August 2024 Newsletter
2024-2025 Back to School: A Fresh Start!
Dear Educators and Leaders,
As we stand on the threshold of a new academic year, it’s time to embrace the spirit of renewal and the endless possibilities that education brings to our lives. The start of school is more than just a beginning—it’s a promise of growth, learning, and discovery.
CSRA RESA: Your Partner in Improving Student Achievement
At CSRA RESA, we understand the challenges and triumphs that come with each school year, which is why we’re dedicated to supporting you with job-embedded professional learning and school improvement supports. Our team is committed to providing:
- Data-driven Decision Making: Empowering you to make informed decisions that propel student success.
- Evidence-based Practices: Offering guidance on implementing strategies that have a proven track record.
- Collaborative Planning: Fostering Professional Learning Communities to enhance teamwork and shared goals.
- Focused Professional Development: Ensuring that learning opportunities are sustained, collaborative, and tailored to instructional needs in Literacy, ELA, Math, and other subject areas.
- School Climate, Wrap Around, and Mental Health Support: Creating positive environments for both students and staff.
Wishing You the Best Year Ever
As you gear up for this journey, remember that every challenge is an opportunity to inspire and be inspired. We wish all our schools the best year ever—a year filled with achievements, smiles, and moments that turn into cherished memories.
Together, let’s make this year a testament to the resilience and dedication that define us as educators. Here’s to a year of making a difference - one student at a time.
Warmest regards,
Dr. Debbie Alexander, Executive Director
Georgia's Early Literacy Act
As part of the layers of support included in Georgia’s Early Literacy Act (HB 538), there are now literacy coaches to build the capacity of K-3 teachers to meet the needs of students through structured literacy. Mrs. Kayce Tyler will serve as the CSRA RESA's Regional Literacy Coach. Prior to coming to CSRA RESA, she had experience as a reading teacher and a district literacy coach. Recently, Kayce has served as a Shared Literacy Specialist and as a Growing Readers Specialist. Additionally, she also created the CSRA RESA Reading Resources Center, developed and instructed the CSRA RESA Reading Endorsement, as well as built the Initial Certification Foundational Reading courses for the CSRA RESA's TAPP program.
Literacy coaches are an essential part of the Georgia’s Early Literacy Act (HB 538) to provide support for K-3 teachers; therefore, the RESAs will be providing support for elementary schools’ literacy coaches and/or other literacy leads. Each district has different needs. For example, some districts may have formalized coaching models while other districts may not have individuals in formal literacy coaching positions. As a result, literacy coaching support will be customized to meet the needs in each district.
At CSRA RESA, we look forward as always to providing relevant job embedded professional learning that will support teachers and leaders. We are excited about this additional layer of support for literacy coaches and teachers. Moreover, CSRA RESA's specialists in the areas of ELA, Growing Readers, Reading, and Dyslexia will be available to support your professional learning needs. We are thrilled to be a part of the Georgia Literacy Plan to ensure Georgia Reads……so Let’s Read, Georgia!
CSRA RESA Literacy Luau
The CSRA RESA Literacy Luau was a huge success! During the Luau, instructional coaches and teacher leaders from the CSRA RESA region participated in various sessions focused on everything from adult learning to math literacy. Attendees walked away with updated knowledge and strategies to support their work with teachers in their schools. CSRA RESA specialists not only enjoyed the opportunity to support the instructional coaches' new learning through presentations, but also to develop connections and build relationships as well. Please be on the lookout for future professional learning opportunities for instructional coaches during the 2024-2025 school year!
The 2024 TAPP Cohort that consisted of 44 candidates completed the Essentials Course between June 3rd and June 14th. Each morning candidates spent time learning, discussing, and participating in strategies focused on the areas of dyslexia and reading. These sessions were facilitated by Lindsey Heritage, CSRA RESA's K-5 ELA Specialist. Lindsey's work with the candidates provided them with critical information to aid in their support of students with dyslexia and reading struggles. Afternoon sessions took place in McDuffie County where candidates completed their field experiences. Candidates were assigned to either Norris Elementary School or Thomson Elementary School to finish out each day. Lisa Guilbeau, CSRA RESA's Georgia TAPP Director, is excited about the 2024 TAPP Cohort and looks forward to a successful school year.
If you or someone you know is interested in the TAPP program - CSRA RESA GaTAPP - Home (google.com)
GaDOE Teaching & Learning Summit
CSRA RESA Endorsement Programs
ELA Domain Days
August 29: GaDOE Fall 2024 Teaching & Learning Summit
September 10: Behavior Interventions that Work: Keys to Having a Successful Classroom
September 16: A Domain Day: Foundations - Georgia ELA Standards
September 17: Introduction to Mathematics Learning Plans from Georgia Instructional Framework (K-1)
September 18: Introduction to Mathematics Learning Plans from Georgia Instructional Framework (2-3)
September 19: Introduction to Mathematics Learning Plans from Georgia Instructional Framework (4-5)
September 20: Introduction to Mathematics Learning Plans from Georgia Instructional Framework (6-8)
To register for any of these sessions: registration.csraresa.org/PL_Session_List_Public_View.asp
August 14: Coffee Talk: Collaboration for Building Stronger Programs for SWDs in Region 10
August 15: Check and Connect Preparation and Administration
August 19: Check and Connect Mentor Training
August 22: MTSS: Georgia's Tiered System of Supports
August 30: Region 10 Collaborative Community
September 9: Teacher Provider Retention Program - Cohort A
September 10: Implementing the new Literacy Laws: Success, Challenges, and What to do next with John O'Connor
September 10: Jim Knight's Impact Cycle and High Leverage Practices for Instructional Coaches
September 11: Teacher Provider Retention Program - Cohort B
September 12: Teacher Provider Retention Program - Cohort C
September 18: Teacher Provider Retention Program Extension: Deepening the Knowledge of Best Practices
September 24: Special Needs Preschool Teacher Collaborative
September 25: Facilitated IEP Meeting Sponsored by the Ga Dept of Education Taught by Key2Ed
To register for any of these sessions - Log In (eastglrs.org)
For a complete list of professional learning events currently open for registration - Activity Listing (eastglrs.org)
CSRA RESA partners with school systems to help teachers and leaders make a positive impact on student achievement and other school improvement goals by providing standards based professional learning with a focus on evidence-based practices, providing collaborative opportunities, and the support to implement local, state, and federal educational laws and initiatives. CSRA RESA serves 11 school systems: Burke, Columbia, Glascock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Taliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes.