"Knightly" News
Washington Street Elementary - November 22, 2024
Upcoming Events
- 25-29: Thanksgiving Break - No School
- 2-13: Stuff the Stockings
- 2: Cookie Capers
- 5: Holiday Shop
- 6: Grinch Day
- 9: Holiday Shop
- 10: Holiday Shop
- 10: PTO Meeting, WSE Conference Room - 3 pm
- 13: Reindeer Day
- 19: Holiday Parties
- 20: Polar Express Day
Thanksgiving Break Open Swim Schedule
Dive into some fun over Thanksgiving Break with Open Swim at the Otsego Aquatic Center!
Cookie Capers - Monday, December 2nd
We’re spreading holiday cheer with a sweet tradition on Monday, December 2nd!
You are invited to bring 2-3 dozen homemade cookies to the office by noon. These delicious treats will be assembled onto beautiful platters by our Student Council members and delivered to families through Wings of Hope Hospice.
Volunteers Needed!
The Holiday Shop is just around the corner, and we need your help to make it magical for our students! This is a wonderful opportunity to assist as they pick out gifts for their family and friends.
Stuff the Stockings
From December 2nd–13th, WSE is hosting our annual Stuff the Stockings event!
Student Council members will be collecting personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, hair brushes, etc.) to support Christian Neighbors this holiday season.
Let’s come together to spread kindness and give back to those in need.
Timber Ridge Ski Club
Attention skiers and snowboarders: If your family wants to take advantage of skiing/snowboarding at Timber Ridge Ski Area for a discount this winter, stop by the office and pick up a ski club application, or click below to print a copy. Applications and money are due by November 21.
December Holiday Fun!
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as their classroom's PRIDE winner this week!
P - Positive Attitude
R - Responsible Actions
I - Integrity Within
D - Determination to Succeed
E - Expect Excellence
Kindergarten: EmmyLou Gayheart, Abby Butcher, Braxton Meyer
1st grade: Jerrica Royal, Grayson Raybeck, Amethyst Aukerman
2nd grade: Brianna Scheel, Joey Sposato
3rd grade: Rowan Trolard, Taiten Davis, Landon Andress
4th grade: Zoey Maccune, Layla Rietkerk, Evie Haley
5th grade: Alex Spitzner, Alexis Lautenschleger, Vera Rowe
Counselor's Corner
Stopping Unwanted Behaviors
We all have behaviors that we wish our children would stop. How do we get that to happen? Here is a quick video with an easy and useful technique. Check it out.
CKH - Capturing Kids Hearts
Teaching teamwork at home is a great way to foster collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills in children. Here are some practical ways you can instill teamwork in your kids:
- Encourage Family Projects
- Play Team-Oriented Games
- Model Teamwork Behavior
- Assign Group Roles
- Practice Conflict Resolution
- Volunteer as a Family
- Celebrate Team Successes
- Discuss and Reflect on Teamwork
Girls on the Run
It’s time to start thinking spring! Girls on the Run online registration runs through Nov. 25th!
If you have a daughter in 3rd-5th grade, you want to look into this wonderful opportunity! The girls will be meeting on M/W from 4-5:30 p.m. Girls on the Run is a curriculum-based, after-school character development program designed for 3rd-5th grade girls of ALL fitness levels. The 10-week curriculum attempts to help each girl find and stay true to her REAL self. Groups of 8 to 15 girls meet twice a week with their trained, volunteer coaches to discuss important life lessons while playing fun running games. Girls on the Run emphasizes independent thinking, making healthy choices, healthy group dynamics, and problem-solving. The curriculum stresses peer support and doing your best. The program finishes with the girls running or walking in a non-competitive 5K. The program runs from March 17th to May 20th after school. The registration fee is $170. Scholarships are available on a sliding scale.
Hoopsters & Little Dawg Basketball
Watch D.O.G.S.
Recess Dress Code
Reminder: Students will need all of their winter gear! This includes **snow pants and boots**, especially with snow on the ground and real-feel temperatures expected to drop below 32°F.
Mileage Club
Milk is $.50 if your child brings a cold lunch and wants milk.
Sign Up for Mrs. Knight's Remind ASAP!
Washington Street Elementary Contact Information
Attendance Line: (269)694-7880
WSE BASE: (269)694-7835
Email: jknight@otsegops.org
Website: http://wse.otsegops.org/
Location: 538 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, United States