at jenshawsnow@gmail.com if you, or someone you know, has an auction item to donate. Think big and small: art pieces, AirBnB rental; shop services; gift cards. Do you work somewhere that can donate a service or item? The more items the auction has, the more fun it will be! The PTO is pretty excited about the cause of this year’s auction: Each year every third grader is asked to write a persuasive essay. Last year’s winning essay persuaded Principal Rector to purchase brand new U-12 soccer goals for a total of $2900. The PTO was able to fund the entire purchase using last year’s auction proceeds. This year, we will fund the new winning essay writer’s idea! So please consider donating to the auction (and bidding this April!)
Spring Scholastic Book Fair
The Spring Scholastic Book Fair will run March 24-28, 2025. Please look for signup opportunities closer to the date, but mark those calendars!
Follow the PTO on Facebook
Please follow the RES PTO on Facebook. The page is Richmond Elementary School Parents and PTO. You can also find us on Instagram @resptovt. For more opportunities to collaborate with the PTO, you can email us at res.pto@mmuusd.org.
Little Caesars Fundraiser
The Little Caesars Fundraiser is live! You can order off the order form that was sent home with your student(s). The form needs to be returned by January 31 to your student’s teacher. OR you can order online. Go to www.pizzakit.com and click on products then shop. Enter Fundraiser ID: 454418 to link the sale to Richmond Elementary School. If you’re ordering off your phone, go to pizza kit.com and click on shop pizza kits and proceed with the same ID number above.
News From the Health Office
There are many illnesses going around, and it can be tricky to determine when your student should stay home. Please check out our District Illness Guidelines to help you navigate students who are not feeling their best.
Community Events and Opportunities
Part 2 Summer Registration - Opens January 29th
Register at part2kids.com/summer
Mr. G's Summer Camp and Radiate Art Camp Registration - Opens February 1st
This year in addition to Mr. G’s Adventure Summer Camp we are adding an additional and separate Art Camp at Radiate Art Space in Richmond. All camps are Monday through Friday 8am-4pm. Adventure Camps will have pickup and dropoff at Richmond Elementary School. Art Camps will have a dropoff at Richmond Park with pickup at Richmond Elementary School. Schedules for each week along with registration info can be found at vtoutdooradventures.com. Registration for Mr. G’s Summer Camp and Radiate Arts Camp will open February 1st at 8am.
Camps are a partnership between MMUUSD and Richmond Elementary school PTO. The goal is to promote healthy lifestyles and love of the outdoors while also making sure kids have access to the many outdoor treasures in our local community. Profits from the camps go towards supporting the Snow Motion Program and increasing lifetime fitness to kids in MMUUSD. Our goal is to get as many kids as possible at least one week of camp. If you need a scholarship please email Brian Godfrey directly at brian.godfrey@mmuusd.org.
Preschool Open House
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
5:00-7:00 pm
Smilie Memorial School
2712 Theodore Roosevelt Hwy, Bolton, VT 05676
Mount Mansfield Girls Lacrosse (grades 3 - 8)
Mount Mansfield Girls Lacrosse offers girls in grades 3-8 the ability to learn and play lacrosse. Third graders will participate in practice but not games. Season starts end of March through first week of June. Practice is held at Browns River Middle School on Monday and Wednesdays from 6-7:30 and Games are played on Sundays starting the first Sunday in May through the first weekend in June. Please contact melisamutolo@icloud.com for details. Registrations will be accepted through March 15th 2025.
Important Upcoming Dates
- 2/5 District-wide preschool Open House: 5:00pm - 7:00pm at Smilie Memorial
- 2/12 Early Release Day: Classes will be dismissed at 12:30, and busses will arrive home 2 hours earlier then usual
- 2/18 S.T.E.A.M Night: Join us from 5:30 - 7:00 for this family event!
- 2/21 Last Day of Snow Motion
- 2/24 - 3/4 February Break
Richmond Elementary School
Website: https://richmond.mmuusd.org/
Location: 125 School Street, Richmond, VT 05477, USA
Phone: 802-434-2461
- December -
RES News
All School Meeting - December Sing-A-Long
I'd like to share a big thank you and deep appreciation to our new music teacher, Jennifer Corrigan, for leading our December All School Meeting in a sing-a-long! The students had a blast, and the singing was so much fun!!
New Soccer Goals for the Playground!
Disco Rollerblading in PE
What could go wrong? The students have been getting ready for the ice skating rink by practicing their skills with in-line skates. Tis the season!!
Used Book Sale Success
A huge thank you to everyone who helped donate books, set up, and make sure each and every RES student left with books in their hands! As a school we raised $416.58!!! This money goes directly back to RES kids who need snacks, snow gear, scholarships and so much more. Thanks again! We couldn't do it without you.
Jericho-Underhill Lions Club and the Mount Mansfield Masons Lodge #26 donate dictionaries
What's Next At RES
Snow Motion
Every year our students in grades K-4 go to Cochrans once a week for five weeks to learn how to ski and/or ride. This year the program will run from the week of January 21st through the week of February 21st.
- Equipment : If you have your own equipment, please bring skis/snowboards to Cochran’s and place them on the lower rack the day your child has Snow Motion. Boots, helmets, etc can be brought to school.
- Cancellation Policy: We will do our best to cancel 24 hours prior to going to Cochran’s. A notice will be posted on the school website and email will be sent when canceling due to weather.
Thank you to the amazing folks at Cochran's Ski Mountain for supporting this amazing program, and to our very own Mr. G, who helps to organize and orchestrate this life-long learning opportunity for not only the students at RES, but for all elementary students throughout the district.
Community Events and Opportunities
Upcoming Events
- 1/8: Early Release, 12:30 dismissal
- 1/20: No School
- The weeks from 1/21 - 2/21: Snow Motion
- November -
RES News
RES is Grateful!
Mrs. Girouard's 3rd grade class invited everyone to learn more about gratitude and what it means, and to reflect on the things we are grateful for during our November All School Morning Meeting. As a component of the celebration, students throughout the whole building were invited to contribute to our "gratitude tree" in the lobby display case. As a school community we have so much to be grateful for!!!
Community Harvest Lunch
Big shout out to Chef Danielle, Taylor Williams, John Remy, and our Director of School Nutrition Karyl Kent for putting together such a delicious meal!!!
Circus Night Success
Well, to say the circus night was a hit would be an understatement! So much talent, so many smiles, and we were certainly able to see the full capacity of what our little RES gym can handle in terms of maximum occupancy. Thank you to Mr. G for fostering a love for movement and physical activity and for organizing this amazing event. Additionally, thank you to Rob Crites for bringing his circus expertise to the RES community, and inspiring young performers throughout the building.
Classroom Celebrations
Mrs. Ayers 3rd grade class has been working hard, and as a group they have earned a celebration! As I was walking by they invited me in, and below are some of the pictures of what I saw. They had turned their entire classroom into a fort city!!! I have seen, supported, and been a part of many celebrations at RES, but never have I seen something like this. It was so fun! The students were having a blast reading, connecting, and playing. Celebrating hard work and our successes is an essential component to what we do at RES!
PBIS at RES and at Home
Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) a proactive framework that helps create a positive school environment, and one of the tools that we use at RES to support student Social Emotional Learning. It focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive behavior.
A key aspect of PBIS is celebrating students' successes, no matter how small. These celebrations:
- Boost student morale and self-esteem
- Encourage continued positive behavior
- Create a more enjoyable learning environment
- Strengthen the school community
We regularly acknowledge students' efforts through verbal praise, and through celebrations in both the classroom and school-wide.
PBIS at Home
You can reinforce PBIS strategies at home. Here are some tips:
- Clearly communicate your expectations
- Praise good behavior specifically and immediately
- Create a reward system for meeting behavioral goals
- Use positive language and redirection instead of punishment
- Establish routines to provide structure
For more information about PBIS and how to implement this tool at home feel free to check out THIS link. If you have any questions about PBIS or how to implement these strategies, please don't hesitate to reach out.
What's Next at RES
Used Book Sale
Each year, the students of RES have enjoyed our RES Used Book Sale during the second week of December! Families throughout our community, at all grade levels, have been invited to look through their book collections at home and donate gently used children’s books to the sale. Then, RES kids brought their coins to our sale and purchased books, new to them, for a quarter. Money raised at this sale has always been given to a cause (or causes) that support the children and families in our Richmond Community. This year kids will once again be able to buy books to enjoy! Kids will be celebrating a love of reading! We’re very excited to have our sale once again!
Here's how it all works:
First, we will be taking donations of gently used books from the homes of our families this year. If you are interested in making book donations, please use the time in the weeks ahead to clean out any gently used children’s books from your kids’ collections and send them to RES starting Wednesday, November 13th. You can leave your bags and boxes of books on the front porch and we’ll bring them inside to store and sort. Please clearly label your donations “RES Used Book Sale”.
Our Used Book Sale will be on Thursday, December 12th. Kids can bring their quarters to school, and for each quarter, they can choose a book! We’ll send home reminders as the sale gets closer. This is always a very exciting time at RES and there’s lots of “shopping” smiles and fun!
We thank you in advance for your support with this exciting project. Together with you, we continue to build love and enthusiasm for reading in our community’s children. This program is another chance for us to get our kids pumped up to read, read, read!
Please contact Emily Wood with any questions you may have about this sale, and THANK YOU! You can reach out at emily.wood@mmuusd.org.
Upcoming Events
- 12/11: Early Release
- 12/12: Used Book Sale
- 12/23 - 1/1: Winter Recess - No School
- October -
RES News
Kindergarten Fun!
Kindergarteners went on a field trip to ECHO! Students got to explore the world of Mo Willems who is the author and illustrator of the Pigeon and Elephant and Piggie books! Kindergarteners also explored science concepts related to engineering, force, and motion, and learned more about Lake Champlain! Thank you to the donors who generously paid for our field trip, we had a fabulous time!
It happened again! Kindergarten made gingerbread cookies and they ran away, just like in the books we read. We searched everywhere, cafeteria, classrooms, library, and outside. What a relief when Mr. Rector captured our cookies and returned them to the Kindergarten Kiddos. The cookies were delicious! Thank you, Chef Danielle, for making the dough and cooking the cookies.
RES goes to The Flynn!!
The Flynn Student Matinee Series is back up and running and this year all RES classes will see a show at this historic Burlington landmark! This program brings performances to Vermont that reinforce curricula by introducing students to new worlds and experiences through the arts. The 3/4 Spanish Immersion classes enjoyed the fabulous performance of Ballet Hispanico in early October.
Community Meal - Harvest Celebration
Title 1 Informational Meeting
As an identified Title I school, Richmond Elementary School will host a family/parent informational session on Thursday, November 21st, from 4:30 to 5:30 located in the RES Library. Additionally, a virtual option using Google Meet will be available at this LINK. This presentation is open to any parents/caregivers of children at Richmond Elementary School. Topics to be discussed include: the purpose of Title Ia funding , what it means for a school to be designated as a Title I school, and an overview of parents rights as it pertains to having a student attend a Title I school.
The Book Fair is Coming!
RES Circus Night
Rob Crites from Circus Smirkus will be performing along with RES students that attend Mr. G's Circus Club on Friday, November 8th, from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. This event is free to all families. There will be free pizza, cider, and other snacks. Mr. G will send out additional info to all families next week.
Picture Re-Take Day
Picture Retake Day will be October 28th beginning at the start of the day!
Belonging Survey
All MMUUSD students in grades 3-12 will be provided an online survey at some point in the next few weeks related to their sense of belonging in school. This brief (four question) online survey aims to collect data on student sense of belonging to inform our efforts to better support student well being. If you would like your student to opt out or if you have any questions, please connect with either Principal Rector or your classroom teacher to let them know.
PickUp Patrol:
Remember - PickUp Patrol is not only for changes in dismissal plans. You can also use it to report absences, late arrivals, and leave & returns for appointments. Please be sure to use it for all of those things…you no longer need to call or email us.
Emergency Notification System - Test
As the winter season approaches, we will be testing our emergency notification system. The date of the test will be Tuesday, October 29th, at 6:00PM. This test will be for all staff and families. A phone message, text message, and an email will be sent. Please note - you will need to opt in to texts by sending a text message of Yes to 67587.
Families - to update emergency notification, families will need to login to the Powerschool Parent Portal and fill out the "Schoolmessenger" form.
We use this system to let our school community know of urgent information such as school closures, delays or emergencies. More details about this system are available on our website. If you do not wish to be in the system, or do not receive an expected phone call, text message or email on Tuesday evening, please let Wendy Garrapy know at data@mmuusd.org.
From the PTO
Student Directory
The RES PTO publishes a student directory each new school year. Students are listed by classroom, making this booklet a great resource for playdates, carpooling and other activities when you need to know who your student's classmates are.
In order to be included in the directory, we need your permission. By providing your information HERE you agree to be included in the 2024-25 RES Student Directory.
* LAST CALL* Please respond by Sunday, October 27th, 2024 for inclusion*
Please email Jennifer Snow at jenshawsnow@gmail.com with questions about this directory.
Interested in joining or helping the PTO?
if you’re interested in joining, or if you would like to be on the "helper" list, please email res.pto@mmuusd.org!
News From the Health Office
This time of year, it is common to see an increase in illnesses and cases of head lice. Please make sure to follow our district illness guidelines and check your child's head periodically for head lice. It is helpful to let me know if you find any head lice.
Community Events and Opportunities
Spanish at the library:
Green Mountain Academy:
Upcoming Events
- 10/28: Picture Retake Day
- 10/28 - 11/1: Book Fair
- 11/5: No School
- 11/6: Early Release: Students will be dismissed 2 hours early
- 11/8: RES Circus Night: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- 11/21: Title 1 Informational: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
- 11/25 - 11/29: No School
- September -
September has proven to be a beautiful month, with ideal weather for the variety of sporting events, outdoor adventures, our Flynn circus event, and our RES Open House! It has been a great start to our 2024/2025 school year, and amazing to see so many of you these first few weeks. Take care, and please feel comfortable reaching out if you need anything, especially these first few weeks.
Mr. Rector
Ms. DesRoches 4th Grade Class and their Magical Yet's!
We are spotlighting Ms. DesRoches' 4th grade class this month and their amazing self portraits and their Magical Yet's! The class read "The Magical Yet", which is a story about a child who falls off their bike and vows to never ride again, but then encounters a magical companion called the Yet. The Yet reminds the child of their past accomplishments and encourages them to persevere. You got this!
Picture Day!
Our student picture day is Monday, September 23rd, with a make-up day and follow up on Tuesday, September 24th.
- You may order in person with the printed form provided by your classroom teachers, also found HERE.
- For credit card purchases, you may preorder at orders.donwhipplephotography.com
Fall Family Conference Window: October 7th - 25th
Our fall family/teacher conference window this year is from October 7th - 25th. Staff will be reaching out offering times they are available, and we will , pleado our best to accommodate parents/caregivers’ schedules.
Student Directory
The RES PTO publishes a student directory each new school year. Students are listed by classroom, making this booklet a great resource for playdates, carpooling and other activities when you need to know who your student's classmates are.
In order to be included in the directory, we need your permission. By providing your information HERE you agree to be included in the 2024-25 RES Student Directory.
* Please respond by September 29th, 2024 for inclusion*
Please email Jennifer Snow at jenshawsnow@gmail.com with questions about this directory.
If you're interested in learning more about the RES PTO, please contact res.pto@mmuusd.org
Handbook Update: Cell Phone Guidelines
I am so appreciative that cell phones and smart technology have not been an issue in the RES classrooms! To help ensure learning environments that are free from distraction, the guidelines outlined below are being adopted by Richmond Elementary School in conjunction with all other elementary school buildings within our district. The language has been added to our 24-25 Family Handbook.
To help ensure that all students can focus on their learning and have a productive day, we have the following cell phone guidelines:
Phones in Backpacks: All cell phones should be turned off and kept in students' backpacks throughout the school day.
Contacting Home: If a student needs to make a phone call, they should ask a teacher or another adult. The call can be made from the office.
If a student takes out a cell phone without permission, we will ask that they return it to their backpack. If it continues to be a distraction, staff will collect the phone for the remainder of the day. Families will be notified if this occurs. For repeated instances, a family member will need to pick up the phone at the end of the school day.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a focused learning environment for all students.
Community Events and Opportunities
Come join us Saturday, October 5th, between 10:00 and 2:00 for our annual Big Truck Day event! With crafts, snacks, art and more there is something for everyone. $5 per person suggested, and feel free to scan the QR code above to volunteer for the event. We hope to see you there!
Openings in ReTribe's Fall Forest School & Afterschool in Underhill/Richmond
Would a child in your life enjoy spending time each week exploring, practicing outdoor crafts and skills, making music, and playing joyfully while immersed in nature with a community of friends and mentors?
ReTribe is accepting new students ages 6-13 for their Forest School and Wild Woods Afterschool programs. Forest School meets Wednesdays and Thursdays in Underhill and Fridays in Richmond from 9am-3pm. Afterschool meets Mondays and Thursdays 3-5:30pm in Underhill.
To learn more visit www.retribe.org/the-forest-school.
Upcoming Events
- 9/23: PK-4 Picture Day
- 9/24: PK and Makeup Picture Day
- 10/5: Big Truck Day: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
- 10/7 - 10/25: Family/Teacher Conference Window
- 10/9: Early Release: Students will be dismissed two hours early
- 10/10: Optional Parent Teacher Conference Day - NO SCHOOL For Students
- 10/11: NO SCHOOL
- 10/15: MMU Lasagna Dinner: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
- August -
Welcome, we can't wait to see you!!
Greetings RES Students, Families, and Caregivers, welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
I hope you all have enjoyed a restful and healthy summer. On behalf of all of the educators at Richmond Elementary School, we are thrilled to welcome young learners back to campus for a school year full of learning, community, joy, and celebration!
For those who don't know me, here is a little bit about myself: I live in Underhill with my wife, three kids, and our dog, Nollie. This will be my fifth year serving as Principal of Richmond Elementary School, and I feel graced working in this building and with this community every day. I am a native Vermonter, and I have lived in the area most of my life. I love the outdoors, and I can often be found with my family mountain biking, camping, snowboarding, or at one of the kids' sporting events.
Family collaboration is an essential component to student success at Richmond Elementary School, and we appreciate all the ways you contribute to the RES learning environment! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Principal Jeremy Rector, with any questions and/or concerns. For urgent matters, the best method to do so is by calling the Main Office at 802-434-2461.
Enjoy these next few days, we are excited to see you soon.
Jeremy Rector (he/him)
Richmond Elementary School
School Day Info
- The student day at RES starts at 7:50 a.m.
- Students will be welcomed into their classrooms beginning at 7:30 a.m.
- To support families who need to drop off their students before the classrooms open, the library will be open for early arrivals between 7:15 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. This will be staffed by two support staff, and is intended to be a safety net for those who simply have to arrive before 7:30. Unfortunately, this early arrival time is not an option for our PreK students at this time, as we will not be in ratio to support PreK students within this time range.
- To support the flow of traffic and the arrival of all students, please use the loop in front of the building for a quick drop off, and a quick hug or kiss goodbye. You can exit the vehicle if you would like to watch your student enter the building, but please don't use the loop if you would like to come in.
- If you are planning on entering the building, please park in the spots facing the highway. This is a space where you can comfortably leave your vehicle and not feel rushed. Thank you!
A reminder that school starts promptly at 7:50am. If you are dropping your student off, please be sure to leave enough time for traffic etc. to get here. If your student rides the bus and it arrives after 7:50am they will not be marked tardy.
- Preschool will dismiss at 2:20, Kindergarten will dismiss at 2:30, and 1st - 4th grade will dismiss at 2:37.
- For parent pickup, either find a parking space along the bank facing the highway (to the right as you enter the campus) and walk to the front of the building to wait, or pull into the loop in front of the building to find a parking space
- .If you intend to stay and let your student play or connect with friends after dismissal, please do not park within the loop in front of the building. Please reserve the parking spaces in the loop for those who intend to pick up their student and go.
- Please do not arrive prior to 5 minutes before your student's dismissal time, this will help reduce traffic congestion.
- PK families will continue to pick their children up directly from their classroom teachers.
- K-4 families: once you park, you will need to walk up to the front of the building, and line up to sign out your student. Please print your name on the sign out sheet next to your students name, and then your student will be released into your care. Once you receive your student, please leave the front area to reduce congestion.
- We ask that changes to your child’s normal routine be made directly into Pickup Patrol (see below) no later than 1:30 in the day in order to minimize disruptions to classrooms.
- Buses will be fully loaded by 2:50 p.m. and drop off times will vary depending on location.
Please be mindful of others, and we greatly appreciate your patience and support!
Dismissal Plans: Pickup Patrol
Great News! Richmond Elementary has partnered with PickUp Patrol to help better manage our dismissal process (en español/em português). You should have received an email to either create an account or sign up and enter dismissal plans.
PickUp Patrol provides a layer of safety to our dismissal process by authorizing plan changes and automatically tracking dismissal plans. The application reduces interruptions, speeds up dismissal time, and is administered by our own staff.
Use the PickUp Patrol app for:
ATTENDANCE: Notify the school office when your child will be absent, arriving late or leaving early.
DISMISSAL CHANGES: Submit changes to your child’s regular dismissal plans.
For example:
Your child normally rides the bus, but is getting picked up today.
Your child is staying after for an activity.
How it works:
Your child's regular dismissal plan is entered into the system. This is called their Default Plan. Whenever you have a change to the Default Plan, you’ll submit it through the PickUp Patrol app. When the change is submitted, the school will be notified and your child’s teacher will relay the change to them.
ALL plan changes should now be submitted through PickUp Patrol. When making changes, please do not send notes, emails, or call the office, except in an emergency.
Meet Our New Staff!
Jennifer Corrigan - Music Teacher
Charlotte Murphy - Art Teacher
Emma Hayday - 3/4 Spanish Immersion Teacher
Jen Donovan - 3/4 Spanish Immersion Teacher
Criss Gahona - 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion Teacher
Fernanda Rojas - Kindergarten Spanish Immersion Teacher
Aaron Cornell - Student Life Coordinator
Williams Kouadio - Behavior Interventionist
Sara Brooks - Early Childhood Special Educator
Rose Scott - Early Childhood Special Educator
Allison Sorrell - Part Time SLP
Staff with new roles within the building!
Jenn Dumas - 4th Grade Classroom Teacher
Molly Kinney - 2nd Grade Classroom Teacher
Jacqui Robinson - 1st Grade Classroom Teacher
Marisse Babineau - Special Educator
Margo Mather - Spanish Immersion K Classroom Assistant
Freddy Lacourse - Behavior Interventionist
Health Office Update
Welcome back RES families!
Reminder that if you have a child that will or may need to take prescription medication during the school day, please make sure to have your child’s doctor complete the prescription medication form. This can be dropped off to the health office along with the medication.
Also, if your child has a current asthma diagnosis, please obtain an Asthma Action Plan from your child’s doctor as well.
Thank you,
Nurse Hadley
Important Update to Note Within the RES Family Handbook
Due to various food allergies in all elementary buildings, please do not send in special food treats for birthdays, holidays, or events to share with peers. Students can bring in their own special treat, but nothing to share. Thank you for your understanding. For additional information around our District-wide Food Allergy Safe protocols click the link below.
Community Connections
RES Open House: Coming in September!
Richmond Elementary School is excited to welcome families to our 24-25 school year open house this September!
K, 2, 4: Wednesday, September 18th, from 5:00 - 6:00 with a community dinner available from 5:30 - 7:00
PK,1,3,3/4 SI: Thursday, September 19th, from 5:00 - 6:00 with a community dinner available from 5:30 - 7:00
Come visit the multi-use track!
It is still summer!
Before the weather changes, consider coming up to RES to use the multi-use track. It is located around the field behind RES and CHMS, and it's perfect for bike riding, walking, or running.
Flynn Presents Playing Fields
MMUUSD Celebration!
RES Community Volunteers
If you would like to help out and volunteer any amount of time here at RES we would be excited for you to join us! All volunteers need to complete THIS volunteer form before supporting classrooms, field trips, or other school events. The process can take a few weeks to be completed, so submit the form early (even if you are not planning on volunteering until later in the school year).
Classroom teachers
Classroom teachers will be sending you class or grade-level newsletters and/or blogs to update you of the goings-on from within your specific student's class. We encourage you to always feel comfortable reaching out to your classroom teachers for specific information about your child's your classroom experience. Additionally, you can find each individual class link on page 5 of our Family Handbook.
This RES Community Updates page
This page will highlight what is going on throughout the building monthly, and give a general overview of what is to come with regards to whole building events.
Best Ways to Stay Updated on the Day-to-Day RES News and Happenings
For immediate information around calendar updates and news, subscribe to our News and Calendar on our Website!
To sign up:
- Go to RES Website
- Click on the FAMILIES tab near the top, then Subscribe to News and Calendar
- Follow prompts from there
- Follow us on Facebook - the link can also be found at the top of our RES webpage
Food Services
We have upgraded our lunch system software to include dietary information* on our school lunch menus. This upgrade brings a new online portal for payment processing. You will need to register in this new portal.
After completing the registration process, you can easily add students to your account by filling out the add student dropdown menu on the dashboard's right-hand side. This portal will also allow you to see your student's purchase/lunch history.
- Under Vermont’s Universal School Meals Law, all public school students eat breakfast and lunch for free at school. Families are no longer required to complete any paperwork to receive free meals at school, but to continue this program, we need your assistance. Please take a few minutes to fill out the meal application form for your household. Click HERE to support the Universal Meals program.
- HERE is a direct link to the RES Food Service Menu, which can also be found from the main RES Website
Transportation Updates
Below are the links to the 2024-2025 transportation information. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Preschool, Kindergarten, New Student Bus Orientation
Based on recent parent request, I have been able to coordinate with the transportation department to offer a Bus Orientation event for PreK, Kindergarten, and new students on Friday, 8/23, at 9:00am. This is for anyone who is interested!
24-25 School Calendar!
Click on the image below to download or print and post on your fridge :-)
Upcoming events:
- 8/26: First K-4 Student day
- 8/29 or 8/30: First day of preschool (depending on cohort)
- 9/2: No school - Labor Day
- 9/11: Early Release (Dismissal begins at 12:35 pm)
- 9/11: Flynn Playing the Fields Community Event
- 9/17: K,2,4 Open House from 5:00 - 6:00, with a community dinner from 5:30 - 7:00
- 9/19: PK,1,3,3/4 SI Open House from 5:00 - 6:00, with a community dinner from 5:30 - 7:00
- 9/23: PK-4 Picture Day
- 9/24: PK and Makeup Picture Day