SGS March Madness

Dear SGS and Families,
The arrival of some strongly desired spring weather has helped us forget the unbearable -20 degrees last week. As the Kindness month passes us by, we want to remind ourselves that KINDNESS is COOL and continue the STERLING way by filling other's buckets each and every day.
The month of March is a time of transitioning from the many winter activities into the anticipation of spring. Hoping this warmer weather continues, we want to keep our students focused on continuing to strive to do their best. I appreciate all of the effort you put in at home to ensure this carries over into their school day, as it impacts their academic standing. We are a Distinguished School due to our collaborative efforts of students, teachers, support staff, parents and the community having high expectations.
A few highlights of the past and upcoming months are detailed below:
Read Across America: The Sterling Grade School Library is sponsoring activities for a Read Across
America celebration March 3-7. We are using a space theme this year. Below is a flyer that will discuss the activities for the week.
Annual Spelling Bee: Our school level spelling bee was held on Wednesday, February 7th. Congratulations to Adelyn Leavitt , 6th Grade, who was our winner. Leavitt and four additional students, Brock Boor, Abel Westbay, Miriam Levy and Sam Stacy participated in the District Spelling Bee that was held in Lyons on Saturday, February 22nd.
Attention 6th Grade Parents: Your child will soon be making a very significant transition as they enter middle school. To help you prepare your child for this experience the 6th grade class will begin transitioning talks and coordinating visits with Sterling Middle School.
Report Cards: Report cards will go out on March 26th, 2025.
2025 Kindergarten Round-Up Information Night: will take place on April 2nd at 6:30pm in the Sterling Grade School Commons area. This information night will allow incoming Kindergarten parents to sign up for an enrollment session. During this session parents and their student will attend. Parents will be provided assistance with enrolling their Kindergartener while their child is getting to meet and work with the Kindergarten teachers.
ATTENDANCE MATTERS: Daylight savings time is coming this month and the sun will be with us longer in the evening. We tend to get lax with bed times as spring activities ramp up. Be aware of the importance of getting to school on time and making sure learning is still a priority.
Happy Spring,
Jamie Burtner
SGS Principal
The Sterling Grade School Library is sponsoring activities for a Read Across America celebration March 3-7. We are using a space theme this year. Activities include:
- A daily dress-up theme.
- A book exchange (details below).
- An optional at-home reading challenge that can be completed and returned to the library by March 11 to earn a prize.
- Space themed storytimes and activities in the library.
Students will be bringing home a note soon with all the details, so check their backpacks. I am also sending the same information in this email.
Happy reading!
Warrior Wednesday's continue with Sterling College Spring Sports!
Brock - 2nd Place
Miriam - 4th Place
Adelyn - 1st Place
Abel - 3rd Place
Sam - Alternate
During SGG Art classes with Mrs. Madden, students have been working on original comics inspired by the Author & Illustrator Grant Snider that visited Sterling Grade School this fall. Enjoy this inspiring comic by 6th grader Zoe.
SGS's students performed in the 2025 All-State Choir in Wichita at the Century II Performing Arts Center Thursday evening in front of a sold out crowd. Our students participated with students from across the state of Kansas. They qualified before Christmas and have been practicing their songs this winter. Congratulations on such a prestigious award.
Kindergarten Round-Up for the 2025-26 school year will be held on Wednesday April 2, 2025 at 6:30pm in the SGS Commons Area. Children must be five (5) years old on or before August 31, 2025 to be eligible to start kindergarten next fall. Parents will sign up for an enrollment session for their students during this meeting. Enrollment sessions will be scheduled between April 3rd through April 25th.
The Importance of Regular School Attendance
It’s a fact that students who attend school regularly learn more and are more successful in school than students who do not. Parents who make regular school attendance a priority also are helping their children learn to accept responsibility. And that’s an important lesson for a successful life.
Attendance patterns are formed early in life. Children who develop good attendance habits in the early grades will be more likely to continue them throughout their school career. That’s important, because students who miss school, miss out on carefully planned sequences of instruction. They miss out on active learning experiences and class participation. They miss out on the opportunity to ask questions.
What Parents Can Do:
Let your child know that you expect him/her to attend school every day. Explain that, just as you have a job, it’s their job to go to school and learn. Set a time for doing homework each evening and a time for going to bed. Unfinished homework and too little sleep are common reasons why parents hear the words, “I don’t feel good,” on school mornings.
Get involved with your child’s school. When he/she sees you in the halls or the classrooms they better understand the importance of school.
The attendance policy is in Sterling Grade School's handbook.
Tardies also add time missed in the daily routine of a classroom. Be mindful that 5 minutes late here and there can add up quickly to hours missed in the classroom.
We appreciate your support in having our students in school and on time.
Many thanks goes to CAMDON SMITH, a Sr. at Sterling High School for shooting the footage and putting together such a professional video for our presentation. He shot over 15 minutes of video that was condensed into this 2 minute SGS highlight film. Another example of Sterling students excelling beyond expectations.