Sherwood Elementary

2023 - 2024 CALENDAR & EVENTS
PLEASE NOTE THE LAST 3 DAYS OF SCHOOL (MAY 22nd, 23rd, & 24th) ARE ALL EARLY RELEASE! K-2 @1:15pm (VPK/Headstart 12:45pm)
Click on the following link for information regarding student holidays and school closures:
2023-2024 At A Glance Calendar.pdf (brevardschools.org)
For a more detailed schedule with interim and report card dates, visit:
School events will be posted in our newsletter, school calendar, and/or school website:
May 3rd
Early Dismissal @1:15pm (12:45pm VPK/Headstart)
May 6th-10th
iReady Testing Window, Grades K-2nd
Teacher Appreciation Week
Nurse Appreciation Week
Scholastic Book Fair
May 8th
FSSA (State Science Assessment) Grade 5 ONLY
May 8th
P.T.O. Meeting @3PM
May 9th
Book Fair Parent Night 4:30pm-6:30pm
May 10th
5th Grade Zoo Buddies
Early Dismissal @1:15pm (12:45pm VPK/Headstart)
May 16th
S.A.C. Meeting @3PM
May 17th
Junie B. Jones: The Musical Jr. Performance @6pm
May 20th & 21st
Awards Day (see schedule below)
May 21st
6th Grade Field Day
May 22nd
VPK Promotion Ceremony @ 9am (Clare, Smith, & Rosenfeld)
VPK-1st Grade Field Day
May 23rd
6th Grade Promotion Ceremony @ 9am
2nd-3rd Grade Field Day
May 24th
4th & 5th Grade Field Day
Last Day of School!
Report cards Sent Home/Posted to Focus
May 27th
Memorial Day-ALL schools and offices are CLOSED!
June 28th
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Meeting @ 11am
July 8th
Registration for '24-'25 school year opens!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Ended for the 2023-2024 School Year
Environmental Club
Ended for the 2023-2024 School Year
Writing Club
Ended for the 2023-2024 School Year
Future Problem Solvers
Ended for the 2023-2024 School Year
Destination Mars
Ended for the 2023-2024 School Year
Science Prep (5th Grade ONLY)
4/29/24 - 5/2/24
ELA & Math
Ended for the 2023-2024 School Year
Please have alternative arrangements made for your child should a before/after school club/activity/tutoring be cancelled. A concerted effort will be made to let families know about cancellations in advance, however, clubs/activities may be cancelled the day of, due to unforeseen circumstances.
Help us make decisions for next year! Complete a quick 3 question survey by June 15th to earn house points for the ‘24-’25 school year!
Sherwood's Title I program is evaluated annually on its progress in achieving objectives/goals and its effects on the students being served. Please take a moment to review our End-of Year Evaluation Presentation and give us your feedback!
2023-2024 School Improvement Plan End-of-Year Evaluation Presentation
2023-2024 School Improvement Plan End-of-Year Evaluation Presentation
Survey for 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan End-of-Year Evaluation
Parents YOU can help your child(ren) earn HOUSE POINTS!
Hurry, there's not much time left! The school year is almost over and we want to know how we’re doing! Give us your feedback and earn HOUSE POINTS! Survey closes May 23rd. House winner for the ‘23-’24 school year will be announced May 24th! Who will be this year’s winner?!?
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C2K9K9X
Interim Reports Issued/Posted to Focus
Interim Reports were issued on April 30th. A hard copy was sent home with students. An electronic copy is available through FOCUS as well. Please contact your child’s teacher should you have any questions about your child’s progress or if you need assistance accessing FOCUS.
F.A.S.T. PM3 Results
- The FAST Window has closed and result have been sent home with students.
- You may also access results online via the Parent FOCUS Portal.
- Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to meet to discuss your child’s FAST PM3 results.
- Any parent/legal guardian that needs their child’s FAST PM3 results translated into their native language, please contact the front office.
- For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and help understanding the reports you are receiving, click here.
- If you have any questions and/or concerns, please email lavelle.danielle@brevardschools.org or 321-254-6424.
Your student will participate in the third administration (PM3) of the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Reading and Mathematics assessments from April – May, 2024. The results from PM3 will show how well your student has mastered the grade level Florida's B.E.S.T. Standards. For more information about F.A.S.T. testing and results, please see the link below.
Teacher & Nurse Appreciation Week
Teachers play a critical role in educating and shaping our children into future leaders and successful members of society . These kind, patient, hard-working, dedicated, and understanding professionals help mold our children and guide them in positive directions. We entrust our children with teachers during the school year and they play a pivotal role in their lives daily. This week we celebrate their efforts, lifting them up with simple gestures of gratitude!
The health of a student is inextricably linked to their ability to learn. Unaddressed health care needs make it difficult for children to participate in the learning system. The school nurse helps students succeed by providing healthcare to all students in the school context through examination, treatment, and follow-up. The school nurse helps children with their physical, psychological, emotional, and social health requirements as well as their academic success.
Spring Book Fair
We are excited to announce the Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school May 6th - 10th, in the Media Center! This event is an opportunity for students of all ages to build their home libraries! As always, all purchases benefit our school. The Media Center received approximately $5,000 in Scholastic dollars from our successful Book Fairs last school year. We were able to purchase many new books, STEM manipulatives and other items—all for the students!
PARENT/FAMILY NIGHT will be Thursday October 19th from 4:30pm-6:30pm.
If you would like to shop the Book Fair online, use the following link:
Speak UP Survey
Click HERE to take the survey!
Dear Parents: As part of our ongoing improvement process, the District has reviewed our annual enrollment process. The following changes to are highlighted below.
We have simplified and condensed the amount of information being collected while ensuring that critical information is embedded in one process.
- Pre-populated information on sections that have already been provided to the District
- Eliminated the need of two proofs of residence verification
- Change of timeline from March to July
- Modified language to make it more parent friendly
- Reduced signatures from 11 to ONLY 1!
- Added a ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION form to assist schools with enrollment numbers
At this time, your ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION is required! We ask that you take a few minutes to complete this process by logging on to your FOCUS account.
The Annual Re-enrollment form will be available on July 8, 2024. All enrollment documents may be found under your child’s name in the forms summary section. Should you need any assistance with this process, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Submit Enrollment Verification here:
Access the Focus Parent PortalParent Information Website
Parent Portal Registration Directions
Parent FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide
Parent Re-Enrollment Directions (Spanish)
Parent Re-Enrollment Directions (English)
Middle School Information
Johnson Middle School Registration Information
7th Grade Application Only Class Descriptions
Short descriptions of the "application only" electives for 7th grade.
8th Grade Application Only Class Descriptions
Short descriptions of the "application only" electives for 8th grade.
DeLaura Middle School Registration Information
7th Grade:
Delaura Parent Night: DeLaura Rising 7th Graders Presentation
Tour video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExriycVJKmo
Elective video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye5Lkl6piTg
Kindergarten RoundUp
Miss our Kindergarten Informational Night? Don't fret! You can find the presentation below! Still have questions? Contact the front office: (321) 254-6424
¿Se perdió nuestra noche informativa sobre el jardín de infantes? ¡No te preocupes! ¡Puedes encontrar la presentación a continuación! ¿Aún tienes preguntas? Comuníquese con la oficina principal: (321) 254-6424
Brevard County Kindergarten Registration Information
Información de registro de jardín de infantes del condado de Brevard
Sherwood Kindergarten Orientation Power Point
Fourth Quarter Awards (BY INVITE ONLY)
Monday, May 20th and Tuesday, May 21st we recognize students who have earned A Honor Roll, A/B Honor Roll, Principal Awards, Most Improved, STARS Awards and HOUSE Awards!
ATTENDANCE IS BY INVITE ONLY FOR FAMILIES WITH A CHILD(REN) RECIIEVING AWARD(S). Invitations will be sent home with report cards Wednesday March 20th.
Please remember to sign in at the front office with a valid state issued ID. You MUST sign in to attend the award ceremony.
May 20TH
3rd Grade
8:10am - 8:40am
2nd Grade
8:45am - 9:15am
9:20am - 9:50am
May 21ST
4th Grade
8:10am - 8:40am
1st Grade
8:45am - 9:15am
5th Grade
9:20am - 9:50am
Report Cards Issued/Posted to Focus
Reports Cards will be issued on the last day of school May 24th. A hard copy will be sent home with students and an online copy will be available through FOCUS as well. Please contact your child’s teacher should you have any questions about your child’s progress or if you need assistance accessing FOCUS.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Staff, families, and community members are invited to be a part of Sherwood Elementary's Comprehensive Needs Assessment Team. As a team we review data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges in key areas that affect student achievement. This is process is vital to developing our School Improvement Plan. Let us know if you can join us!
Join our team! Contact caddell.rachel@brevardschools.org
Summer Enrichment Programs
Brevard County Schools will be offering weekly Summer Enrichment Programs throughout the county. Students can register for programs offered at ANY school site, however, transportation is limited. Breakfast will be provided daily, free of charge. Programs run Monday to Thursday each week. Visit the BPS Summer Programs Page for more information!
Want to raise money for your school without having to bake anything, wash anything, or sell anything? Register your Community Credit Union Visa Credit or Debit Card and CCU will make a donation to the school of your choice. Urge your friends to do the same and together we can all make a difference. It doesn’t cost you anything. CCU makes the contribution!
Fill out the simple and secure online form at: www.ccuflorida.org/bucks CCU will give a donation to the school you choose.
Any CCU member age 13 or older who has a valid CCU Visa Credit Card or Debit Card. If you have more than one card, you can register them all.*
*One registration per card. Cards issued to Savings Accounts or Health Savings Accounts are not eligible. Program runs annually from August 1 through July 31 of each year. Registrations expire July 31 of each year. To generate a new donation, submit a new online registration after July 31. Program may be cancelled by CCU and program terms or amount of donation may be changed by CCU without notice. No member or card information will be provided to Brevard Public Schools or any third party.
¹Parent or legal guardian required as joint on account.
²New members receive $25 after 60 days if account has eStatements and has minimum of 10 debit transactions. Parent or legal guardian must be joint on Student Checking and give permission for debit card.
³New members receive $60 after 60 days if account has eStatements and has minimum of 10 debit transactions. ATM transactions do not count towards total of debit transactions. Accounts must be in good standing with NSF activity. Federally Insured by NCUA.
Ways to Get Involved!
Parent Teacher Organization (P.T.O.)
Parent involvement promotes student engagement. Be a part of building our school community! Our PTO hosts multiple family fun events during the school year. We need YOU to help make these events successful. If you are interested in joining the Sherwood PTO or volunteering for an event, complete the printable or electronic form below!
See Our PTO page for more information:
School Advisory Council (S.A.C.)
School Advisory Councils (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school and the community. The group shares responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. The SAC committee meets once a month to discuss school progress. All parents and community members are WELCOME. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMEBER TO ATTEND! :)
See Our SAC page for more information:
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (P.B.I.S.)
We are a PBIS school. This means we have adopted a set of school wide expectations that define behavior expectations in and around our school campus and classrooms. When students are caught exhibiting one of these expectations, they earn Starbucks which can be redeemed for various rewards. Help us plan events/incentives that promote positive behavior within our school!
See Our PBIS page for more information:
If you would like to donate to our PBIS store please contact our guidance counselor at: winslow.anita@brevardschools.org
Make a Difference! Become a Mentor!
Mentoring is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have with Brevard Public Schools. Do you want to help out? Become a mentor! Follow the link to learn about how you can impact a student in our school. Meetings will happen during the school day on campus.
Learn about how to become a BPS Registered Volunteer here
or contact Mrs. Lavelle: lavelle.danielle@brevardschools.org
Sherwood Café (Parent Lunches)
We are welcoming you to join your student for lunch. Space is limited, so please ensure that you sign up quick. You can sign up to eat lunch with your student here.
We need Registered Volunteers to supervise parent lunches! Please consider supervising a shift!
School Clubs
We offer a variety of school clubs for students here at Sherwood. While club participation is for students only, we often need registered volunteers to chaperone competitions and/or performances. Clubs are also in need of materials should you like to donate.
If your child is participating in a club, you may contact the club organizer to see if volunteers and/or supplies are needed.
Language Translations
Translate into your native language with the following steps:
- Click on "Translate" at the top of the newsletter
- Click the arrow to the right of "Select Language"
- Choose your native language for translation
(SPANISH) Traduce a tu idioma nativo con los siguientes pasos:
- Haga clic en "Traducir" en la parte superior del boletín.
- Haga clic en la flecha a la derecha de "Seleccionar idioma"
- Elija su idioma nativo para la traducción