Paw Prints
January 10, 2025
Principal Corner
Returning after a break is always a celebration - the building goes from cold and quiet to loud and full of energy again! It felt like students and staff hit the ground running this week.
It's hard to believe it's time to start thinking about the 2025-2026 school year already, but we are deep in the planning process with your students here. Please take a close look at the information and deadlines later in the newsletter, especially if your student is planning on dual-enrolling or attending the Tech Center.
- Mr. Reed
Looking Ahead
January 20 - No Tech Center
February 3-7 - Midwinter Break
February 14 - No Tech Center
February 15 - Snowcoming Dance
O-Town News
Important Scheduling Reminders and Deadlines
2025-2026 Tech Center Program Requests
Current 10th and 11th graders -- You can use the form below to request entry into a Tech Center Program for the 25-26 School Year. The deadline to sign up is Friday, January 17th. Priority will be given to seniors first and those who submitted the form. We hope to let you know whether you got into the program of your choice during our 1-on-1 counselor meetings later this trimester.
Please note that you still need to sign up with this form even if you plan to continue in the program you're currently in.
Early College: we ask that 10th graders planning on applying to the Early College Program fill out the form and select it as their 1st program choice. This will help us keep track of who we need to follow up with.
2025-2026 Dual Enrollment
If you are interested in taking college classes for the 2025-2026 school year, you are required to fill out our Dual Enrollment Interest Form by March 14th, 2025.
10th and 11th Grade Counselor Meetings
It's that time of year to schedule your 1 on 1 meeting with your Counselor! Students, please use the links below to set up an appointment. During your meeting, you'll talk about how your school year is going, discuss your career interests, and schedule your next year classes. If you are a current 9th grader and have not met with your counselor yet, you can also use the links below to schedule your meeting.
Tech Center and LMC Students
- There will be no Tech Center on January 20. Please report to the OHS Media Center during your normally scheduled Tech classes.
Top Five for Students
Link of the Week
Ebon VanSparrentak
“He’s a perfect link for me because he’s a cool cat!”
Ebon is a one-of-a-kind LINK that embodies the friend model beautifully. The authentic connection between him and his peers is great to see in the classroom and out. Last trimester he ensured everyone was having a great time in adaptive PE by keeping it competitive, yet accessible to all. Ebon is an all-around great human!
OHS Home Events
- FR/JV/V Boy's Basketball vs Sturgis (4:15 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:00 PM)
- Girls JV/V and Boys V vs Paw Paw (4:15 PM, 5:45 PM, 7:15 PM)
Otsego High School
Attendance line: 269-694-7480
Athletic Office: 269-694-7405
Location: 550 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, USA
Phone: 269-694-7400