Week 7 Term 4 SFDS Newsletter
St Francis de Sales - Tuesday 30 November 2021
Kia Ora Ano
Oh my goodness only 14 school days left! There is so much going on for our learners with our year rounding up and there are some very tired tamariki out there.
Our Prime Minister has confirmed all of New Zealand will move onto the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) at 11.59pm on Thursday 2 December. The Wellington region will be Orange.
The Ministers have agreed that all schools will retain their existing COVID-19 settings until the end of the 2021 calendar year, but guidance will recommend that schools outside of Auckland align their practices with the COVID-19 Protection Framework settings, which will come into effect for all schools from 1 January 2022.
This will mean that for all schools there will be very little or no change needed for the remainder of 2021 – so, we will keep with our level 2 protocols for the last 2 and a half weeks of term!
Attached is how our kura will operate through the traffic light system and our COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) guidance.
We are so excited to have a new year 8 cup this year. This is the Holden/Lawlor Whānau Soul Cup.
The Holden/Lawlor Whānau Soul Cup has been gifted to St Francis de Sales School from a dedicated Island Bay whānau who have 100 years association with our kura.
The criteria for the award is:
- Serving and promoting our school’s catholic character (taking roles in class, school & community Mass, actively supporting special character services and events - Easter, All Souls Day, Assumption, Christmas etc…
- Living and modelling our fruits of the holy spirit including showing compassion and respect.
- Demonstrating, promoting and living out The Catholic Social Teachings to guide their work in regards to social issues (participation, common good, distributive justice, human dignity, stewardship, solidarity, preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, promotion of peace and subsidiarity).
We can’t wait to hear who our first Holden/Lawlor Whānau Soul Cup winner will be for 2021.
A huge thank you to all of our tamariki and community who have donated gifts and food for the ‘Pack The Bus’ appeal…as you can see there were so many donations and many families' Christmas will be made brighter thanks to your generosity.
We are very lucky to live in such a generous, socially minded community #blessed.
Congratulations to the following students who received a certificate at school hui on Thursday:
Amelia M, Amanda P, Elijah S, Tauamiti-Johann SS, Fionuala M, Marcine I, Madison F, Tenysin T, Miriam P, Arkin A, Isabel M, Sofia M, Olivia K, Mahlee HB, Petra M, Isabelle S and Andronicos E.
Principal's Cup winner: Adam F
House with the most values cards earned: Avila
Empire Cinema voucher draw winner: Eva E
Winning house for combined points from athletics day and values cards: Sienna
Have a wonderful rest of the week and take care.
Nga Mihi Nui
Tracy Gundesen
Principal Award winner Adam F
Eva E Awarded the values house card winner
Congratulation Sienna!!!
Poipoia te Kakano Kia Puawai - Nurture the seed and it will blossom
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
The Board would like to thank those of you in the school community that took the time to give feedback on the uniform consultation. The feedback received was well thought through and well presented. The feedback was mixed. Generally, it was supportive, but there was some welcome feedback around choice of colour and materials etc.
As well as our efforts to be an inclusive school, there are a number of practical and external factor that influence the decision. Many Catholic schools around the country have already transitioned out of the traditional catholic tartan and uniform, meaning that future supply and costs will be negatively affected. There has also been a steady decline in the quality of the uniforms that we are receiving, meaning that change will become inevitable.
As a board we feel the need to continue with the change process, we will hold a further consultation in early 2022 with a final decision be made shortly after. We would anticipate any change to begin mid 2022, allowing until the end of 2023 for complete change over. This means that all students would be in the new uniform by the beginning of 2024. This allows for the 2022 senior intake to complete their time at SFDS in the uniform they purchase for the start of 2022.
As the final part of the consultation, we would like to hold an evening in February 2022 to allow further discussion on the valid queries raised.
UP COMING EVENTS - see full calendar for PE Days
Friday 3 December
-Tangaroa Fun sports day
-Ice Cream afternoon
-Little potter fundraiser
Thursday 9 December
- Challenge 2000 Leadership day with current Year 6 & 7 Students
- Year 8 Leadership day
Friday 10 December - Tracy's Farewell 2-4pm
THURSDAY 2 DECEMBER: Uniform Shop last day taking orders for 2021
MONDAY 20 DECEMBER: LAST DAY OF TERM 4 - Last day of school 2021 12.30 finishSATURDAY 25 DECEMBER: Christmas Day
SUNDAY 26 DECEMBER: Boxing day
MONDAY 27 DECEMBER: Public Holiday (Christmas Day observed)
TUESDAY 27 DECEMBER : Public Holiday (Boxing Day observed)
THURSDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2022: Uniform shop open 9.30am - 1pm
Our two teams had their last game of the season last week. Both teams had great seasons - The Hoopsters finished 4th in their division and The Holy Hot Shotz finished 2nd. Well done boys! Thank you to all the parents and caregivers for your support of the new rules and restrictions this season, to those who managed subbing at the games each week and to Sheyne T who has coached all season.
Just a reminder regarding absences or lateness - the process is to contact the school office if your child is going to be late or away for the day. You should do this via the school app, email or leaving a message on the absence line. Notification should be in by 9am at the latest.
We have had a few parents email the teachers directly lately and while they appreciate the email, these messages do not always get sent through to the school office, hence us then messaging and calling you. We always communicate any special messages or reasons for absence to the classroom teacher.
The Tangaroa/ Junior School team had tentatively planned an end of year sports day/picnic for this Friday 3 December and the forecast looks good, so we are going ahead with it.
Weather permitting, our plan is to leave school to walk to Wakefield Park at around 11.15 and return to school at around 2.15pm.
At Wakefield Park we will have a mixed sports rotation and a picnic lunch/play together.
Children should wear PE uniform, have a packed lunch and a drink.
If you would like to join us please contact your child's teacher.
We will be holding a small afternoon tea on Friday 10 December, in the school Library between 2 and 4 pm, this will be a chance for anyone to come in and say a final goodbye to Tracy so please feel free to pop in.
We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list will available from Monday 20 December on the OfficeMax MySchool website – myschool.co.nz.
We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go in plenty of time for the start of Term 1. Don’t wait until mid-January.
Laybuy* is also available, so you can pay in 6 weekly, interest-free payments - and still get your order right away. Or you can pay by internet banking, credit card or debit card.
When you shop on myschool.co.nz you’ll receive free delivery on orders over $46*. You will also help our school earn school rewards* that we use to purchase much needed extra resources for our school.
* Terms & Conditions apply, see myschool.co.nz for details.
We have the final amount raised from the Quiz night - $11,410! This is an amazing achievement, and we are very grateful to all those who supported this fundraiser - our amazing sponsors, all those who bought raffle tickets and everyone who came along on the night. A very special thank you to the subcommittee of the PSL who organised this hugely successful event.
After winning the ASB Big Little ideas competition as seen on The Project tv show and the roaring success at the PSL quiz night of the leather planters that our very own Edison makes by hand she has kindly decided to help our year 7 & 8 camp for 2022!
She will be setting up a stall and selling her amazing planters and bags on Friday 3 December at the end of the school driveway. These would make an amazing gift for loved ones at Christmas with the full profit being kindly donated to the 2022 camp.
Cost are as follows: Make sure to swing past and have a look in person! They really are amazing!
· Medium leather planter $25
· Large leather planter $35
· Medium leather bag $49
· Large leather bag $69
You can place your orders via the following link https://www.littlepotter.co.nz/product/st-francis-de-sales-school-camp-fundraiser. Orders can be picked up from Edison at school Friday! You can also find out more at www.littlepotter.co.nz
Our current year 7 learners will be selling Ice creams outside rooms 2 and 3
Friday 3 December
Tickets are now available though the Kindo online shop. $3 each. Dont miss out! Gluten Free and Dairy Free options also available.
The following products are available though your school KINDO account
For information on how to get to KINDO Click here to view. From there you are able to pay your school donations, (there is an option to make part payments) uniform and any other school charges or sign ups for sports and extra actvities.
Click here to download term 4's menu.
Last date for Kindo orders: 5 December
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Peel it, stick it, forget it! It will all come back home!
Capital Trout Centre Open Day Sunday 5th December 2021
Children must have a licence to fish for trout and free licences/tickets are available from Monday 22nd November 2021 at the following stores.:
Capital Fishing , 49 Ghuznee Street (off Cuba Mall)
Hutt Valley Hunting & Fishing, 8 Te Puni Street, Petone
The Centre is located behind the WCC Administration buildings on the way to the Wellington City Council Southern Landfill, on Landfill Road, Happy Valley, Wellington and is open to the public on specific days.
Children do not have to bring any gear as Club members will assist children to catch a trout on fly fishing tackle.
As the Centre is manned and maintained by volunteers we rely on donations to cover our expenses of purchasing the fish from the hatcheries, fish food and general maintenance.
We are also available for private family bookings.
Contact: Strato 387 7878 (wk) 386 3740 (hm)
email: strato.cotsilinis@gmail.com
Looking for something to keep the kids happy for a couple of hours in those busy days leading up to Christmas?
On Wednesday, 22 December from 10.00am - 12 noon, Friends of Karori Cemetery will take them on an exciting exploration of secret pathways, visit the graves of famous, infamous and ordinary folk, introduce them to Mrs Chippy the cat who sailed to the Antarctic, talk about why we toot in the tunnel, and work out how many people died in the Tangiwai rail disaster.
Suitable for ages 5-12, gold coin donation only.
Limited numbers available, so bookings are essential
To register & get more information, email friendskaroricemetery@gmail.com
20th – 24th DEC 2021 and Jan 10th – Feb 4th 2022 from 7.00am-6pm daily. Interactive Activities and NO TV or Video Games, Kai Cubs Cooking, Keep Fit Karapu Fitness, and Life Skills Programme creating healthy Breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Teas. One-on-one care and shuttle services available. Daily $81.04/cub per session or $137.77 for two siblings per session; Weekly: $324.16 per cub/week or $551.07 for two siblings/week. MSD Approved & WINZ subsidies are available for eligible families.
Please contact us: 0800 PRIDE 4 U Or Register online: www.PRIDELANDS.co.nz or Visit our Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/PrideLandsChildcare
Qisma Tech is offering a Holiday Programme to all 7-12 year olds (Year 3 to Year 8)
This programme will have the students join in a variety of games and activities that will help strengthen their knowledge in Engineering, Science and Maths!
The programme will run from the 17th of January to the 28th of January, every weekday.
We have attached a flyer that has extra details.
If you would kindly send this and the attached flyer to the parents of your year 3 to 8 students that would be greatly appreciated.
There are limited spaces so get in quick!!
Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 and 13 the opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment. The programme is packed with activities to entertain and inspire children. We have some exciting days planned: Water Nerf Battle, Teddy Bears Picnic, Kiwiana Xmas, Santa's Workshop and lots of more Xmas fun!
The Pre-Xmas Holiday Programmes are held at the following centres:
Kelly Club Amesbury (Amesbury School, Churton Park) – 14 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club West Park (West Park School, Johnsonville) - 17 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club Churton Park (Churton Park School) – 16 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club Kelburn (Kelburn School) – 16 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
Kelly Club Island Bay (Island Bay School ) – 20 Dec – 23 Dec, click here for the Activity Planner
We will be back at all the above centres from 10 Jan 2022 with some Super Summer Fun days planned including; Summer Camp, King of the Jungle, Barnyard Games, Wheels Day plus trips to Movies - Sing 2!, Awesome Bounce, Ten Pin Bowling, Staglands and Zappo the Magician is coming to Kelly Club.!
Kelly Club Amesbury Activity Planner
Kelly Club Churton Park Activity Planner
Kelly Club Kelburn Activity Planner
Kelly Club Island Bay Activity Planner
Kelly Club West Park Activity Planner
To enrol www.kellyclub.co.nz email adminwgtn@kellysports.co.nz or call 04 972 7201
Contact Us
Email: office@sfds.school.nz
Website: http://www.sfds.school.nz
Location: St Francis De Sales School 11 Mersey Street, Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 04 939 7370