Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - April 28, 2024

Celebrate our Teachers and Staff! 🏫
The school year is almost over! We have only 20 school days before summer. Please take a moment to consider nominating and acknowledging our teachers and school staff for their hard work to teach and nurture our students and keep them safe!
- Assemblyman Mike Fong (AD 49) is taking nominations for Teacher of the Year
- Nominate a staff member for the AUSD Beyond the Call of Duty or Spotlight recognitions!
Road Work Notice 🚧 - 4/30 from 10am-12pm
The City of Monterey Park has given notice for pothole repairs near the Pavilion. The damaged section of asphalt on Pat Carroll Way near the Pavilion will be cut and repaved from 10am-12pm on Tues 4/30. Parking in the Highlands Park visitors' lot may be impacted. Traffic may be delayed. Try to avoid the area, if possible.
Pothole and Street Repair on 4/30
Public Works
Parking in ~3 spaces will be impacted 8am-Noon
State Testing for Grades 3-8 ends on 5/3 📝
Students in Grades 3-8 will continue taking the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) through May 3. Students in Grades 3-8 will take both the English Language Arts SBAC and Mathematics SBAC assessments. In addition, students in Grades 5 and 8 will take the Science CAST assessment.
Please review the tips below to ensure your child has a positive testing experience. The schedule for testing is also linked below. Testing schedules vary by grade level.
Please note: Students that are absent or missing a test may be pulled for makeup testing over the next two weeks.
Attention 6th Grade Parents! 👂
Please be on the look out for letters from 6th Grade Teachers regarding Outdoor Science School going home this week. Students leave for camp next week, May 6th!!
Please review Packing Tips and Expectations
Please Review Early Pickup Procedure
HSC at Active Streets: Mission to Mission - 4/28 🚲
Highlands Service Club students were out volunteering today on Main Street in Alhambra at the Active Streets: Mission to Mission active transportation festival! Thank you to Ms. Cheng for supervising the students today! Cameo appearance by Mr. McNeil!
Summer School? 😎
The answer is NO. There are no instructional or child care program on campus at all this summer. Available programs in AUSD include:
AUSD Adventures, which will be held at Ynez with daily bus transport available from Highlands. Eligible students have been invited (printed letter went home with students). Registration is now closed .
AEF Summer School, which will be at Marguerita & SGHS this year and is a fee-based program.
Spring Program - 5/2 @ 5:30pm 🎵
Join us as we celebrate our Band and Strings students showcasing their musical talents! We haven't had a spring concert since before the pandemic. This concert is free and open to the public!
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week 💖 – 5/6 to 5/10
Join us in celebrating Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! From May 6th to May 10th, we're honoring our amazing educators and staff with a week full of treats and surprises. Here's what's in store:
Monday, May 6th: Stock the Lounge! Let's fill our lounge with goodies and make it a cozy retreat for our hardworking teachers and staff. To donate goods and volunteer, please check out our Sign Up Genius.
Tuesday, May 7th: Bouquet Bar! Our teachers and staff will get creative and design their own beautiful flower arrangements. Let's bring some color and joy into their day!
Wednesday, May 8th: Luncheon! We're treating our educators to a delicious catered meal from Noodle World. It's a time to relax, enjoy good food, and camaraderie.
Thursday, May 9th: Surprise! We've got something special in store for our teachers and staff. Stay tuned for a delightful surprise treat that will surely bring smiles all around.
Friday, May 10th: High Tea! We're wrapping up the week with Boba iced teas, pastries, and desserts fit for royalty. Let's raise a toast to our phenomenal teachers and staff!
Join us in saying THANK YOU to the incredible individuals who make our school community shine. Click here to lend us a hand or to donate goods. Together, let's make this a very special week for our teachers and staff!
PTA Meeting - 5/8 at 6:30PM (on Zoom) 💻
Join us for Monterey Highlands Elementary PTA's final Association meeting of the year on May 8th at 6:30 PM via Zoom. We'll be discussing important updates, reflecting on the year's achievements, and looking ahead to exciting plans for the future.
Let's finish the year strong together! See you there!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities 🤝
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
Mr. Calvin Ly, Adviser
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets weekly on Fridays to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
- ASB fundraising for the 23-24 school year is closed
- Fundraising Calendar
- ASB-Approved Clubs
- Chekc out the latest Wonderful Wednesday video from ASB! May's theme is Being Determined featuring 5th Grade students!
Adventures Art Walk 🎨
From Ms. Iliana: Calling all Adventures parents!
Join us for the first-ever Adventures Art Walk in the School Cafetorium on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 from 3:30-5pm.
Entry to the event is at Gate 1.
We can't wait to showcase our students' work with you!
Apollo Afterschool Newsletter 📰
Welcome to our new Site Director, Chrystina Balderas!
Apollo Afterschool has been up to some great things. Registration is open for Trimester 3!
The program will be publishing a newsletter every two weeks to keep the community updated. Click here to view the PDF version or click the images below.
Newsletter - page 1
Newsletter - page 2
Upcoming Dates 📆
Don't forget - College Wear Wednesdays and Fun Fridays (Husky Spirit Wear) continue!
- 4/30 - Repaving on Pat Carroll Way near Pavilion Gate (10am-12pm)
- 5/1 - Adventures Art Walk, 3:30-5pm @ Cafetorium
- 5/2 - Spring Instrumental Music Program, 5:30pm @ Cafetorium
- 5/3 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Jurupa Discovery Center
- 5/3 - End of State Testing
- 5/6 to 5/10 - 6th Grade goes to Outdoor Science School in Wrightwood, CA
- 5/6 to 5/10 - PTA presents Staff Appreciation Week
- 5/7 - Phantom Theatre Group presents "Charlotte's Web" to 3rd Grade
- 5/8 - PTA's Staff Appreciation Luncheon @ 1:30pm in Cafetorium
- 5/8 - PTA Association Meeting on Zoom, 6:30pm
- 5/14 - Alhambra Board of Education Meeting
- 5/15 - 5th Grade Field Trip to Griffith Observatory
- 5/15 - BMX Wheels Squared Assemblies presented by PTA
TK-3rd @ 11am, 4th-8th @ 12pm on Lower Blacktop - 5/16 - Minimum Day (T3 Report Card Prep)
- 5/16 - Student of the Month at 8am, Cafetorium
- 5/16 - Safety Committee Meeting on Zoom at 3pm - CANCELLED
- 5/20 - Husky Appreciation Day (featuring Nomad Ice Pops)
- 5/21 - 8th Grade Picnic (all day), Middle School Quad
- 5/23 - 8th Grade Promotion at 8:30am, Grassy Field
- 5/23 - 8th Grade Dinner Dance, 4-8pm, Courtyard Marriott
Monterey Highlands School
📥 Email: highlands@ausd.us
🌐 Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
📍 Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
📲 Phone: (626) 570-6220