Texas School Nurses Organization
March 2020
Mission Statement & Vision Statement
To enhance whole student wellness in support of health and learning by advancing school nursing practice.
Student access to health and learning. All day. Every day.
This newsletter takes NASN’s Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice approach.
President's Message
Happy March,
February ended with a bang! So much happening in such a short month! People are so afraid of the Corona Virus and wanting a vaccine for it but you have to wonder did these same people get a flu vaccine this year? We have had 4800 deaths in the United States so far with over 87,000 people who have been diagnosed with the flu. But flu vaccination rates are less than 50%. As the health expert on your campus it is your job to make sure that your students and staff know what they need to do to protect themselves and others. Provide them with the resources they need and stay up to date with the latest information from DSHS and the CDC. NASN has developed a talking point sheet for you to use. TEA and DSHS are currently working on a FAQ fact sheet that they hope to roll out next week. We will try to keep you all updated through social media.
Three months left until summer break. We only have 3 months left to make an impact for this school year. As a nurse it always ‘scares’ me when the end of the year is near. Have I done everything I needed to do? Have I screened everyone that needs to be screened? Have I done all the follow-ups that I needed to? Have I left anything undone? Have I missed something on a student that I should have seen? My goal this year is to start looking at these earlier so I don’t panic in May.
As Spring Break approaches I hope you all are taking time for your selves everyday and not depending on that one week to rev you back up. Taking care of others starts with taking care of you first. As nurses, we are the worst about doing this, myself included. I challenge you to take the time each day to take the time to find something that makes you smile or that you find just absolutely beautiful. Don’t you just love it when you are driving and look up and see a beautiful sunrise or turn the corner and see a flower in bloom. Take the time to enjoy what is right in front of you. Your day is always better if you start it with a smile.
Stay healthy,
Save the Date!
March NASN Highlighted News
Hello Members! At the January NASN Board of Director’s meeting the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan was approved after many months of strategic committee team meetings, discussions, and future thinking. This Strategic Plan will propel the organization forward in innovation and transformational excellence in optimizing school health, and learning and advancing school nursing practice. Take a moment to review and share at your regional meetings. I would love to hear what activities you are doing in your region addressing these goals.
There are several new position statement documents that were recently approved and posted on the NASN website: Individualized Healthcare Plans to Support School Health Services, School Health Services Team: Supporting Student Outcomes, and Immunizations. In the official position of the organization, you may use and share these with fellow colleagues, administrators, community leaders, and law makers. Please click here to review them, and all the other evidence-based position statements.
NASN is still asking school nurses to identify the school(s) they serve: This will help NASN identify staffing gaps and help in advocacy and development efforts across the nation. Claim Your School today!
NASN has launched the “President’s Endowment Challenge: Double Down for Data” which captures the “year of the 2.” In 2020, NASN will celebrate the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale, while NASN President, Laurie Combe, is serving a 2 year-term. Please consider doubling your donation today to support school nurse data collection, analysis and research. NASN has approximately 17,000 members: If every member simply donated an extra $2, the fund would grow by a substantial $34,000!
Devoted to your service,
Francis Luna, MSN, RN, NCSN
NASN TX Director
National Certification
To learn more visit https://www.nbcsn.org/
20 in 2020!!
Nominations are Open and Due by March 31st!!
We need some nominations from TEXAS!!!!
Do you know an exceptional certified school nurse?
We need your help! Each year the National Board of Certification of School Nurses (NBCSN) honors a nationally certified school nurse (NCSN) of the Year who has promoted certification as well as worked to enhance general school nursing practice. The NCSN of the Year is selected from of a pool of nominees who have been nominated by their peers. The award is presented at the NASN Annual Conference, this year in Las Vegas. The criteria for the award are:
· Nominated by a peer by March 31th, 2020;
· Demonstrates achievements at the national, state or local level that (1) enhances the competence of school nurses or (2) effectively promotes national school nurse certification;
· Is an active NCSN in good standing; and
· Is employed in school health (can be a school level nurse, an administrator, instructor or other related employment).
And while the NCSN of the Year must be an NCSN, the nominator does not! An NCSN can be nominated by non-NCSN school nurse, a co-worker, a nursing supervisor or principal. If you know a Nationally Certified School Nurse who you think should be considered for the award, use this link to Nominate an NCSN now.!
The Center for Tobacco Products has created social media content for March health observances. Please reference the attached document containing English and Spanish social media content that you can use on your social media channels to share tobacco-related public health messages for these health observances.
The Whole World Should Know: Cheryl Rhodes, BSN, RN- Bee Cave Middle School
I’d like to nominate one of my nurses for the world to know!
Cheryl Rhodes, RN, is a middle school nurse who is creating a program for students who are in ISS for vaping. She recognized that vaping is a health issue more than it is a discipline issue, and she’s having students use their time in ISS to learn about personal health risks and the science of addiction as it relates to adolescent brain development. Students pair this info with a face-to-face conversation with her so she can answer questions, assess the student’s motivation to quit, and provide resources or make referrals as appropriate.
Her self-initiated project shows her dedication to providing education and support that keeps our students healthy, safe, and ready to learn!
Cheryl is nominated by Becca Harkleroad, RN, NCSN
Do you know an amazing school nurse? Do you think the whole world should know? Tell their story here in an upcoming newsletter!
Voting Opens March 15th!
Meet Lisa Sicilio- Candidate for Vice President of NASN
Statement of View:
One of my goals is to encourage all school nurses to lead with purpose, educate with passion and nurture potential for those in our care. I love the description within NASN’s definition of school nursing that says, “School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders that bridge health care and education”. Every nurse, each of us, is born to leadership. It is my hope that school nurses embrace ownership of their leadership role. John C. Maxwell said that “Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing another”. I am committed to the vision of our organization and to encouraging others to set and reach goals that help them and the organization. As your NASN Vice President, it would be an honor to collaborate with school nurse leaders from across the nation, celebrate excellence in school nursing practice, and have a positive influence on others’ journeys along their leadership pathway.
Take A Look At All Candidates In The Link Below!
Thursday, June 25th, 2020
Click here to register for June 25 On-Site
Click here to register for June 25 Webcast
Friday, July 17th, 2020
Click here to register for July 17 On-Site
More Webinar Opportunities!
Upcoming Webinars
School Meals: Support Students Health and Learning
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | 3:00 PM CT
Celebrate National School Breakfast Week and National Nutrition Month by learning more about the impact of school meals and access to healthy foods have on student health and learning. Register Here
Lettuce Grow: Enhancing School Nutrition with AFHK & CATCH
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 | 2:00 PM CT
Looking to boost your school’s nutrition education and promotion efforts? Join us and
learn ways your school can enhance nutrition efforts throughout your school, including
special celebration ideas for National Nutrition Month. AFHK’s partner, CATCH Global
Foundation, will also share their health education resources to coordinate your efforts
and support kids in making healthy choices. Register here
Healthy Food at School: Social and Emotional Learning Opportunities
Thursday, March 12, 2020 | 3 PM CT
Learn how access to healthy food through meal programs and improving nutrition education opportunities support the whole child. Register here
Parents and School Nutrition: How to Engage Support
Wednesday March 18, 2020 | 3PM CT
Learn how parents and school nutrition departments and nutrition efforts can work together. Debunk myths around parent perceptions of school meals and learn strategies for increasing engagement. Register Here
Why PE and Classroom Teachers Should Participate in Active Schools Summer Training Camp for PE and Classroom Teachers in July 2020
Thursday, March 19, 2020 | 3 PM CT
Learn about why and how you can participate in this first Active Schools Summer Training Camp. It’s maximum professional development at minimum cost. Over the course of a week, there will be about 100 training sessions to pick from, ranging from 1 hour to all day, so that you can match up your school’s greatest needs and opportunities with what 25 partner organizations have to share about creating an active school environment. Costs are kept low because the partners are providing training at no cost, camp is being held at the University of Northern Colorado, and teachers will be able to apply for partial scholarships. Want the details?! Join the webinar to hear it all. Register here
(TX- SPECIFIC) What Makes a Model School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)?
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 | 11:30 AM CT
What are the key elements that make a SHAC effective? Find out from two of our successful, award winning SHAC! How do they keep parents informed and engaged? What are the topics they spend the most time on? Bring your questions! Register Here
(TX-SPECIFIC) Summer Meals Promotion, Best Practice and Success Stories
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 | 11:30 AM CT
What is in store for the Summer Meal Program this year? Find out how to locate a site and how to promote the program in your community from Texas Dept. of Agriculture. Also Katie Nye with Texas Hunger Initiative will be sharing best practices and success stories from across the state! Bring your questions! Register Here
Secrets to Successful Summer Meal Programs
Tuesday, May 12 11:30am
What is in store for the Summer Meal Program this year? Find out how to locate a site and
how to promote the program in your community. Also we will be sharing best practices and
success stories from across the state! Register here
The Value of Membership
Could you refer just one friend to join TSNO/NASN if you shared this little tidbit?
This is just one example of how membership pays for itself! Stay tuned for more examples!
The School Nurse & Coronavirus
Many parts of the world are experiencing an expanding outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This virus can spread from person-to-person and the number of detected cases is growing. Currently, the immediate Coronavirus infection risk to the general public in Texas and across the United States is low, but on February 25, 2020 the CDC released a public health update advising Americans to prepare for potential social consequences related to an expected increase in Coronavirus infections in the U.S. (Jernigan, 2020).
Because school nurses provide health care for large and diverse populations of students, educators and support staff in a community setting, the heightened risk for Coronavirus infection falls into the wheel house of school nursing—direct care, access to care, disease prevention, population-based health care, health education, risk reduction and surveillance.
During this time of heightened awareness of the expanding Coronavirus outbreak, the expert school nurse must be committed to:
· staying informed and up to date on the evolving information about Coronavirus,
· assuming campus and district leadership roles in disease prevention, identification and mitigation.
· providing vigilant population surveillance,
· teaching infection control across populations of students, staff, and parents,
· serving as a trusted resource for accurate information, and
· communicating collaboratively with stakeholders and other professionals.
The well-prepared school nurse will be able to answer the following questions:
· What is the Coronavirus?
· What is the incubation period?
· What are the symptoms?
· How is the virus spread?
· Who should seek medical evaluation?
· What will your school do if a student, staff member or volunteer is at known risk of Coronavirus?
· What will you do when a student, staff member or volunteer is diagnosed with Coronavirus?
· What can you do to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus in your school?
· What are the best practice school cleaning procedures?
· Where will you turn for accurate information?
Resources for the School Nurse
CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/
DSHS https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/
Includes an editable parent communication template in English and Spanish
WORLD METERS https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
Jernigan, D.B. Update: Public Health Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak—United States, February 24,, 2020, MMWR Morbity Mortality Wkly Rep. ePub 25 Feb 2020 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6908e1.htm?s_cid=mm6908e1_w
Useful Updates on SB 11 from Denise Kablaitis, TSNO Member Services Chair
This year with the passing of SB 11, there were A LOT of new safety measures implemented. Due to all these changes, there is also a new EOP (Emergency Operations Plan) that is to be used starting with the 20-21 SY. The plan was just approved by the Texas School Safety Center in mid January and released to the public. Within this plan there are Annexes to be completed (Technology, PIO, Facilities etc).
District level nurses should also have received the Health and Medical Annex as part of the new original EOP. With the COVID-19 issues of late, the School Safety Center just released another medical annex which is this new Infectious Disease Annex. Both of these Annexes are part of the EOP. District level nurses should also reach out to their district safety person to make sure they are included in this process or if they have any questions.
While you may have separate pandemic preparedness form, these annexes are still required to be part of the EOP.
Did you know...
TSNO Executive Committee
PRESIDENT Lisa Formby - Region 16
PRESIDENT-ELECT Karen Schwind - Region 13
TREASURER Luisa Herrera- Region 19
Secretary Sarah Alexander - Region 15
NASN DIRECTOR Francis Luna - Region X
ADVOCACY CHAIR Becca Harkleroad- Region 13
SCHOOL HEALTH ISSUES Amber Cichockia- Region X
MEMBER SERVICES Denise Kablaitis - Region 13
Membership Coordinator Linda Howard - Region 8
REGION PRESIDENTS Coordinator Deana Bunting - Region 5 deanabunting.tsno@gmail.com
Communications Coordinator Brandy Bowlen - Region IV bbowlen1@kleinisd.net
EXHIBIT LIAISON Amy Huey - Region X ahuey.tsno@gmail.com
Email: bbowlen1@kleinisd.net
Website: txsno.org
Location: Richardson, Tex, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Texas.School.Nurses.Organization
Twitter: @TxSchlNurses