ToC Mentorship Program
April 2024

"From Awareness to Action: Insights from BIPOC Perspectives" Workshops
April 17, 2024
Participants of Affinity Unite, Leaders of Color, and Teachers of Color Mentorship Program engaged in three workshops offered by district licensed staff of color. Here were the highlights of each workshop:
- Shaylynn Riddick and Katie Coulson shared their experiences utilizing the AMAZEworks curriculum. This particular curriculum addresses Anti-Bias Education (ABE) tenets focusing on empathy & understanding, healthy, complex identities, respect across differences, noticing, naming, & rejecting bias, and responsiveness & action. Each lesson lifts diverse books and content engaging students in respectful discussions with provided essential questions, journal prompts, and extension activities while providing educators with resources for background information and teacher reflection. Lastly, these lessons weave social emotional learning competencies into each session strengthening self-awareness, self management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills.
- Julie Redd-Jones’ extensive teaching experience guided educators of color to center empathy. Julie shared that educators must, “Believe for students and ahead for them.” Her reflections amplified the importance of educators truly seeing students for who they are to thrive, and not survive. When navigating student support, there is an opportunity available to ask questions to learn more about student accommodations. Seeking to understand and better serve students demonstrates an educator's curiosity to learn more, advocate for kids, and hold a position of honor.
- Attendees of color participated in a workshop on Social Emotional Learning (SEL). K. Giddings, a social worker with a Master's in Social Work and a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, delivered the workshop centered on reflecting on educators' SEL practice to be sure that it is not causing harm. Members were challenged to examine how social emotional learning is being used in their classrooms and buildings to make sure that it is affirming identities, acknowledging intersectionalities, and being responsible to communities.
Attend the Last ToC Meeting for the Year
May 15, 2024
The last 2023-2024 Teachers of Color (ToC) Mentorship Program Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Eagan High School, Media Center. Dinner will be provided. Join some Leaders of Color (LoC) as they share about their experiences of being administrators of color in District 196. The LoC panelists are:
Alyssa Bartosh, new Coordinator of Equity and Inclusion
John Garcia, Principal of Cedar Park STEM School
Mandy Hill, Assistant Administrator of Diamond Path Elementary School of International Studies
Virgil Jones, Director of Equity and Inclusion
Paul Olson, Coordinator of Teaching and Learning
In order to make the time with the panelists more impactful, design two questions that ToC members would like the LoC panelists to answer. Submit your questions for LoCs HERE. LoC panelists may also ask questions of ToCs members. Submit your questions for ToCs HERE.
Rejuvenation Phase
Above graph from New Teacher Center.
During this time of year, students are being assessed, teachers are wondering about the effectiveness of their instruction, and staff is probably talking about what will happen next year. Emotions are high and mixed. Mentors, explore The Core Emotions that mentees might have. What is the root cause of them? Are they concerned (fearful) that their instruction will not produce the desired results? Are they insecure (sad) that they have not implemented all 12 Catalyst foundational skills so students are not as productive and independent? Are they nervous (fearful) about the next school year? Have them work through those emotions and provide them with ways they can help themselves become more effective and resilient teachers. Some ideas include:
Instructional support
Go observe other teachers. Look at New Teachers - Observation support.
Attend Catalyst professional developments. If you identify as a person of color, the trainings are free to you.
Seek ideas and collaboration with another colleague, such as the ELD teacher, the interventionist, or a social worker.
Self-care support
Move your body for 2 minutes, 20 minutes, or longer with a stretch, a walk, or a dance.
Do something of interest - play the guitar, journal, or bake.
Make a connection by calling a friend, writing a thank you note, or playing with your pet.
Other ideas can be found at Edutopia.
After the mentor-mentee check-in, mentors, complete the Teachers of Color (T.O.C.) Connection Ticket. One ticket per space covered on the tic-tac-toe board.
Your Feedback is Important
If you participated in the Catalyst Foundational Skills and/or Catalyst Support Days, share your feedback by clicking HERE.
District 196 Strategic Roadmap
The work of the Teachers of Color Mentorship Program aligns with the District 196 Strategic Roadmap. Resources that are provided align to one or more of the four strategic priorities of Wellbeing, Achievement, Equity, and Resources.
Wellbeing Resource
7 Self-Care Strategies For Teachers. Self-care is an integral part of being an educator and can be easily overlooked navigating what can be an incredibly busy end to the school year. If you are looking for suggestions on how to unwind, take a moment to read this brief Edutopia article.
Equity Resource
Confronting Ableism On The Way To Justice. Equity requires being brave, curious, and willing to empower the ones with less social and political capital. The intersectionality of humans is complex and nuanced and it requires awareness and self-reflection. This article provides everyone with tools to advance the human rights of all peoples and it challenges everyone to fight against ableism.
Technology Resource
Apple Teachers in Action. This technology resource leverages the use of the iPad in order to empower students to be creators of content and not just consumers of it. This Apple website features step by step instructions of how teachers around the world use the iPad with their students to enhance their learning experience.
District 196 unlicensed staff of color/American Indian and substitutes of color/American Indian
Are you enrolled in a teaching education program|want to pursue a teaching degree or Tier 3 teaching license? APPLY NOW!
The Grow Your Own Program would cover up to 2 years:
- Tuition up to $10,000/year for each participant.
- Books stipend up to $1,000 for each participant.
- Mentorship and professional development for all participants.
Learn more at www.district196.org/GYO or
contact Yen Huynh-Vue in the Equity and Inclusion Department at 651-423-7941 or yen.huynhvue@district196.org.
Missed a Newsletter?
They are located on the Equity and Inclusion Department Website.