Tuxedo Talk

MARCH 2025
Message from the Acting Superintendent
Dear Tuxedo UFSD Community,
It’s hard to believe how quickly the year is moving along! March is here, bringing an exciting season of learning, achievements, and school events. As we enter budget season, we invite our school community to join us on March 19 for the Board of Education meeting, where we will review Part I of the proposed 2025-26 budget, focusing on expenditures. This is an important opportunity to learn more about the district’s financial planning and share your input as we work to support our students and schools.
This past month, we were thrilled to announce Casey Juance and Amanda Dykstra as the valedictorian and salutatorian of the Class of 2025, respectively. These two outstanding students have demonstrated exceptional dedication and academic excellence, and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate their achievements. Congratulations to them and their families on this well-earned recognition!
Parent-teacher conferences are coming up this week on March 6, providing a valuable opportunity for families and teachers to connect and support student success. If you have not yet scheduled an appointment with your child’s teacher, please visit the Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler on the District website.
Looking ahead, our talented high school students will take the stage for “The Addams Family” musical in the George F. Baker auditorium at the end of March. We can’t wait to see their hard work come to life in what promises to be a fantastic performance!
Thank you for your ongoing support of our students and schools.
Nancy Teed
Acting Superintendent
Tuxedo Union Free School District
Universal Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration
Now Accepting Applications!
The TUFSD is still accepting applications for the Universal Pre-K program and registration for Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year! Kindergarten orientation will be held on March 12 at George Grant Mason Elementary. Please read the letter from GGM Principal Park to learn more.
District Highlights
GFB Ethics Club Competes in Regional Ethics Bowl
Two teams from the George F. Baker Ethics Club competed at the Regional Ethics Bowl at Manhattanville University on February 1, where they faced off against 12 area high schools. Read more about the competition and how the teams performed on our Facebook page.
GGM Students Celebrate World Read Aloud Day
On February 5, George Grant Mason Elementary students took part in a "Breakfast with Books" Character Education assembly in honor of World Read Aloud Day. Third-grade teacher Erin Mulgrew led a reading of Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, highlighting February’s character trait of empathy. Check out photos and learn more about this fun event on Instagram!
AP Psychology Students Take On Parenting Challenge
Smiles Shine Bright at GGM for National Children’s Dental Health Month
GGM Celebrates PARP Month with Guest Readers
"Get To Know Me a Skittle" SEL Activity at GFB
Student Spotlight
Amanda Dykstra
New Faculty Spotlight
Conor Donovan
Getting Results
GFB Class of 2025 Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced
Congratulations to Casey Juance and Amanda Dykstra, who have been named the valedictorian and salutatorian of the Class of 2025! Read more about these outstanding students and their future plans on our website.
At the Board
Board Business
At the February 12 Tuxedo Board of Education meeting, School Business Official Brian Weir presented preliminary revenue projections for the 2025-26 budget, and the Board approved the calendar for the 2025-26 school year .
For the full agenda and documents from the February 12 meeting and all previous Board of Education meetings, please visit the Tuxedo Union Free School District Board of Education section of Board Docs.
Meeting Schedule
The next meeting of the Board of Education will take place on March 19 at 7 p.m. Click here to see the full schedule of Board of Education meetings and important dates. All meetings will be held in the George F. Baker auditorium unless otherwise stated.
Athlete of the Week for January 27
Way to go, Nikolas and Brayden! Keep up the great work!
Athlete of the Week for February 3
Congratulations to Emilia Kainatsky, a standout on the varsity girls' wrestling team who has earned the title of Tuxedo Tornadoes Athlete of the Week for the week of February 3! This is the first year that George F. Baker has had a girls' wresting team compete in interscholastic athletics, and Emilia has shown great commitment, putting in the time and effort to improve every day, leading to her success on the mat.
Coach Bill Brunner is proud of the progress the sophomore has made, winning three of her last five matches and securing her position as the No. 5 seed heading into the Section 9 Championships this week! "Emilia's commitment and hard work have truly paid off, and we’re excited to see her compete at sectionals."
Before You Go
Parent Teacher Conferences March 6
Please note that Thursday, March 6 will be a half-day for students, so that George F. Baker High and George Grant Mason Elementary School can hold Parent Teacher Conferences.
Saturday Basketball Begins March 8
Get ready for some weekend fun! Saturday Basketball, a revival of a popular past program run by community volunteers, begins March 8 and is open to students in grades 3-6. Stay tuned for more details—sign-up information coming soon!
Elementary After School Program Begins March 10
The TUFSD is excited to sponsor a new after-school program for students in grades 1-5 beginning on March 10.
- Mondays/Wednesdays:
- Grades 1-3: Intramural Athletic Activities
- Grades 4-5: Reading Club/Math Club
- Tuesdays/Thursdays:
- Grades 1-3: Reading Club/Math Club
- Grades 4-5: Intramural Athletic Activities
Bussing is available for participants. Permission slips have been sent home with students - contact the GGM Main Office at ext. 3110 for more information.
Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten Orientation for the 2025-26 school year will be held Wednesday, March 12 at 1:45 PM in the George Grant Mason Elementary Multi-Purpose room. (Snow date March 13.)
Superintendent's Conference Day
Please note that TUFSD will be closed to students on Tuesday, March 18 for Superintendent's Conference Day.