Frenchtown's Friday Message
June 14, 2024
Gina M. Prisco, Principal
Dr. Randi Petersen, Asst. Principal
What a wonderful year we have had! Thank you for sharing your children with us๐
Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer! See you Tuesday, August 27th!๐
Important Dates to Remember
Monday, August 26th - Meet the Teacher
K-2 - 1:00 - 1:30
3-5 - 1:45-2:15
First day of school is Tuesday, August 27th. This will be a full day.
Trumbull Summer Reading
Click on the link below for more information.
Summer Math 2024 Olympic Style
Keeping up with math skills over the summer is super important! We know how hard your kids have worked to learn math during the school year, and we don't want them to forget any of it. That's why we're encouraging them to practice their math skills to keep them sharp.
To make practicing math fun and rewarding, we're inviting your kids to join our Summer Math Olympics Challenge! They can become a Summer Math Olympiad by choosing a competition pathway and aiming for the gold.
If your child competes and earns a medal, they'll be invited to a special Medal Ceremony at school in October to receive their medal and celebrate their math success.
If you want to learn more about the Summer Math Olympics and get your child started in the competition, please visit the Elementary Math Summer Website below. Let's make math practice an exciting part of summer!
Click the link below to access the Summer Math Olympics Challenge!
Happy Summer!
You can join the PTA for next year starting on July 1 by visiting Membership Toolkit: Frenchtown Elementary School PTA - Home Page ( Donโt forget to visit the PTA table at Meet the Teacher to sign up for our many committees! Save the date - Monday, August 26th!
Summer Explorations Summer 2024
The Summer Explorations 2024 catalog is live! There are many 4-week, 2-week, and 1-week camps. Offerings include academics, enrichment, music, sports, SAT prep, driver's education, and more! Click the link below for more information.
News from TLC
Kindergarten Registration Process for 2024-2025
A message from Dr. Semmel regarding the Kindergarten Registration Process for 2024-2025
Did you know that this past spring the Connecticut Legislature passed a new law regarding the age of Kindergarteners? They passed Public Act 23-208, which amended Section 10-15c of the Connecticut General Statutes requiring that all public schools be open to all children five years of age and over who reach age five on or before the first day of September of any school year. The previous law allowed children to start Kindergarten if they reached age 5 by January 1 of any school year.
The new law does allow parents/guardians of children who will not turn 5 until after September 1, but before January 1, the right to send a written request to the district requesting that their child be allowed to attend Kindergarten in the Fall.
For any Trumbull resident interested in registering for kindergarten this fall, please use the link below. This link will guide you through the process for entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024.
Need to Make a Payment?
Now Hiring in Trumbull!
***Substitute Shortage***
Trumbull Public Schools are not alone as we are experiencing substitute teacher shortages on a daily basis. There is a need for substitute teachers and substitute paraeducators. With your help, this will improve. If you are interested in substitute teaching in Trumbull Public Schools, please use the link below to apply. Thank you!
Application Link:
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Follow Frenchtown on twitter and see what students and staff are up to! @FrenchtownElem #frenchtownwolves