Spruce Elementary Newsletter
January 31, 2024
There is NO SUPERVISION before 8:10am.
Please ensure students arrive no earlier than 8:10am
Breakfast in Cafeteria
Starts at 7:50am. Please drop off students accordingly to the time it begins. Students are to eat breakfast if they are attending Breakfast.
Office Hours
Office is closed every day for 15 minutes to assist with dismissal
Phones will not be answered during dismissal
From Ms. Garduno
🔸 December came and went with lots of fun! We had our Winter Performance which we hope you all enjoyed. Took a lot for our teachers to help our students prepare! Thank you Teachers! We had our Winter Festival sponsored by PTA and it was great to see so many of you supporting and participating in activities. We had some delicious food and wonderful volunteers! We also said goodbye to our long time staff member Ms. Ortiz as she begins her retirement!
🔸 We came back and have quickly settled into learning and continuing where we left off in December. We administered our districtwide Reading Assessment DIBELS. We complete this reading assessment 3 times a year to help guide where each student is at in their reading and plan supports accordingly with teachers and Reading Specialists.
🔸 3rd and 5th grade are continuing with the Math Curriculum pilot and are learning a lot in the process. Our teachers will be part of a voting process for this curriculum as a result of their piloting.
🔸 This school year we observed Lunar New Year! We will be having a special Lion Dance performance for our students in February.
🔸 Kindergarten Registration and TK Lottery Application for 25-26 school year has begun. See below for information.
🔸Continuing students Annual Enrollment will begin in April
🔸5th grade went to Outdoor Education and Mr. Malunay and Mr. Summers class went to the Exploratorium.
🔸We celebrated 100 days of school this school year!
Special Events Policy
Spruce has a no food policy for celebrations (holidays, birthdays)
Check in with your teacher for Valentines information
Food Policy (Including Valentines)
NO CANDY and NO FOOD may be brought to the classroom
See your teacher for possible donations for classroom art projects
Other options for celebration: Stickers, Pencils, bubbles, crayons, mini coloring books, etc. to be distributed.
No Celebration
If your family does not celebrate holidays, please inform your classroom teacher.
New Kindergarten Registration/TK Lottery Applications
New student registration begins January 21, 2025 for the 2025-26 school year
for students entering grades K-12
Students currently in Pre-school or Transitional Kindergarten will need to register as new students
Students born between September 2, 2020 and September 1, 2021 - get your lottery application in by February 28, 2025
What is Transitional Kindergarten? Click HERE
All Continuing Students:
including those promoted to middle school and high school
Annual Enrollment Update begins in April
Currently enrolled students promoted to middle school or high school should complete Annual Enrollment Update, students do not need to re-register for their new school.
It's that time of year continued...we are all getting sick and the flu, cold, stomach bug, etc. is traveling amongst us!
What do adults need to know?
Report Absence (Call school, email Ms. Cruz scruz@ssfusd.org or Ms. Lopez llopez@ssfusd.org)
- If we do not hear from you by 9am we starting calling home
Have a Fever? Must be fever free without medicine 24 hours before returning to school
Got a mask? Children can still wear a mask to keep from spreading germs while recovering. We adults have been trying as well to keep children healthy!
Tardy Slips...
At 8:20am the Tamarack Gate AND the Spruce walking gate on the lower yard will be closed. All must exit via the main entrance of Spruce Avenue.
Label Children's Items
Please remember to label jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes and lunch bags. Many are forgotten and we can't return them to the appropriate child and they are never claimed. Last donation was 3 full trash bags of items. Let us help you save money!
Highly encourage a reusable water bottle
Spruce Career Day!
Date: March 7, 2025, Time: 12:00-3:00 pm
Format: Tabling style, students will visit tables with prepared questions.
If you or someone you know might be interested, please have them sign up HERE
Please make sure to select Spruce Elementary!
Please be mindful of the snacks students bring to school. I encourage healthy snacks for recess and lunch please.
Second Chance Breakfast is now available for 2nd-5th Graders during Morning Recess Time! This is FREE for all 2nd-5th graders. See Breakfast menu link at the bottom to see offerings.
Red Cards - Know Your Rights
We have these available in our Main Office please feel free to come in and ask for one! We are have some handouts of resources for families.
Dr. Moore stated in her message:
"We affirm that ALL students deserve a safe and inclusive educational environment, regardless of legal status, gender identity, ethnicity, or background. This commitment remains unwavering, regardless of changes in leadership or policy. We are here to protect the rights of our students and families in our community."
Latino Literacy Project
Crossing Guard Area
Please be mindful of the Red Curbs on Spruce and on Lux. The Red Curbs are No Stopping No Parking No Drop Off Zones.
At the crosswalk on Lux and Spruce where our Crossing Guard is, please be sure to stop before crossing and wait for the Crossing Guard to give you the go ahead to cross. I know adults know how to cross the street alone, but we have a Crossing Guard to keep safety for all and I appreciate your cooperation in letting them do their job and not bypassing them. This is also a good example we want to show our children!
Conferences are in March
March 10-14
Rain Rain Rain
Please send students with jackets and umbrellas if possible. For the younger children, I urge you to include an extra pair of socks and pants in their backpack!
If it is raining at dismissal, we will release 1st-3rd grade at the classroom door parents may come on to campus. 4th and 5th will be regular release at the regular places.
ELPAC Testing will begin February
It is that time of year when we will begin ELPAC testing for students who are classified as English Learners.
One on one testing will begin Monday at various grade levels.
Group testing for 3rd-5th will be at the end of February. Will send more information to families closer to group testing.
Noon Duty Supervisor - Spruce Elementary School Opening
If you or someone you know is interested in applying for our vacancy for Noon Duty Supervisor, please direct them to the application below.
This vacancy is at Spruce Elementary School 3.5 hours/day Monday - Friday; 9:50 am to 1:20 pm **Please note the position hours can change **
Grand Library Events 📚
Click HERE for updated events at Grand and Main Library
January Trait was KIND!
Congrats to our student recipients who celebrated yesterday with VIP Table!
February Trait is LEARN
Want to be a registered parent volunteer?
We do plan to have field-trips again this year and in order for parents to volunteer to be chaperones, you must be a fingerprinted cleared volunteer. This process takes time! Please come to the office to pick up an application to start the process.
Want to volunteer if teachers have a need in the classroom? It is the same process. Start today!
🟡 Upcoming Events 🟡
🔹February 14 - Free Dress Friday, wear Valentines colors/accessories!
February 17 - Presidents Day - No School
🔹February 19 - Class Color Day Spirit Day: PreK/TK/Kinder RED, 1st BLUE, 2nd YELLOW,
🔹March 7 - Spruce Career Day for students
🔹Conference Week March 10-14 (Minimum Day Schedule)
🔹Book Fair week of Conferences....we will be looking for parent volunteers!
🔹Spring Break March 31 - April 4