Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man." Benjamin Franklin
Week of January 13, 2020
- Monday, Earth Café, renamed Wellness Café, opens at Community Center (opening was postponed due to operator's illness)
- Tuesday, 4:00 pm - Community Center Quarterly Meeting - updates at Center & Events
- Tuesday, Municipal Court
- Wednesday, Noon - Chamber of Commerce Luncheon
- Wednesday, 7:00 pm - Clay County Constitution Committee at Woodneath Mid-Continent Library
- Friday, 7:30 am - City Council Work Session
Council Actions
Last Monday, City Council approved Liquor License for Express Stop at 1217 N. Jesse James Road under new ownership; approved new golf membership category for Couples Unlimited Membership @ $200/month [Revenue: Golf]; and awarded contract to J&N Utilities from Blue Springs to extend sewer to Shirewood/St. Louis Ave. neighborhood. Project completion is expected before summer [Funding: CIP]. The City Council heard environmental concerns regarding proposed land use at 201 N. Industrial Park Road and tabled the rezoning and final development plan presented by Shoemaker Tow. City will work with applicant to consider solutions.
Staff Credits
Scott Sickles was promoted to Police OIC.
Northland Caps student, has been selected to fill the Volunteer Coordinator's position, starting in mid-January. This is an unpaid intern position.
Key Project Updates
- Police Communications software contractor, Zuerker, will be on site next week to complete a business practice review configuring software to fit department circumstances. [Funding: PSST] WHY? Purchased software to be adjusted to accommodate current practices.
- Splash Park RFPs out with bids due January 31st. [Funding: LWCF, Park Foundation donations, CIP] WHY? Compliance with city purchasing and grant agency policy.
- City will join Chamber promoting hashtag #OneTownOneTeam in Economic Development marketing efforts [Funding: None] WHY? Partnerships make us stronger and improve our outcomes.
- Construction Services is completing miscellaneous concrete repairs around town, plans to remove trees on wall along Liberty Street to prevent collapse. [Funding: Transportation Trust] WHY? Responsible to maintain public infrastructure in good condition within available funding levels.
- Sewer Department replaces 19' of main @ Lynn/Sherry Lane; fiber optics installers bored through sewer line. [Funding: Sewer Rates] WHY? Extent of damage required immediate repair.
- Transportation received new Bus which will go into service next week. [Funding: DOT, Transportation Trust] WHY? New bus will replace aging equipment.
Choose Your Attitude
Email: mmccgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752