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Belmont Elementary: A PAWSitive Place to Learn!
Wrapping Up Quarter Number One!
Something to consider is how important it is to BE in school. Although we completely understand that kids get sick sometimes and that can't be helped, we also REALLY appreciate everything you are doing to help keep your students as healthy and resilient as possible. A healthy diet, plenty of exercise and sunshine, and a good night's rest (about 10 hours is recommended for school-agers) go a LONG way toward happy days at school.
If your family has tried every option imaginable and absolutely must pull your children out of school for a vacation, please know that the disruption is likely to have some impact on your child's learning. They will not be able to recoup all of the elementary classroom experiences by making up a few worksheets. Our teachers will attempt to provide makeup work, and will act in due diligence to try to catch up our learners, but there still may be some gaps. We do appreciate every effort you can make to keep your child's brain active and engaged in learning something about the new environment they're experiencing on your vacation. Absences of 5 days or more must be approved prior to the absence in order to be eligible for excusal. Unexcused absences are subject to all truancy laws and applicable actions in the state of Kansas. We've got an attendance tracker in the hallway and so far we're in pretty good shape, but the closer we can get to 100%, the easier it is to reach all of our goals!
Thank you for doing such a GREAT job getting your children to school on time each day! This helps tremendously!! Our morning routines are smooth and easy when everyone is here for directions the first time they're given.
School Pictures are in Backpacks Today!
In the Building is a BEautiful Place to BE!
If you, or someone you know, might be interested in joining Team BE, please reach out! I can't wait to talk with you to see if our needs meet your needs and your needs meet our needs...you get the idea! Call Pam at 913-667-1810, email to phargrove@usd232.org, or apply online here.
Coming Up at BE:
October 16 PTO Meeting, 6:30pm, Cafeteria
October 19 End of 1st Quarter, Celebration of Learning
October 20 NO SCHOOL, Professional Learning/Teacher Workday
October 23 NO SCHOOL, District Professional Learning Day
October 31 Fall Parties and Parade
Visit the BE Online Calendar of Events (by clicking on the button below) for a more complete list of activities!
Oooooooh!! Fall Fun to End the Month!
PTO (that's you) sponsors three classroom parties for our students: Fall, Winter and Valentines Day. First up is our Fall Party Day, scheduled for Tuesday, October 31st! Last year's format brought all the fun with zero fright so we're sticking with the plan and doing it all again! Start crossing your fingers for BEautiful weather for our parade!
Here's the plan:
- Costumes!
- Party!
- Parade!
Details, details, details....
- Costumes are encouraged for students during the party and parade time, but of course, they are not required. Experience has taught us that it's really not as easy as you'd think for students to manage a costume all day, so costumes should be brought to school in a bag or backpack and should be fairly easy for your kiddo to put on by themselves with minimal assistance. Costumes should be elementary appropriate and not too scary. Please do not include blood, guts, gore or weapons of any kind. Accessories (think..projectiles and things to trip over) should stay at home and be saved for Halloween night trick-or-treating. Masks are fine as long as vision is not impaired for walking in the parade!
- Classroom Party help is encouraged, but will be limited to best accommodate student needs! We would like to invite 2-3 parents from each classroom to plan and lead a craft, game or both for the 2:45-3:15 party in their child's class. These parents will be welcomed into the classroom at 2:30 to set up as well as assist younger students with their costumes if needed. We will NOT be serving food at parties. This helps us to both enjoy more time playing, and alleviate allergy concerns for every child. They'll get PLENTY of candy and treats during trick or treating with your family- and you'll be able to best monitor their safety! If you would like to volunteer to plan and lead your child's classroom party, please contact your child's teacher ASAP. If more parents are interested than we have room for, we'll have a drawing and save names for the next party. Thank you so much for your time!
- Outdoor Parade at 3:!5! YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY is invited for a front row view of all of our little monsters, movie stars, scientists, musicians, scarecrows, animals, super heroes, creators, book characters, princesses, ..............oh, my goodness! I can hardly wait! Here's how we know we can best make this happen- when you arrive for the parade, you may either park in an open parking space and walk up to the front lawn (we'll provide guidance for the best view) or just pull right up in the regular pick up loops, turn off your car and leave it in line, then walk up to the viewing area. After the parade (about 3:32ish) just walk right back to your cars and get ready for the loops to move like normal at regular dismissal time. Please, do not come inside to check your kiddos out early- we'll need those precious minutes to make sure our Bulldogs are all packed up and ready to go with all costume parts intact for the big night. Genius!
It's going to BE Spooktacular!! We hope you can join us for the parade and appreciate the planners who volunteer to lead the crafts and activities!
2023-2024 Lunch Schedule
11:25-11:52 Kindergarten
11:55-12:22 5th Grade
12:05-12:32 4th Grade
12:35-1:02 2nd Grade
12:45-1:15 3rd Grade
Reservations required to join your child for lunch- CLICK HERE to reserve your spot at a family table!
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You'll find us at:
Email: phargrove@usd232.org
Website: be.usd232.org
Location: 5805 Belmont Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226, United States
Phone: (913)667-1810
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551561131618
Twitter: @BEBulldogs