The Coyote Corner
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School year
Let's Start the Year off Strong!
The school year will officially begin on August 5th, 2024 and we are ready! Thank you for choosing us to be a partner in the education of your child and we are looking forward to another great year here at KAMS.
Our 1st official event takes place on MONDAY after you drop your students off for school (BEFORE 7:45 AM). We invite all of our parents, siblings, relatives, and community members to come and help us send our students off to class with a huge celebration. We will start with a students only PEP RALLY that will end at exactly 8:45 AM. We hope that hundreds of people will be forming a tunnel outside the gym doors so that our students can head to class for the 1st time with the cheers and applause of their family and friends as they walk out those doors.
We encourage you to start lining the halls around 8:35 AM or so so that you don't miss the excitement. We will also have the sidewalk chalk out so that you can leave your child a note if you were not able to do that at Back to School Night.
We are the only school in the area that does this and we would love to have you join us for this exciting and unique event.
Arriving to School Information
- The school gates will open at 7:30 AM each morning and students are considered late when the bell rings at 7:45 AM to officially start class. We encourage you to have your child at school as close to 7:30 AM as possible.
- The drop off lane is ONE WAY only and will get very busy, especially the 1st week of school, the closer to 7:45 AM that you get. Please plan to arrive a littler earlier if you are dropping your child off via the school parking lot. Please pull all of the way forward to the drop off zone before letting your child out of the car. DO NOT stop in front of the flag pole or office to let your child out. This is a serious safety issue which has resulted in accidents because people stop where they are not supposed to.
- If your child rides the bus to school, they will be dropped off in the back of the school and will walk directly to their classes.
- If they are dropped off in the parking lots of Centennial Park, please be extra careful of students getting out of cars as you drive through. This is a popular option which means there are a large number of cars as well.
Jostens National Platinum School of Distinction
Important Information
Attendance Matters
Sports Tryouts
Girls Volleyball will begin on Monday. Please have appropriate clothes to wear and meet in the gymnasium after school. Practice will run from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.
Football will begin on Monday. Please have appropriate clothes and cleats to wear and meet by the GAGA pits after school. Practice will be at Centennial Park Field 4 and will go from 3:30 PM to 5:45 PM.
Swim will begin on Tuesday at the Centennial Park Pool. Practices will go from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. All students need to have appropriate swimwear for practice.
Cross Country will begin on August 12th. Additional information will become available after school begins.
Reward Dens!
Kingman Academy Middle School
Email: tvictory@kaolaz.org
Website: kaolaz.org
Location: 3269 Harrison Street, Kingman, AZ, USA
Phone: 928-692-5265
Facebook: facebook.com/KAMSCoyotes