News and events
June 5, 2023
September 8, 2023
Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year!
School News!
Parent Teacher Conferences
We have on online system for parents to sign up for conferences with their child's teacher. You can sign up by going to this conference link. The online sign ups will close at 12PM on September 29th. If you need to sign up after the online system has closed you may email your child's teacher directly or call our office at 763-506-2900.
Parent Drop off/Pick up
Here is a link to a simple map.
The bus lane in front of the school has signs letting everyone know when that lane is only for buses. Our safest way to drop your child off in the morning is in the back of the school at door #4. Please follow the signs and arrows. Supervision for students at Door #4 begins at 8:30AM.
"Parent Pick Up" is at door #4 and is for car pick up only. "Crosswalk" is our parent/walker meeting area and is for parents desiring to meet their child on foot.
Changes: If you have a last minute change to how your child will be going home, please call our office at 763-506-2900. Please do so before 2:45pm.
Assistant Principal: We excited to welcome Derek Williamson to our team in the office. Derek will be here most mornings. He is shared with Johnsville Elementary and will go there most afternoons.
School Lunch: Students may receive one breakfast and one lunch daily at no cost during the 23-24 school year. However, the cost of a la carte items, such as milk (purchased separately from a meal), water bottle purchased separately, or extra meal items (such as Mega Bites) will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional items.
- Paper cups for water will not be available in the cafeteria this year. There is a bottle filler available for students to fill their own water bottle from home.
- If your family needs access to any other educational benefits available to your student, please visit to complete an application.
- You can find more information about child nutrition on the district website.
Upcoming School Events and Information
Be the Nice Kid! Our P.T.O. has paid for our students to experience this positive program for everyone. Welcome to our new students from Sunrise Elementary and to the many newly registered families. Our goal is to make positive connections and support everyone in making new friendships this fall.
Jefferson Jaunt Information: This is our annual P.T.O. fundraiser. The following links give all of the details. Here is the link to the video students watched, if you are interested in watching the video as well.
Fall Picnic - Mark your calendar now for the evening of September 21st from 5:30pm to 7pm. Here is a link to the flyer we will send home with students soon. Our hope it to have all families come and make positive connections with each other at this fun event.
School T-shirts: If you want to purchase spiritwear/grade level t-shirts they can be found here: Spiritwear Link
P.T.O. Meeting: Tuesday, September 12th at 6:30PM in our library
Jefferson Jaunt Walk - Friday, September 29th (walking schedule will come home soon)
Fall Picture Day - Tuesday, October 17th
Have you completed your 23/24 Volunteer Paperwork?
Anoka-Hennepin School District #11 requires that all volunteers complete a Volunteer Application & CRHR . These forms need to be completed each school year.
Volunteer Opportunities/Upcoming Events
PIN # Helpers - September 5th - 29th
P.T.O Meeting - Tuesday, September 12th - 6:30pm, Jefferson Library
Jefferson Jaunt Volunteer Sign Up - September 29th
Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up - October 4th, 5th, & 9th
Staff Conference Dinner Sign Up - October 10th
If you are interested in volunteering or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me if an opportunity arises that you would like to be involved in or to say “Hello” anytime!
Dijana Sivac – Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC)
This e-newsletter is published by Jefferson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.