A Letter From Dr. Pete Hannigan

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November 15, 2023
Dear Hawthorn Families,
As we find ourselves in the midst of November, Hawthorn District 73 would like to share our severe weather procedures in the event that school closures become necessary. While our primary goal is to keep our schools open, we must also prioritize the safety of the more than 3,500 students we serve, especially during the unpredictable Chicagoland winters.
At Hawthorn District 73, we closely monitor weather advisories and warnings from the National Weather Service (www.weather.gov) and consult with neighboring districts when making closing decisions. To help you prepare for various scenarios, here are our cold-weather guidelines:
Wind Chill Warning
- A wind chill warning is typically issued when the wind chill will be -30 degrees Fahrenheit or colder, OR the actual air temperature is -15°F.
All classes will be canceled. Hawthorn will not offer remote learning.
Extracurricular activities will be suspended.
All notification systems will be leveraged to communicate school cancellations to families.
Wind Chill Advisory
- A wind chill advisory is typically issued when the wind chill is -20 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.
Schools will be open; however, all outside activities, including recess and outdoor physical education, will be suspended.
Extracurricular activities may be suspended if conditions persist. Updates will be posted on school websites, and parents will receive an email if after-school activities are canceled.
All field trips will be canceled.
Communication – Sources of Information
If we do cancel school, we will call, email and text Hawthorn families (parents, guardians and staff) by 6:30 am that day. Hawthorn often waits until the morning to make that call because the weather in the Chicagoland area is constantly changing. For more information, please visit our Emergency Closures and Delays website.
Early Release
If an early release is deemed necessary, Hawthorn District 73 will utilize our Wednesday early release schedule and dismiss students 45 minutes early.
I would like to remind all families to consider now what kind of alternative childcare arrangements need to be made for their children should our school be closed for inclement weather or other related emergencies.
Dr. Pete Hannigan
Superintendent of Schools