A Community School
Off to a great start!
The 2024-2025 school year has started off strong! The end of September marks the halfway point of quarter 1. Please make sure you have created a parent Schoology and FOCUS account so that you have the most current information about your child's grades and attendance. See below for directions to create parent accounts in Schoology and FOCUS. Talking Points is another great way to stay connected with important school information. Make sure you have an email on file in the office so that you can connect with your child's teacher.
**Select the translate button at the top for other languages.**
**Seleccione el botĆ³n de traducciĆ³n en la parte superior para otros idiomas.**
October Important Dates
- Thursday, October 3- Schools Closed for students for Rosh Hashanah
- Wednesday, October 16 from 4:15-5:15 p.m. Food Distribution- see details below
- Friday, October 18- Schools Closed for MSEA Convention
- Tuesday, October 22 from 5:30- 7:00 p.m.- Multicultural Fair- see details below
- Saturday, October 26 from 9:00-12:00 p.m.- Owings Mills High School Community Resource Fair- see details below
- Wednesday, October 30 from 5:30-7:00 p.m.- Trunk or Treat at Owings Mills High School parking lot- see details below
- Thursday, October 31- half day for students. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. **last day of quarter 1**
November Important Dates
- Friday, November 1st- Magnet School Applications due no later than 1:00 p.m.
- Friday, November 1st- Schools Closed for students for Diwali
- Tuesday, November 5th- Schools Closed for Election Day
- Tuesday, November 12th- Literacy Night at the Owings Mills Branch of the Public Library- see details below
- Thursday, November 14th- Report Cards available to view on FOCUS (see below for how to make a parent FOCUS account)
- Monday, November 18 - Friday, November 22- American Education Week
- Monday, November 18- PreK Conference Day **No School for PreK students only**
- Tuesday, November 19- Elementary Conference Day **No School for elementary students**
- Wednesday, November 27- half day for students. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m.
- Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29- Schools Closed for Thanksgiving
Multicultural Fair
If you are interested in signing up to present your culture, please return the form by Tuesday October 8, 2024. All are welcome on Tuesday, October 22nd. Come join in on the fun, you donāt want to miss out! Kona Ice will be available for purchase in the front loop.
Literacy Night at the Owings Mills Public Library
Please join us for Owings Mills Literacy Night at the Library! Come out to the Owings Mills Public Library on Tuesday, November 12th from 5:30-7:00. The Owings Mills Public Library is located at 10302 Grand Central Ave. Your students will listen to guest readers, sign up for a free library card, check out books, and take home a new free book to keep! A RSVP will be sent home. Please send it back by October 25th if you plan to attend. We look forward to seeing you there! Happy reading!
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival time for students is 8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. are marked late. If you arrive after 9:00, you will need to park on the side of the building and walk your students inside to sign them in. Please do not park in the bus loop.
To support a safe and orderly dismissal, there are no early dismissals or changes to student dismissal after 3:15 p.m. When your child does have a change to the regular dismissal schedule, it should be communicated to the front office as early in the school day as possible. Please do your best to limit changes.
Car Rider Tags
If your student is a car rider, please make sure his/her car rider tag is displayed everyday at pick-up in the car rider line.
As a reminder, there is NO LEFT TURN out of the car rider loop at arrival or dismissal.
BCPS Bus Locator App for Families
BCPS is pleased to announce the countywide implementation of BusWhere, a location-tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. Via the BusWhere app, subscribers may receive notifications as the bus approaches a designated bus stop or if there are significant delays.
For more information, check out the BusWhere information sheet- BusWhere information.pdf. If you have additional questions please get in touch with the BCPS Office of Transportation at 443-809-4321 or utilize the BusWhere Assistance Request Form- https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3cPDSRs_g0GOdLONSDpa_bVjgy6GIuVGmGJmus4Mp_NUNllMSjRYWExBNVlQSEUwRFZFNlcyWExBRyQlQCN0PWcu
Do you know the laws about school bus stop arms?
The Baltimore County Police Department has partnered with BCPS and AngelTrax to implement a new school bus camera safety program. Following a warning period, motorists who illegally pass a stopped school bus with activated flashing red lights will be subject to a $250 fine. For more information check out the BCPS Bus Safety Press Release- BCPS Bus Safety Press Release.pdf
Attendance Matters- OMES SOARS to 94
Research shows that attendance is one of the leading predictors of academic achievement and adult success. Our school attendance goal for students this year is to maintain an attendance rate of at least 94%. Check out this flyer for more information about the importance of having good attendance at school.
Parent Attendance Tips-Elementary.pdf
Parent Attendance Tips-Elementary (SPANISH).pdf
Data from September
Attendance Rate for all students- 94.88%
PreK- 91.85%
Kindergarten- 94.75%
1st grade- 95.14%
2nd grade- 93.75%
3rd grade- 95.10%
4th grade- 94.32%
5th grade- 93.90%
How can you help your child SOAR to 94?
- Establish a bedtime routine that includes a bedtime (students in elementary school need 9-11 hours of sleep a day)
- Pick out clothes the night before
- Pack backpack with homework the night before
- Establish a morning routine
- Schedule appointments around school hours
- Use the attendance tracker to help you track days absent from school
OMES Attendance Incentive
Our attendance rate for the month of September was 94.88%! The grade with the best attendance rate was first grade! They will enjoy a popsicle treat and wear crazy socks on Friday, October 4th.
Families thank you for being such a big part of ensuring that your students are in school each day. Please keep it up!
Will your class "kick it"? Will your child SOAR to 94? We will continue you this incentive through the month of October.
Classes with 100% attendance will score 3 goals for the day.
Classes with 94% or better attendance will score 2 goals for the day.
Classes with 90% or better attendance will score 1 goal for the day.
The class in each grade level with the most goals at the end of the week will earn 10 extra minutes of recess or 10 extra minutes of computer time the following Monday. The grade level with the highest attendance percentage for the month of October will earn a grade level spirit day and popsicle treat. The class with the highest attendance percentage for the first quarter will earn popcorn and a movie.
Create a Parent FOCUS Account
Creating a parent FOCUS account is a great way to stay connected to what your child is doing in school. You can monitor your child's grades and attendance throughout the year. Click the link to create your account- https://baltimore.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
Create a Parent Schoology Account
Creating a parent Schoology account is a great way to see what your child is doing in school. Follow the directions to create your account today!
English- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology.pdf
Spanish- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology- Spanish.pdf
Curriculum Resources
Math Matters!
In October, all students will be diving into Unit 2! We encourage you to check Schoology weekly to monitor your child's progress and support their learning journey. Thank you for your continued partnership!
Parent/Guardian Corner: Tips for Supporting Math Learning at Home
Model Math Use: Show how you use math in your own life, whether it's budgeting, cooking, or planning a trip. This demonstrates that math is relevant and useful!
Click this link for grade level specific math newsletters- October
ELA News
Now that we are back in the routine of the school year, take some time to familiarize yourself with the format of your studentās reading homework. Make sure to check over their work and ask them open-ended questions about the assignment to promote deeper thinking. Reading with your child each night can also help them build fluency, strengthen their vocabulary, and increase their love for reading! Take a look at the upcoming monthās reading modules for your children to explore what topics they will be reading about, what skills they will be learning, and what will inspire their writing. Have conversations with them related to the topics they are learning in reading to build background and make connections to their lives. Enjoy learning with and supporting your child!
Click this link for grade level specific ELA newsletters- October
Cafeteria Corner
If students bring in money to purchase snacks and change is due to the student, it will be added to their lunch account. Please contact Marvin Young, cafeteria manager, at myoung11@bcps.org or by calling the main office at 443-809-1710.
PTO Corner
PTO Membership Drive
The OMES PTO is holding a membership drive from October 1st - October 31st. The class with the highest number of PTO members will win an ice cream party. Scan the QR code on the flyer or join by clicking this link- https://omespto.cheddarup.com
English- PTO- membership drive.pdf
Spanish- PTO- membership drive Spanish.pdf
Why join the PTO?
Joining the PTO helps to fund different activities for your child. Last year the PTO hosted trunk or treat, provided students with a science assembly, held the talent show, and organized the Holiday Shop for students.
English- PTO- why join PTO.pdf
Spanish- PTO- why join PTO Spanish.pdf
Want to get involved?
The OMES PTO is looking for new board members. Do you enjoy planning and coordinating events? Do you want to help fundraiser for the school? Do you want to help support OMES students and teachers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then consider joining the PTO board. Email the PTO if you are interested- owingsmillspto@gmail.com
English- PTO- seeking board members.pdf
Trunk or Treat
The PTO is sponsoring Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30th from 5:30-7:30 at Owings Mills High School which is located at 124 Tollgate Road. As a reminder all costumes must be "kid- friendly".
If you are interested in being a trunker and providing trick or treaters with candy, scan the QR code on the flyer. There will be a contest for the best trunk. See flyer for rules for being a trunker.
English- PTO- trunk or treat.pdf
Spanish- PTO- trunk or treat Spanish.pdf
OMES Community School Corner
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th through October 15th. During this month it is important to celebrate the Hispanic and Latino communities history and culture in the United States. Check out more information about Hispanic Hertiage Month with the Smithsonian- https://latino.si.edu/learn/teaching-and-learning-resources/hispanic-heritage-month-resources
Nurse's Corner
BCPS Health Guidelines:
The health guidelines this year for respiratory illness have been updated this year. The following message is from the BCPS Office of Health Services:
The CDC and Maryland Department of Health have incorporated COVID-19 guidance with the guidelines for other respiratory infections, such as flu and RSV.
Students and staff who develop a respiratory infection (e.g., fever with cough, sore throat, and/or runny nose) should stay home until the fever is gone for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication and their symptoms are improving.
Health officials recommend that people with respiratory infections consult with their health care provider. Testing for COVID-19 and/or influenza is recommended for persons who are at higher risk for severe disease who might benefit from antiviral treatment and for those who have anticipated close contact for persons at higher risk for severe disease.
Persons returning to school and work after a respiratory infection are encouraged to use additional prevention strategies such as maintaining physical distance from others and wearing a mask for five (5) days.
BCPS When to Stay Home (English): When to Stay Home - Baltimore County Public Schools (bcps.org)
BCPS When to Stay Home (Spanish): HERE IS A GUIDE TO HELP YOU DECIDE WHEN TO KEEP A CHILD HOME FROM SCHOOL_Spanish.pdf (sharpschool.com)
Health Department Free Flu Clinics:
The Baltimore County Department of Health is now taking registrations for their annual free flu clinics. See the attached flyer or click on the links below for more information:
https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/health/health-services/free-flu-shots OR Baltimore County Flu Vaccine Registration
2024 Flu Shot Clinics Flyer.pdf
More Flu Resources:
See the attachments for information regarding the flu and measures you can take to protect yourself and your family. Talk with your health care provider or pharmacist regarding new updated vaccine recommendations for this season.
OMES Food Distribution
Time: 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Where: Community School Cottage (pull to the end of the parking lot to the Community School Cottage)
**Don't forget your reusable bags**
Owings Mills High Community Resource Fair
Come out and learn about different community resources involving health, legal, education, and counseling.
When: Saturday, October 26th from 9:00-12:00
Where: Owings Mills High School (124 S. Tollgate Road Owings Mills, MD 21117)
See attached flyer for more details.
English- OMHS Fall Community Resources Fair Flyer October 26 2024 English.pdf
Library Corner
Partner Spotlight
Out of School Programs
St. Thomas church has partnered with OMES to provide two after school programs. Students in grade 3 participate in the Owls First- Math Tutoring program to help strengthen students mathematical knowledge. Students in grades 4 and 5 participate in the Owls First- Game Club where they have learned different types of games and sports.
October Virtue of the Month
Each month our school will focus on a virtue throughout the month. Students will learn about the virtue during their class morning meetings. One day during the month students will participate in the monthly Family Reunion that will also focus on the virtue.
The virtue for October is cleanliness. Cleanliness means the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean.
Talk with your child about how he/she can exhibit cleanliness in school, at home, with the environment, and in the community. This link provides different resources to incorporate cleanliness at home- October Virtues.pdf. Parents may email any pictures of their child showing cleanliness to Rachel Mills, Community School Facilitator, at rmills@bcps.org.
The following students were nominated for Student Ambassador for the month of September:
Ms. Cimildora- Jazmine L.
Ms. Danilin- Esther U.
Ms. Knicely- Luna M.
Ms. Krivak- Jamira R.
Ms. Pirkl- Madi'Lyn R.
Ms. Ridgley- Jewel M.
Ms. Taylor- Kelvin B.
Ms. Collier- Angelo D.
Ms. McCallister- Jaziel T.
Ms. Saylor- Gianni M.
Ms. Simmonds- Jacob G.
Ms. Smith- Kaeden H.
Ms. Bodoin- Dominique B.
Ms. Farmer- Alexa H.
Mr. Nave- Elizabeth F.
Ms. Price- Madeline G.
Ms. Robinson- Journee R.
Ms. Smeltzer- Brielle S.
Ms. Miller- Lesly R.
Ms. Diener- Oluwapelumi O.
Ms. Powell- Lesly R.
Mr. Krivak- Brianna M.
Ms. Clark- Madilyn D.
Ms. DeBord- Bryanna A.
Ms. Dewel- Zemira T.
Ms. Dixon- Keziah D.
Mr. Fowler- Maria R.
Ms. Gibson- Ismat S.
Ms. Anthony- Liyah T.
Mr. Lipo- Brianna R.
September School Wide Student Ambassador
Kaeden shows kindness, respect, and responsibility every day. Kaeden works hard every day and puts forth his best effort when learning and never gives up when something is too hard. He follows directions the first time they are given and always participates in whole group, small group, and independent learning. He is always willing to help others learn, feel included, and to focus by giving silent reminders to listen. Way to go Kaeden!
September School Wide Student Ambassador
Zemira was nominated for this month for student ambassador because she demonstrated kindness, respect, and responsibility. Zemira is kind to her teachers, classmates, and other staff around our building. She goes out of her way to make others feel included as students share ideas at their tables and during recess. Zemira has demonstrated respect as she listens to others during our morning meeting circles and throughout instruction. Zemira demonstrates responsibility by being prepared and present in school each day and taking ownership of her work! Way to go Zemira!
Counselor's Corner
Magnet Information!
Magnet applications are due no later than Friday, November 1st by 1:00 p.m
Link to magnet application- https://bcpsmagnetapplication.schoolmint.com/login.
See flyer for more details- Magnet Flyer 25-26.pdf
If you have any questions, please contact our magnet liaison, Aileen Losin, at alosin@bcps.org.
Stay Connected- Talking Points
1. Download the Talking Points App
2. Click on Settings
3. Click Personal Information
4. Select the language you would like
Volunteer Training
If you would like to volunteer or attend a field trip, you must complete the BCPS Volunteer Training.
Step 1: Complete a BCPS Volunteer Application- https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_9046799/File/Updated%20Documents/Application%20for%20Volunteer%20Services%20ADA.pdf or get a paper copy from the school.
Step 2: Complete the Online Volunteer Orientation- https://bcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/register/0c626573
Step 3: All Volunteer Applications and Certificate from the online training must be given to Rachel Mills or emailed to rmills@bcps.org.
For more information- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/b_c_p_s_volunteers
Community Resources
Community Crisis Center- www.communitycrisiscenterinc.org
725 Main Street Reisterstown
Drive thru distributions: Monday 5:00-7:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Serving zip codes: 21048, 21071, 21074, 21155, 21117, 21136, 21784 You will be required to provide ID and proof of address
BCPS Parent University- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/parent_university
Resource website from Towson University for teachers and families of Multilingual Learners- https://wp.towson.edu/tesol/
Need a car seat?
MileOne Autogroup has a community car seat program where they give car seats out to families each month. Visit the Owings Mills Toyota to pick up a car seat. For more information check out their flyer- English- MileOne Cares- information about car seats.pdf
Spanish- MileOne Cares- information about car seats Spanish.pdf