SHS Spotlight
September 8, 2024
Mascot Mondays
Just a reminder to all that Mondays are Mascot Mondays! Students may opt to wear their SHS Cardinals shirt and other school-appropriate pants/shorts/skirts (no leggings or sweatpants).
Annual Bike-A-Thon
Plans are underway for our annual bike-a-thon! This is always such a fun event for students and parents alike. Information was given to families in the large red envelopes you received either at back-to-school night or on the first day of school. Contact the office if you did not receive bike-a-thon information.
We can often borrow extra bikes for those who need them. Please let us know if your child will need a bike for the bike-a-thon.
School Mass Schedule
Fr. Jins returned last week, so we will start attending Holy Mass this week. The schedule is as follows:
- Wednesdays: Y5 and Kindergarten (Mrs. Dault), grades 7 and 8 (Mrs. Miron), and grade 9
- Thursdays: Grades 1 and 2 (Ms. Randa), grades 5 and 6 (Mrs. Lahnanen), and grade 9
- Fridays: Grades 3 and 4 (Mrs. Hiltunen)
Parents/grandparents are welcome to attend Mass with us and are asked to sit with their child's class.
Goodies with Grandparents
All grandparents are invited to school on Monday, September 16, for our annual celebration of Grandparents' Day. Grandparents will participate in morning prayer with us and then visit their grandchildren's classroom(s), where they will enjoy doughnuts/pastries and coffee or juice.
Cross Country Meet Schedule
Tuesday, Sept. 10: Hancock
Monday, Sept. 16: Calumet
Thursday, Sept. 19: Dollar Bay/Chassell
Thursday, Sept. 26: Baraga
Wednesday, Oct. 2: Ewen
All meets start at 4:00 p.m.
Tollefson Family Benefit Information
Upcoming Dates
September 10: Cross Country Meet in Hancock
September 16: Goodies with Grandparents at 8:10 a.m. at school
September 20: Tollefson family benefit
September 28: Annual Bike-A-Thon
About us
Location: 433 Baraga Avenue, L'Anse, MI, USA
Phone: 906-524-5157
Sacred Heart Catholic School integrates faith and reason to develop the whole child into a disciple of Jesus Christ, a great thinker, and a lifelong learner.