Square Up to RTI²
Response to Instruction & Intervention: November 2024
In this issue...
Our department has created a new RTI² Canvas Course to better serve you. We will be releasing it soon!
There are some valuable resources available from the state; use the link below.
State RTI² WebsiteProfessional Development Opportunities
Math 180 Support
Professional Development - GT Resources
Click here to learn more about GT Resources for classroom teachers.
Purposeful Practice: Supporting Effective Word Reading for Students with Dyslexia
Educators, and others, can use this article to help students with dyslexia or any beginning reader
- gain insight into how word reading skills develop over time
- practice opportunities for improved word reading.
Written by Alexis N. Boucher, Ph.D., faculty affiliate at the TRRC, download and use this information today.
Middle School Math
Emphasizing Conceptual Knowledge versus Procedural Knowledge in Mathematics Education
KCS Intervention Overview
RTI² Parent Brochure
Parent Brochures are available to share with parents. You may download and print or request from your facilitator.
Data Meetings
Completing a Plan Review in MTSS (Monitor Progress and Record in MTSS)
Data teams will meet to consider multiple sources of data to determine how to best meet students' needs. The Coherence Map can help identify appropriate interventions. All student plans will be housed in the TNPulse platform using the MTSS tab. When planning for data meetings, teams will use various sources of data including progress monitoring, progress within the intervention program, and whether their is evidence of application of skills in Tier I. Once plans have been created in MTSS, each time you have a data meeting a "plan review" will need to be completed. Navigate to the student plan and click on the "Plan Review" button. Here is a link to the directions.
Educator Spotlight
This month's educator spotlight features Karrie Morris. Karrie has had an impactful role over the last 8 years as an instructional coach at Farragut Intermediate School. Prior to that Karrie held the position of a district level coach in our district. In total, Karrie has supported KCS for the past 19 years.
Her extensive responsibilities include managing the RTI2 process, which includes: universal screening, scheduling RTI2 groups, conducting additional diagnostic screenings, reviewing student data, leading RTI2 data meetings, performing fidelity checks, and training staff on new intervention programs. In addition, she supports FIS through IPG Walkthroughs and facilitates professional development for the school. She is an integral part of school leadership by contributing to TIGER, whole child support, and mentor teams. She generously shares her knowledge and collaborates with teachers and staff to plan lessons that meet the diverse needs of all students.
GT Resources
GT Canvas Course
Teacher: GT Advancing Resources for teachers are found in Commons and can be imported into their course to use digitally or printed off for paper pencil. This strategy is Multiple Perspectives. Perspective taking is a great way to show advanced thinking with point of view. Try it with math too! Teacher directions will be in the module. iReady enrichment choice boards are a great way to extend your math lessons and give your students options for enrichment. The advanced math booklets are ready to use extensions of the math lessons for K-2. Just print and give them to your students to use in small group or independently.
What we're listening to...
Sold a Story (includes new episodes Spring 2024)