Capitol Hill Headliner
April 27, 2024
Dates To Remember
Monday, April 29: Girls Badminton vs Hidden River, 4:30 pm @ Hidden River Middle School
Tuesday, April 30: Author Joanna Ho visits 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades as well as our middle school writing and bookworm clubs, more info below
Tuesday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 1 : Science MCA test for 5th and 8th grades only and Math MCA for 3rd grade
Tuesday, April 30: Middle School Debate: City Championships, 3:30-9pm
Tuesday, April 30: Baseball vs Hmong Language Academy, 4:30pm @ Capitol Hill
Wednesday, May 1: Baseball vs American Indian Magnet, 4:30pm @ American Indian Magnet
Wednesday, May 1: Badminton vs American Indian Magnet, 4:30pm @American Indian Magnet
Wednesday, May 1: Track and Field Meet, 4:30 @ Como Park High School
Thursday, May 2 & Friday, May 3: 6th Grade to Como Planetarium, more info to come
Thursday, May 2: Badminton vs Hidden River, 4:30pm @ Hidden River
Friday, May 3: Middle School Dance, during the school day
Tuesday, May 7: 3rd Grade field trip- Urban Ag Day, 10:30am-1:30pm
Tuesday, May 7: Author Justin Weinberger visits 4th and 5th grade classes
Wednesday, May 8: Composer Darryl Johnson II visits middle school band classes, 11am-1pm
Wednesday, May 8: Badminton vs Murray, 4:30 @Murray Middle School
Thursday, May 9: Welcome Night and Middle School Registration Night for new families, 6-7pm
Friday, May 10: Bickford and Shariff to B'dote, 9:30am-2pm
Friday, May 10: Mayock and Young to Belwin Nature Center, 9:30am-2pm
Monday, May 13 & Tuesday, May 14: 8th Grade Junior Achievement, 10am-1:30pm
Monday, May 13: PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30pm
Tuesday, May 14: Elementary Band Concert, 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday, May 15: 1st Grade to MN Landscape Arboretum, 10am-2pm
Thursday, May 16: Elementary Orchestra Concert, 6:30-7:30pm
Friday, May 17: 5th Grade Wax Museum, 11am-noon
Monday, May 20: Bickford and Shariff to Belwin Nature Center, 9:30am-2:30pm
Monday, May 20: Mayock and Young to B'dote, 9:30am-2:30pm
Tuesday, May 21: Middle School Band Concert, 6:30-8pm
Thursday, May 23: 1st Grade to MN Zoo, 10am-2pm
Thursday, May 23: Middle School Orchestra Concert, 6:30-7:30pm
Monday, May 27: NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
Thursday, May 30: Voice, Choice, and Joy Day
Friday, May 31: 5th Grade to the Ordway, 11:15am-1:15pm
Congratulations to the 5th Grade Math Masters Teams!
Capitol Hill Bike to School Day- May 8
Want to bike to school together?
Open this survey to find out about our proposed plan to bike in a group, in a "bike bus," from Edgcumbe playground to school. We will meet at 8:30 on May 2 to start our ride.
The CapHIll Bike Bus will meet at Edgcumbe playground and ride together to school. The playground is located at the Edgcumbe Rec Center, 320 Griggs Street South.
In order to participate, students need a bike, well fitting helmet, bike lock, and water bottle (snack optional). If the student is in elementary school, they need a parent to ride with them.
4th Graders Make Dandelion Tea
Spring in Enrichment means dandelion flower tea! This week our first group of fourth graders learned all about dandelions, the many health benefits of dandelion flower tea, and how to make it. We sweetened our tea with honey and drank in the sunshine on a beautiful April morning.
TWO upcoming Author Visits
Author (and Former Capitol Hill Student!) Joanna Ho Will Visit Our School
On Tuesday, April 30th, author Joanna Ho will visit Capitol Hill while on tour for her newest book, We Who Produce Pearls. She will be speaking with all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade classes. In addition, she will be meeting with a middle school reading/writing club. If you would like to purchase copies of her books, they are available through Red Balloon Bookshop (orders can be placed through Monday, April 22nd). Any copies purchased through our Capitol Hill link will be signed and personalized to students and will be delivered to school the day of the event. Because the event will happen at the end of the day, all books will be handed out to students on the following day (Wednesday, May 1st). Purchases can be made at this link:
As always, thank you for supporting our author events at Capitol Hill!
Any questions? Please contact school librarian, Ms.Warde: katherine.warde@spps.org
Author Justin Weinberger to Visit Capitol Hill
Author Justin Weinberger will visit with 4th and 5th grade students on Tuesday, May 7th. Signed copies of his book are available through Red Balloon! Please place any orders through our Capitol Hill link by Sunday, May 5th. https://www.redballoonbookshop.com/justin-weinberger-visit-capitol-hill-gifted-and-talented-magnet
For questions, please contact school librarian Ms. Warde: katherine.warde@spps.org
8th Grade Recognition Info and Fundraising Requests
The Capitol Hill Class of 2024 is moving on. Part of the transition to high school is celebrating all that they have achieved during their time at Capitol Hill. We refer to their “Graduation” from 8th grade as “Recognition” as ALL 8th graders are recognized. There is a ceremony for families followed by a PARTY for ALL 8th graders. Every single 8th grader is invited to attend this event at NO COST. This year we are raising funds to support this event which includes: dinner, dance, photobooth and small memento for EVERY student. In the past, all the funds for this event have been supported by PTO funds. We are raising $2500 to make sure the event continues to support ALL 8th graders at NO COST.
8th Grade Families Save the Date!
Recognition Ceremony
Friday, June 7th
5:00-6:00: Ceremony
6:00-6:30: Reception/Pics families
6:30-8:15: Dinner & Dance 8th grade students only
8:15: Pick up your child
Thank you for considering a gift to support the Recognition event so ALL 8th graders can attend free of charge. The cost to cover each student is around $25. Please consider sponsoring one or maybe two students.
Eighth-grade recognition will soon be here and we need your help!
We want to send each graduate off with a $10 gift card. We need 160 of them. Please consider donating a gift card or cash to help with the purchase of gift cards. These can be dropped at the office (or sent with your student). Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Possible gift card ideas: Coffee shops, Dairy Queen, Target, iTunes, movie theaters, Patina, etc.
Deadline: May 31
Please email Maggie (price.bdc@gmail.com) if you have any questions! Thanks for helping to make this memorable evening a success for the kids!
Attention Athletes and Families
Please check at home for uniform jerseys. We are missing many soccer, basketball and volleyball jerseys. They need to be returned to Ms. Bergstrom as soon as possible.
5th Grade Enrichment Students Find Flowers and Bones on a Rainy Nature Walk
Fifth grade enrichment students chose to spend a rainy morning on a short nature walk. We discovered flowering lilacs, maple, boxelder, and serviceberry trees. We also noticed worm castings all over a certain area and wondered what made that place interesting to worms. The big discovery was a scattering of bones under the lilac bushes. Students had a lot of questions and ideas around which animal or animals the bones belonged to, how they got there, and how the bones could be put back together.
MCA Testing at Capitol Hill - Spring 2024
Each spring, the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) are provided to students in mathematics (grades 3-8 and 11), reading (grades 3-8 and 10), and science (grades 5, 8 and in high school upon completing biology). Most students take the MCA; however, some students who receive special education services and meet eligibility requirements take the MTAS. Both tests provide a snapshot of student learning of the Minnesota Academic Standards. The MCA and MTAS are used to meet federal and state legislative requirements. The Minnesota Department of Education and SPPS can use results to look across student groups, schools and districts to evaluate equitable learning opportunities for all students.
Assessments are designed to provide information about student learning, but there is no single assessment that can provide the full perspective of what a student has learned. These assessments provide one data point that should be considered in the context of additional evidence of student learning.
At Capitol Hill, students will take the MCA between April 17 - May 3, 2024. If you have questions about your student’s participation in statewide assessments, reach out to Capitol Hill’s school assessment coordinator Vergene Downs (vergene.downs@spps.org)
For more information on the MCA please go to:
SPPS MCA/MTAS Family Testing Information website: spps.org/Page/46393
MDE Family Testing Information website: education.mn.gov/MDE/fam/tests/
Capitol Hill MCA Dates
Reading: April 16 & 17 2024
Math: April 23 & 24, 2024
Science: April 30-May 1, 2024
Makeups: April 19-May 3, 2024
Hmong MCA Testing Announcement
Somali MCA Testing Announcement
Spanish MCA Testing Announcement
Next PTO Meeting – May 13 – In Person
5:30pm – Dinner & Social time, 6:00pm – Meeting starts
Stay tuned for information on the agenda!
Spring Carnival
The Carnival is on – date TBA!
Planning is in the works. Reach out to ptochair.capitolhill@gmail.com if you want to be on the leadership team.
Flipside Eco Artists Have Fun with Water
Eco artists sprayed watercolor onto their drawings and then got caught in an unexpected rain shower. They decided to stay outside and have a dance party in the rain.
Breakfast and Lunch April 29-May 3
SPPS Summer Learning Programs
Summer Registration Still Open!
We are still accepting registration for the SPPS Summer Learning Programs that have availability.
The Summer Website is updated to show which programs are FULL so families can choose another option for their student(s). As of today, we have space for students in the following summer programs:
Elementary Summer Programs with availability:
K-4 Language Immersion & Culture (only for students who currently attend an SPPS Immersion School)
K-4 Summer Stars
K-8 CDF Freedom School
Middle School Summer Programs with availability:
5-8 Summer Quest
5-8 E-STEM
K-8 CDF Freedom School
SPPS families have two ways to register for a summer program:
Online through the Parent Portal (preferred method)
Paper Registration Form - email the completed forms to The Student Placement Center: SPC@spps.org or mail with a stamp to: Student Placement Center 2102 University Ave. W., Saint Paul, MN 55114
Here are the updated paper registration forms:
Middle School Summer Theater Camp
Sign up and get more information at gracefulmonstersetc.com
MITY Middle School Summer Classes
Middle School Bell Schedule
Capitol Hill Electronics Policy
The Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet school policy about the use of electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, mp3 players, headphones & earbuds, and personal gaming systems, is as follows:
ALL electronic devices that are brought to school are to be TURNED OFF & STORED in students’ backpacks or lockers from the time students arrive on campus until they are off campus after 4PM.
Cell phones and other non-district devices should not be used in classrooms (including the gymnasiums/locker rooms*), the library, lunch room, restrooms, or hallways.
Students who violate this policy must turn over their electronics/equipment to staff upon request.
The following consequences are in place for students who are in violation of this policy.
1st offense – Teacher and student will discuss and problem solve how to eliminate the distraction.
2nd offense – Teacher will hold the item until the end of class.
3rd offense – The phone will be held until the end of the day and an Administrator will call home.
4th offense – Parent/Admin/Student Meeting to pick up the device.
Note: A Parent or Guardian may come to the school at any time to reclaim the confiscated item and take it home with them.
Why don’t we allow cell phones in class/lunch/bathrooms/halls during the school day?
We prioritize real human interaction. We believe that learning the skills of in-person communication and collaboration are much more important. Students are already good at using electronics -- they do not need social media practice or gaming practice at school. One of the most important skills our students will learn at Capitol Hill is how to get along and work well, face-to-face, with a variety of people.
Electronics are disruptive. Cell phones ringing and buzzing disrupt both the student and the class. We want students focused on the lesson, not who’s calling or texting them.
They cause drama. Students tend to say things online that they would never say out loud. We don’t need extra drama at school.
They get lost and stolen. Unfortunately, as wonderful as our Capitol Hill students are, phones are lost and stolen. While we try to help students problem-solve, the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
*added on 9/27/23
Weekly Schoology Update Helps Parents Check Grades
Family Academic Communication Tool on Schoology
Did you know that you can get weekly updates automatically sent to you via email on your child’s academic progress in classes straight from Schoology? Well you can! The update is sent every Friday afternoon via email and is a complete snapshot of academic progress in every class. The updates sent via email are concise and are extremely valuable with supporting the family-school partnership as we work together to support our young Scholars.
Here is a link to a video made by Sra. Johnson (Spanish teacher) that gives directions on how to get this weekly email:
And, here is a link to a document that has the same information in written format:
For additional help, the parent guide to Schoology is here:
Every Meal Weekend Food Program
Every Meal - continuing to Partner with Capitol Hill to provide weekend meals
Every Meal focuses on the food gaps when children aren’t able to receive free and reduced meal programs. Every Meal provides weekend and other food gap programs serving over 10,000 children across 400 locations
Here is a snapshot of the weekend food program:
- https://www.everymeal.org/what-we-do/weekend-program/
- Free for all families and schools to participate.
- Children receive a weekly food bag that includes 4-5 pounds of nutritious, non-perishable food.
- No qualifications required for enrollment. Every Meal does not collect information from families.
- Families may choose from five food bag options tailored for dietary preferences.
- A thoughtful partnership model- see our Overview
An informational brochure with registration form has been given to ALL students. Contact the Capitol Hill office at 651-325-2500 if you can't find it or need more information.
Click on the link below to electronically register for this program.
Capitol Hill Volunteers
- Applications can be emailed to Sunny at sunny.neiger@spps.org
The suggested amount to cover/donate the cost of processing volunteer background checks is $15.
Capitol Hill Office Notes
Office Hours: 9:00 - 4:30.
Morning Drop-off Time
We want to ensure each child is safe when arriving for school. Staff supervision begins at 9:15am. Please do not drop off your child any earlier than 9:15
Attendance/late arrivals:
Please make sure to always report your child's absences. You can do this in two ways:
- Dial the attendance line directly at 651-325-2599 -OR-
- Email us at capitolhill.attendance@spps.org.
Please include your child's name (spell their name), grade, the reason for their absence, your relationship to the child, and a return phone number that you can be reached at if we should have questions.
Questions about SPPS Attendance Policies?
Please click on this link. https://www.spps.org/attendance
Health Related Absences: If your child is ill, please expect a follow up call from our nurse or nurse designee during these unique times. Please see current health considerations here.
Calling Your Child
When calling the school to speak to your child, the office staff will deliver your message to have your child call you back. We will not transfer calls. Teachers are teaching during the day and we are trying our best to lessen the interruptions during instructional time. Thanks for understanding.
Please send a note or email your child's teacher, if you are picking up your child early or letting your child go home any other way than their normal route. It gets extremely busy in the office at the end of the day. If you have to call, please make sure to call the Capitol Hill office no later than 3:00 pm, at 651-325-2500, as this allows time for the message to be received/delivered. If you call later than this time, we cannot guarantee that your child will get the message.
Students are NOT allowed to ride a bus home that is not assigned to them. This means that your child may not ride the bus home with a friend or relative that has a different bus than your child.
Sign In
We always welcome parents and visitors to our school. If you choose to come during teaching hours, please make sure you have an appointment or that the person you are visiting is aware ahead of time. Please make sure you always stop by the office to check in, sign in, and get a visitor's badge.
Capitol Hill Arrival Procedure:
Parents/guardians drop off students on Concordia Avenue.
Please follow the cars lining up.
Please wait your turn and do not go in front of other cars already in line.
Students can get out of the car after the entrance to the parking lot.
Pull up as far as you can to Mackubin Avenue, behind the car in front of you, without leaving gaps between cars (please do not stop at the stairs if you have room to pull forward)
Students get out on the right side (curb). Use the FULL drop-off Zone.
Parents/guardians stay in the car.
There will be staff there to assist if needed.
When your student(s) is out of the car, please safely pull out of the line and follow traffic on Concordia (no right turns onto Mackubin Street).
Parent A.M. Drop-Off
For more information on drop-off or pick-up procedures please scroll to the end of this Headliner.
Capitol Hill Dismissal Procedure for Elementary students:
Parents/guardians will get out of their vehicles and line up on the sidewalk on Mackubin and let staff know the name of the student(s) being picked up.
Parents/Guardians of students with last names starting with A – G will be located between the far MLK driveway and the corner of Mackubin and Marshall
Parents/Guardians of students with last names starting with H – O will be between the MLK driveways
Parents/Guardians of students with last names starting with P – Z will be between the MLK driveway and the Green Doors
All Students are to remain inside the school until outside staff have radioed that their parent/guardian has arrived.
Inside staff will call the student’s name they will walk outside to meet their parent/guardian. Parents/guardians wait for student(s) on the sidewalk.
Middle School sibling(s) cannot pick-up Elementary sibling(s).
Parents and/or Guardians are the only ones allowed to pick-up Elementary students.
At 4:15, any student still left will be escorted to the main Office and the parent/guardian will be called.
Capitol Hill Dismissal Procedure for Middle School students:
Students will exit the building through the Green doors and go to their assigned bus, walk home, or meet their parent/guardian.
Middle School students cannot pick up their Elementary sibling(s).
Middle School students can meet their Elementary sibling(s) outside.
Past Headliners
https://www.smore.com/sbdktSeptember 9, 2022 https://www.smore.com/0e8qm
September 16, 2022 https://www.smore.com/t7sxjg
September 23, 2022 https://www.smore.com/3u2t8
September 30, 2022 https://www.smore.com/sujnw
October 7, 2022 https://www.smore.com/kcs6g
October 14, 2022 https://www.smore.com/0yws9
October 19, 2022 https://www.smore.com/xkw9z
October 28, 2022 https://www.smore.com/qfdp0
November 4, 2022 https://www.smore.com/457whv
November 11, 2022 https://www.smore.com/a3npf8
November 18, 2022 https://www.smore.com/mh9zy
November 23, 2022 https://www.smore.com/zgtr1
December 2, 2022 https://www.smore.com/6eyqj
December 9, 2022 https://www.smore.com/d6rt4
December 16, 2022 https://www.smore.com/86ujh
January 6, 2023 https://www.smore.com/hadf2
January 13, 2023 https://www.smore.com/57rm8
January 20, 2023 https://www.smore.com/bcuzw
January 27, 2023 https://www.smore.com/w4785b
February 3, 2023https://www.smore.com/fwtey
February 10, 2023 https://www.smore.com/en012m
February 24, 2023 https://www.smore.com/g8vry
March 3, 2023 https://www.smore.com/g8vry
March 10, 2023 https://www.smore.com/5a6wg
March 17, 2023 https://www.smore.com/rq27s
September 9, 2022 https://www.smore.com/0e8qmhttps://www.smore.com/p08gr
September 15, 2023 https://www.smore.com/sp7kd
September 29, 2023 https://www.smore.com/4wrgj
November 10, 2023 https://www.smore.com/cb8jg