Madeira Middle School News
September 1, 2024
Where Learning is Personalized and Success is Ensured
Teaching & Learning
Climate & Culture
Communication & Partnership
Sound Operational Management & Financial Stewardship
Principal Update
Madeira Middle School Families,
It has been a great start to the school year! In the first week of school, Mr. Jepson and myself met with each grade level as a whole group to review the "Big Five", which was the five things that we wanted to focus on as a building to start the school year.
1. Begins with ME, Broadens to OTHERS, Recognizes TEAM, Promotes TOGETHERNESS - part of the Culture Playbook that we will focus on this year.
2. See Something, Say Something - when students see something that doesn't seem right, tell a trusted adult
3. Safety and Security - we are a team here at MMS and we work together to keep our building safe and secure
4. Be Present, Be Prepared - arriving to school on time, getting to each class on time and keeping our cell phones and smart watches in our lockers during the school day are all examples of being present and ready to learn.
Some of our student leaders from Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, and Sources of Strength led a school-wide assembly the first week of school to introduce themselves and their group. They kicked off our PBIS system, L.I.G.H.T. (Leadership, Integrity, Generosity, Honesty, and Teamwork). We are very proud of our Student Council officers, NJHS members and Sources of Strength peer mentors and are excited to see them take the lead here at MMS.
To our parents in the drop-off and pick-up line, thank you for reading through our safety reminder and not going around other cars in the semi-circle as students are exiting their vehicles. The line is still moving smoothly with this slight adjustment and students are safer. Please remember as cold weather approaches and possible rain hits, when you enter the drop-off area in the morning, your student needs to exit your vehicle and not wait until 7:45 when the doors unlock. We need to keep that line moving. Similarly, for afternoon pick-up, if your student is taking some time to exit the building, please move all the way forward and into a visitor parking spot if you need to.
If you have not paid your student's school fees, please see directions below. The deadline for purchasing chromebook insurance is September 30, 2024. Students participating in extracurricular activities and athletics, need to have their school fees paid in full or a payment plan set-up through the building. In addition, any student attending the 8th grade Washington DC trip need to have these fees paid as well.
Thank you for your continued support!
Nicole Huelsman
Principal, MMS
Important Dates for the 1st Quarter
1st Quarter - August 14 - October 17
September 4 - 6th Grade Camp Kern Field Trip
September 6 - 7th Grade Vaccination Verification Due
September 12 - MAP Testing Language Arts
September 18 - MAP Testing Math
September 19 - Family Fun Night
September 27 - No School - Teacher In-Service Day
September 30 - Chromebook Insurance Due
October 2 - Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 8 - Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
October 17 - End of 1st Quarter - Early Release
October 18 - Fall Break - No School
School Fees
Each year it is necessary to have student fees to pay for the consumable materials used by your child during the school year. These materials are workbooks, paperback novels, or online resources that the students use or art supplies they use for their projects, which need to be re-ordered for the following year.
It is highly recommended that every student purchase the optional chromebook insurance, which is $25 per year. When accessing EZPay you will need to do the "add-on" to add the insurance. The deadline for purchasing chromebook insurance is September 30, 2024. Total fees with this option selected will be $90 for each student.
If you plan to pay by check, please make the check payable to Madeira Middle School, and include your child’s name. You can also pay the fee using a VISA, MasterCard, or Discover by going to the district website www.madeiracityschools.org click on Quicklinks then on Student Fees and follow the prompts.
If you are unable to pay the fees right away, please contact the office at 513-561-5555 to make arrangements for fee payment.
Purchasing Chromebook Insurance
If you would like to purchase the insurance there are one of two ways this can be done.
1. You can send in a check made to payable to Madeira Middle School for $25.00 which can be add to your students school fee payment. School fees this year are $65 by adding your insurance the total amount due will be $90.
2. You can pay online by following these directions:
Go to the Madeira City School website
Click on “Quick Links”
Click on “Student Fees – EZ Pay”
Enter your information and student number
Once the fee information comes up go to the far right and click on “Activity Fees” (it is in a lighter colored box)
Click on the “Chrome book Insurance” (second option down green box) from there you will be able to add the insurance to your child’s fees.
Join us in the Warrior Run!
Warrior Run--September 28... sign up today!
Please join Madeira Middle School in supporting mental health programs in our community by participating in the Warrior Run, September 28, 2024. Every dollar raised from the Warrior Run supports evidence-based mental health programs in local schools--including MMS specifically. Madeira Middle School has been a part of this event for several years and we are excited to continue our support of 1N5.
Click on the link below to register as part of our Madeira Middle School team. If you are unable to attend this event, but would like to make a donation, you may do so through this link as well.
USE THIS LINK to register for Madeira Middle School's team!
Team Name - Madeira Middle School
Link - https://www.classy.org/team/601630
For more information regarding this event please click here:
Clubs & Activities
Some of our clubs are getting ready to start! There has been information on the morning and afternoon announcements with additional details for the following clubs.
Community Service Club - The Community Service Club will be starting sign ups this week! Students can pick-up forms to sign-up here at MMS. The first meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 19th. For questions, please contact Mrs. Wildfong or Mrs. Foley.
Girls on the Run - 7th grade girls and 6th grade girls - we still have a few spots available on the Girls On The Run team. If you are interested in joining, sign up is online at https://www.gotrcincinnati.org/ For questions, please contact Mrs. Lubert
Art Club - Art Club permission slips are available on the art bulletin board next to the gym. Art club meets once a month in the art room. The first meeting is September 25th. For questions, please contact Mrs. Rossi-Riel.
To report your student absent, please call 513-924-3777 and leave a voicemail with your student's name, grade level, and reason for absence. You can also email alubert@madeiracityschools to notify absences planned in advance.
If you are picking your student up early from school, you can call ahead or send an email and we will have your student ready in the office for you. You will still need to come into the office to sign he/she out. If they are returning before the end of the day, they can come back into the office and sign themselves back in.
Important: Students who are absent from school may not participate in after-school athletics or activities on the same day. In addition, if a student leaves school early or arrives after 10:30am to school, they may not participate in after-school clubs or activities on the same day without a doctor's note (from a scheduled/routine appointment).
Lunch Accounts
Students can purchase a lunch daily for $3.50 (regular) or $4.25 (deluxe). At MMS we do have some extra items that can be purchased that are not covered in this price. You can add money to your student's account by following the steps below (please note this is NOT the same account to pay school fees).
To set-up/access your PaySchools account:
Go to PaySchools Central.
Click Register/Login.
Complete the information on the next few pages.
NOTE: When you get to the "District" questions - scroll down and choose Milford EVSV.
Continue to log in and complete.
Free and Reduced lunch applications will be available on our website August 1, 2024. If your student received Free or Reduced lunches last school year, a new application is required by September 28, 2024.
Additional information on school lunches, menu's, and contact information can also be located on our website by clicking the "Lunch" link.
Yearbooks for Sale
If you are interested in ordering your child a 2024-2025 Madeira Middle School Yearbook the link is below:
Yearbooks are $20. Orders are due February 15. Thanks!
Madeira Middle School PTO
We are excited to have all three of our district PTO's working collaboratively this year. Please take a minute to visit the Madeira PTO website https://madeirapto.com/
If you would like to donate to one or all of the PTO's to show your support, please use the link below:
If you have an interest or would like more information about specific volunteer opportunities for MMS PTO please email mmspto@madeiracityschools.org and click on the Volunteer tab.
Our first PTO meeting will be Tuesday, September 10th at 9:15am.
Sources of Strength
National Junior Honor Society
Student Council
Additional Resources
Madeira Middle School
Email: nhuelsman@madeiracityschools.org
Website: madeiracityschools.org
Location: 6612 Miami Avenue
Phone: 513-561-5555
Twitter: @MadeiraMiddle