St Elizabeth's News
Good Afternoon Parents and Guardians
Great Vegie Crunch
Thank you to Kim Manov for organising the Great Vegie Crunch for our staff and students. The day was a success with many students eating their vegies.
Book Fair
Congratulations to Mrs Burgess for another fantastic Book Fair! The time and effort behind the scenes to create the amazing 'Under the Sea' theme for our students to immerse themselves in was truly impressive. So far, we've raised a remarkable $4,800. A big thank you also goes to Mrs Dimond for her invaluable help with the Book Fair.
Community Open Night
What an impressive turnout for our Community Open Night last night! The classrooms were vibrant, showcasing the students' beautiful artwork and learning from the term. A big thank you to our amazing staff for their hard work and preparation in making the classrooms truly shine. We also appreciate our three food vendors; Chubby Dumpling, Chip on a Stick, and Shiraz Ice-cream. Thank you for contributing to our event and bringing our community together for 'Dinner on the Green.'
Today, our beautiful admin staff treated us to a delightful morning tea and a hot beverage from the coffee van, while all students enjoyed an extended recess play. The theme for this year's RUOKAY Day is;
😀'A conversation could change a life'😀
Staff News
I am writing to inform you that Chris Rebeiro, has been successful and has accepted a full-time Physical Education teaching position at St Francis of Assisi in Butler, commencing in 2025. Chris has been a dedicated, caring, and much-loved member of our staff and school community, known for his exceptional commitment, hard work as both a classroom and PE teacher. His passion for fostering a positive and energetic learning environment has made a significant impact on our students, and his absence will be deeply felt by our entire school community. While we will miss him greatly, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to Chris as he embarks on this exciting new chapter in his career.
Have a wonderful afternoon and enjoy the sunshine!
In gratitude
Emma Fernandez
Acting Principal
Merit and Christianity Award Recipients
Congratulations to....
Pre Primary - Liana, Ella, Charlie and Raphael
Year One - Savannah, James, Ollie, Evelyn and April
Year Two - Nathan, Jude and Amelie
Year Three - Harper and Olivia
Year Five - Ella, McKinlie, Madison and Ben
Year Six - Katelyn, Daniel, Locklen, Amelie, Gloria, Erika, Hudson and Hudson
Well done to you all!😀
Running Club Badges
A big Congratulations to Stuart, Oliver, Jack, Jacques and Oscar for achieving your 25Km badges and Ella for reaching your 50kms at running club. Way to go!
Week 9
Friday 13 September - Year 3 Excursion Optus Stadium
Saturday 14 September - 11am - 3pm Mater Dei Community Fair
Saturday 14 September - First Reconciliation Commitment Mass Weekend
Sunday 15 September - First Reconciliation Commitment Masses Weekend
Week 10
International Deaf Awareness Week - Classroom activities
Wednesday 18 September - Year 2 Excursion to SciTech
Thursday 19 September - 8.45am - End of Term Assembly - Athletics Carnival Champions and Faction Winners announced 🏆
Thursday 19 September - LOUD shirt Day - Wear you loudest shirt to support children with hearing loss.
Friday 20 September - 9.00am - End of term Mass Years 3 - 6 at St Anthony's Church - All Welcome.
Friday 20 September - Last Day of term!
Updated Term 3 Parent Planner attached below
Catholic Education WA Priorities
Western Australia is the only State in Australia which does not provide any capital grant assistance to non-Government schools. Much of the capital costs, such as new buildings and playgrounds, are made possible through fees and fundraising efforts from parents, like the Bake Sale at yesterday’s Faction Carnival.
As we approach the State Election, Catholic Education WA seeks a commitment from the Government of Western Australia for an annual capital grant of $25 million for Catholic schools and an injection of funds to support capital works in the Kimberley regions where CEWA is the sole provider of education. Please see the below key facts to assist all parents to be advocates for their child’s Catholic education.
Sacramental News! First Reconciliation
First Reconciliation Commitment Masses will be held at the St Anthony's of Padua Church this Saturday, 14 September & Sunday, 15 September. Students are asked to attend one of the masses over the weekend and bring along their Enrolment Card that Father Peter delivered to the students today.
Swimming Lessons - Term 4
Swimming lessons commence in early term 4 for years 1- 6 . Swimming enrolment forms and information letter went home this week in communication bags.
Please return the forms by Friday 20 September. Thank you
Our Lost property box is over flowing with jumpers and hats and hair accessories and keyrings!
Please come and look through the box located outside administration by the end of term.
Please label every item of clothing, especially Jumpers and hats!
All items not collected or claimed by the end of term will be donated to charity! Thank you
Semester 2 Uniform Days
Car Bay Raffle
Car Bay Raffle closing soon - get in quick to have the chance at your very own V.I.P parking spot for the whole of term 4!
Containers for Change
This year the Year 6 students are raising money through the Containers for Change initiative to donate to LifeLink. If you and your family have spare cans or bottles that you would like to contribute to our school collection, please scan this barcode when you are returning your containers, every container counts!
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2: Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Monday, 15 July - Friday, 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Student Free Dates 2024
Tuesday, 5 March
Tuesday, 4 June
Monday 15 July
Tuesday, 16 July (note date change)
Monday 26 August
Monday 7 October
Please note, these dates are subject to change. Parents will be notified well in advance.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stecps.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stelizabethhocking.wa.edu.au
Location: 30 Ranworth Road, Hocking WA 6065, Australia
Phone: (08) 9303 7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stecps/
Twitter: @stecps