OLIS CE Programs September 2017
Check out what's coming to OLIS CE in September
Smart Robots
Speaker(s): Workshop: RI Computer Museum
This workshop aims to explain basic concepts of robotics. Working in teams, participants will learn coding using a Raspberry Pi to instruct a simple robot to move objects in construction challenges. The Pi programming environment allows you to do many things with a tiny credit-card-sized computer! Participants will also learn about programmable electronics for making lights blink, motors run and a lot more. Learn how to easily duplicate this workshop in your own library as a STEM/Maker activity. The workshop promises to be easy for beginners, challenging for experienced programmers and fun for everyone!
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program which was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14 and awarded to the URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians
Tuesday, Sep 5, 2017, 04:00 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library
Take Apart Night
Speaker(s): Workshop: RI Computer Museum
This workshop is for librarians who want to learn about hosting a Take Apart Night as a possible new programming opportunity or makerspace activity. Computer technology is everywhere and used by many professionals, including inventors, artists, teachers, engineers, musicians, scientists and computer programmers. In this workshop, students will learn how to see what is inside everyday items by taking them apart. If you've are a gadget geek, science nerd, budding engineer or other electronics-obsessed loved one, come take something apart with us. Bring your broken electronics and we'll help you take them apart and learn about circuits. No experience is necessary!
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program which was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14 and awarded to the URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2017, 04:00 PM
Archie Cole Middle School Library, East Greenwich
College and Career Readiness for Young Adults
Speaker(s): Mary MacDonald, URI Professor and Head of Instruction; Nicolette Baffoni, OLIS Adult Services Coordinator
What types of information literacy skills do teens need for college success, and how can public libraries strengthen these skills? Mary MacDonald, Professor and Head of Instruction at the University of Rhode Island Library, will join us to share the skills high school students need to become successful college researchers. We’ll also discuss career resources and workforce development initiatives for young adults with OLIS Adult Services Coordinator Nicolette Baffoni.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Young Adult Librarians and Library Staff, School Librarians, Teachers
Thursday, Sep 14, 2017, 09:30 AM
Tiverton Public Library
Digital Innovation Roundtable Planning Meeting
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
The Digital Innovation Roundtable will connect library staff from all types of RI libraries, who provide digital services and instruction to their communities, for purposes of discussion, resource sharing, peer education and collaboration. If you have an interest in emerging technology in libraries, digital literacy, technology instruction and other community-facing digital services, join us for the inaugural meeting to network and share with colleagues, identify topics of discussion for the coming year and plan future continuing education opportunities!
Registration required. Limited to 25 participants.
Intended Audience: Public Library Staff, Academic Librarians, School Library Media Specialists
Friday, Sep 15, 2017, 01:30 PM
Warwick Public Library: Idea Studio
Children's Services Fall Meeting
Speaker(s): The Autism Project, Maria Cotto, Bilingual Children's Librarian, Pawtucket Public Library and Babs Wells, Children’s Librarian, Greenville Public Library
The Autism Project will present the training program Creating the Connections. This training will provide librarians and library staff with the tools to help families access screening, evaluation, and appropriate resources for children, youth, and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and related Developmental Disabilities (DD). After this training librarians and library staff will understand and recognize both typical and atypical developmental milestones, support concerns families may have, and know the resources available to empower families to make informed decisions and access care.
Following the Creating the Connections training program, Maria Cotto, Bilingual Children's Librarian, Pawtucket Public Library and Babs Wells, Children’s Librarian, Greenville Public Library will share their expertise in planning, implementing, and promoting sensory story times and services for children with special needs.
The Autism Project is a unique collaboration of parents, professionals and community members who provide quality support, training, and programming that is accessible to all for children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families and those who work with them.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Youth Services Librarians and Library Staff, School Librarians, Teachers
Monday, Sep 18, 2017, 09:30 AM
Barrington Public Library
Introduction to the Agency by Design Framework and Maker-Centered Learning
Speaker(s): Jessica Ross, Project Manager for Agency by Design and Teaching Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Librarians are rapidly embracing the maker movement but it is more than just tools and materials. What does learning look like during maker-centered activities? What kinds of thinking can be encouraged? How can we design for making, thinking, and learning in a library setting? In this interactive workshop, research developed at Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education will be shared through a series of hands-on activities aimed at exploring these questions and considering how pedagogical practice can support the core principles of maker-centered learning. This session is for participants at any stage in developing a maker program in their library or school. Participants are encouraged to bring a brown bag snack.
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program which was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14 and awarded to the URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies.
Registration required. Limited to 30 participants.
Intended Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians
Thursday, Sep 21, 2017, 04:00 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library
Working With Local Authors
Speaker(s): Robin Nyzio, moderator
Are you often approached by local writers who want you to host library event for their self-published book? Would you like to learn from other librarians how they handle these requests? If so, join us for this session focusing on Working with Local Authors. We will hear from librarians who have hosted writers in their libraries for individual events or as part of an author expo. Robin Nyzio, assistant director at Lincoln PL, will moderate the discussion.
Registration required. Limited to 25 participants.
Intended Audience: Adult Services Librarians
Tuesday, Sep 26, 2017, 09:30 AM
Lincoln Public Library
Mock Newbery Meeting #1
Speaker(s): Group Discussion
It's time to start taking a closer look at the children's books of 2017. Please read one or (better yet) more books on the discussion list for the first meeting. Participating in the Mock Newbery is an opportunity to read the newest children’s books and to discuss them with other passionate readers. Voting for a Rhode Island winner and honor books will take place on January 17, 2018 using the balloting procedures of the real committee. The first discussion list and information about future meetings and programs is available at the Mock Newbery web page.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Youth Services Librarians and Library Staff, School Librarians, and Teachers
Wednesday, Sep 27, 2017, 07:00 PM
St. Andrew's School, Barrington
Neshmayda Calderon
Email: Neshmayda.Calderon@olis.ri.gov
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov/services/ce/index.php
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9313
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olisri
Twitter: @olisri