Waterville Primary Friday Flyer!
Sharing Great News with our AWesome Families!
Events for the Weeks of: January 10th-January 24th
Dates to Remember
Friday, January 17th: No School (Staff Work Day)
Monday, January 20th: No School (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Thursday, January 23rd: Sock Hop in Community Room 3:30pm-4:30pm (flyers sent home)
Sunday, January 26th: WPA Family Walleyes Hockey Game (fourth graders perform)
Friday, January 31st: WPA Movie Night
Monday, February 3rd: WPA Meeting in Media Center 6pm
Friday, February 14th: Valentine's Day Classroom Parties!
Monday, February 17th: No School (President's Day)
Tuesday, February 18th: 2-Hour Delayed Start (Staff Professional Development)
Tuesday, February 18th-Friday, February 21st: Right to Read Week: "Fall in Love with a Good Book"!
Winter Book Fair (information to follow)
Thursday, February 20th: Family Literacy Night (information to follow) 6pm-8pm
Saturday, March 1st: WPA Winter's Ball (held at Waterville Primary- more information to follow soon)
Monday, March 3rd: WPA Meeting in Media Center 6pm
Saturday, March 8th: WPA Bowling Bonanza (more information to follow)
Friday, March 14th: WPA Movie Night
Monday, March 17th-21st: PJs for Pups Week (more information to follow)
Monday, March 24th-Friday, March 28th: No School (Spring Break)
Monday, April 7th: WPA Meeting in Media Center 6pm
Wednesday, April 9th: Walk to School
Wednesday, April 23rd: Walk to School
Friday, April 25th: WPA Movie Night
Monday, May 5th: WPA Meeting in Media Center 6pm
Wednesday, May 7th: Walk to School
Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th: Muffins in the Morning and Spring Book Fair
Wednesday, May 21st: Walk or Bike to School (TBD)
Monday, May 26th: No School, Memorial Day
Friday, May 30th: WPA Spring Spectacular
Tuesday, June 3rd: Last Day of School for Students
Happy 2025!
We have had a wonderful start to a brand new year! We are very excited for the many engaging learning experiences that we have planned for the second half of our school year.
This week, we have spent time reminding students about items that are appropriate to bring to school and also items that should be left at home (unless there is a unique circumstance). Many students are (appropriately!) very excited about specific gifts they received over the holiday break. A picture is truly the best way for students to share information with others about their personal items to ensure nothing is lost, broken, forgotten, or misplaced. Another unfortunate, but real concern, is that bringing certain items to school can possibly lead to the spread of germs, sickness, bedbugs, or other unwanted guests that may hop a ride into your home. We truly appreciate your help and proactive support as you monitor that your student is leaving personal items safely at home!
Waterville Parents' Association (WPA) Updates
The WPA has set their meeting schedule for the remainder of the school year. The dates are:
Monday, February 3
Monday, March 3
Monday, April 7
Monday, May 5
The monthly meetings will take place in the school Media Center starting at 6pm. Please come and join us to keep up to date on our activities and learn all about how you can get involved! We hope to see you there!
Movie Night
The next WPA Movie Night will be held on Friday, January 31st and Wild Robot will be the feature presentation. Keep an eye out over the next week for the RSVP form to come home.
Toledo Lucas County Winter Reading Program!
Welcome to Winter Read!
Winter Read is underway! Just read two books between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28.
If you simply provide your name and email below, you will be signed up. Then, we will email you toward the end of Winter Read to ask how many books you have read, and we will enter you into the grand prize drawing.
You can stop by any location to get your sign-up prize (cozy hats for kids and grown-ups!) or to get help registering.
Happy winter reading!
News from our School Counselor, Mrs. Cowell!
Students of the Quarter!
Congratulations to our first Student of the Month/Student of the Quarter winners! The following students are being recognized this quarter for their great choices during the first quarter of the school year. These choices earned each of them Bucket Filling slips, which they then entered into our Student of the Quarter raffle. This raffle is offered at the end of each quarter. Our next Bucket Filling Store will take place sometime in March, so these students’ boards will remain up throughout the remainder of the quarter! Please join us in celebrating Gracelyn Chafin, Graham Lovejoy, Harper Larnhart, Landon Corwin, and Leyton Stalker. Keep up the great work, Generals!
Purple Star Generals!
Some of our Purple Star Generals celebrated Chief Master Sergeant Barry Fawcett with cards to recognize his 38 years serving at the 180th Fighter Wing, Air National Guard. We are looking forward to his visit sometime this spring to meet with our Purple Star Generals and share about his military career and experience.
* Please Complete this Purple Star Generals Membership Form if your child(ren) is military connected and you feel that he/she would like to be a part of the leadership group here at school.
School Fee
If you have not already paid school fees, you can pay online at www.PaySchoolsCentral.com or by check payable to Anthony Wayne Local Schools. Fees are $50 per student.
Free and Reduced Meal applications are available for the 2024-25 school year. Parents DO need to fill out a new application, even if they were eligible last year. Electronic application through PaySchoolsCentral.com is preferred, but paper applications are accepted. Instructions and information are available online at www.AnthonyWayneSchools.org/FoodServices
News from Food Service
News from Food Service
· We are looking for subs! Want to work where your kids have lunch? Come sub for us. Great hours, usually between 9:00am-1:30pm. Pick and choose when you want to work.
Follow us on X @awfoodservice
Lunch Menu
Ways to pay for meals in the cafeteria
1) Check made out to AWFS: you can write one check for all your students, regardless of what building they are in. Simply designate how to split the money in the NOTE section.
2) Cash
3) Online via www.payschoolscentral.com
How to Keep Track of Your Student's Meal Account - PaySchools Central
Check account balances, add money, see detailed reports of what your student is buying, set up recurring payments so you don't forget to add money, set up reminder emails when your student's account goes low, and pay your school fees. It's all in one place.
All of this is done through: www.payschoolscentral.com
* You will need your most commonly used email address and your students 6-digit ID number to create an account.
If you need help setting up the account please call PSC - 1-877-393-6628.
School Fee
If you have not already paid school fees, you can pay online at www.PaySchoolsCentral.com or by check payable to Anthony Wayne Local Schools. We also accept credit card payments in the school office. Fees are $50 per student.
Free and Reduced Meal applications are available for the 2024-25 school year. Parents DO need to fill out a new application, even if they were eligible last year. Electronic application through PaySchoolsCentral.com is preferred, but paper applications are accepted. Instructions and information are available online at www.AnthonyWayneSchools.org/FoodServices
Thank you!
District Employment Opportunities
We have several full and part-time positions available to qualified candidates interested in serving in our schools. Need even more flexibility? Substitute employment is a great way to work on your own terms. Learn more at www.AnthonyWayneSchools.org/HumanResources.
Contact Information Updates
It is important that we have accurate contact information for parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If email addresses or phone numbers change during the school year, please update your child’s FinalForms account. This will help ensure we can reach you.
Great Wall of Grit!
The importance of helping a child learn to commit to something long term, persevering when faced with obstacles, and the willingness to keep trying- even when a task or goal is challenging, is our continued focus at Waterville Primary. Grit and growth mindset is not an “edu-fad” but dispositions we will encourage and intentionally teach all of our students, through different classroom activities, assignments, literature, role models, real world examples, and conversations about the topic.
We really need your help again this year with continuing to provide examples of our very own students and ways that they have shown commitment to an activity or goal. You all did a great job recognizing our gritty students and staff last school year and we need to continue to recognize some new students as the school year begins.
Our “Waterville’s Great Wall of Grit” bulletin board remains hanging in the hallway across from the kitchen. This display showcases our gritty students and staff that have been nominated by other individuals as examples of strivers-students who have an enduring passion and take action to achieve a goal. We will continue to spotlight our students and staff who have both determination and direction.
At the end of this Friday Flyer you will find a nomination form to complete if you would like to nominate a student or staff member here at Waterville Primary that you feel exemplifies Grit. Please turn them into the school office once completed and make sure to check out the “Great Wall of Grit” next time you are here in the school.
Reporting Absences, Notification of Appointments, Vacation Notification
Waterville Primary Attendance and Transportation Information
Please read these brief updates regarding attendance and transportation, and reach out to Amy Shiffert for clarification or concerns.
All absences can be reported by emailing WAattendance@anthonywayneschools.org and copying your student's teacher. You do not need to call AND email. In the event that you're unable to email, a phone call to 419-878-2436 can be made at any time and left with one of the secretaries, or as a voicemail for Amy Shiffert.
All end-of-day transportation changes should be reported at the start of the day by sending a note with your student or by emailing ashiffert@anthonywayneschools.org and copying your student's teacher. We understand that last-minute changes may happen later in the day due to unforeseen circumstances, but ask that you communicate in advance whenever possible! If you have an unforeseen transportation change later in the day, please call the office at 419-878-2436 to ensure the message is received and delivered.
Waterville Primary - Where Generals STEAM ahead!
Did you know that Waterville Primary is one of very few STEAM-designated elementary schools in Ohio?! We are always looking to increase opportunities for lessons centered around STEAM. We are always interested in developing professional growth opportunities with community leaders, employers, and resources to enhance student learning.
Career and Professional STEAM Partnerships
Our team is always looking to extend learning standards into the professional workforce. Ensuring our students are college and career-ready is fueled by our connections and collaborations with local businesses and professionals in STEAM-related fields. If you work in a field where STEAM principles are a critical part of your team's success, we would love to hear from you and how our students can learn more!
Our Commitment...
As a STEAM-designated school, our staff is committed to putting the newest technology trends in the hands of our students. Coding and programming are also a part of modern literacy and it's important to help students understand how it can be positively used to shape their world. All STEAM lessons foster critical thinking skills and characteristics featured by our Portrait of General competencies. In addition, all students use a universal design process to help align our project-based learning with our district's core values and the steps necessary for successful problem-based navigation. Our mission is to allow students to explore STEAM-related areas while building healthy peer relationships through collaboration and teamwork.
Waterville Primary STEAM Programming Highlights:
- 3D Printers & Doodle Pens
- Tinkercad and Coding Opportunities
- Sphero Bolt Kits
- Career Exploration
- Ozobots
- Snap Circuits
- Project Prairie & Toledo Zoo Partnership
- Land Lab & Community Partnerships
- Composting / Recycling Efforts
- Air Monitoring and Data Collection with GLOBE and Purple Air
- TAB - Art Instructional Practices
- Lego Club
- Lego Spike Kits (Prime and Essential)
- Operation Chick Quest
- Equitable Access to 21st Century Technology
- Fully Equipped Makerspace Lab
Waterville Primary has more than 16, 3D printers!
Ozobots for teaching basic coding.
Spheros offer coding and software development.
Follow Waterville Primary on X/Twitter!
Waterville Primary will be continuing our presence on Twitter with the handle @AWLSWA. This medium is used for both sharing daily activities and any potential alerts for our building. If you do not have a Twitter account you can still get updates via a Fast Follow feature that sends tweets to phones via SMS text messages. Here is all it takes to sign up to receive SMS text messages from the Waterville Twitter account when a tweet is posted:
On the phone to receive the messages, simply create a new text message to phone number 40404. Next, the message to be sent should read: follow @awlswa
That’s all there is to it! Any student or parent that follows this procedure will receive any Waterville school Twitter messages to their phone as an SMS text message.
To turn off text messages, you would send a message to 40404 that reads: off @awlswa
Flyer Central:
Flyer Central
We are so fortunate to be in a vibrant and active community! Flyer Central is the space on our website where you will find events, activities and camps held by various organizations in our area.
AWLS Parent Organizations
Get involved with our Boosters and Parent-Teacher Organizations
AWLS Fundraisers, Events & Activities
· AWHS Jr. Cheer Clinic & Halftime Performance
· Read with Us!
Local Events & Activities
· Winter Read 2025
· Lucas County Board of DD Calendar of Events
· Waterville Library Events Calendar
· Family Ties Parent Support Group
· No School Day Camps
· Ohio BASS Fishing Club (Grades 9-12)
· Scouting America – Troop 9615 (Girls Grades 5-12)
· Toledo Zoo Offerings for Families
Education Offers
· 4th Grade History Pass
Lessons & Classes
· BGSU Saturday Art Youth Program (Ages 5-19)
· An Orphan Named Annie (Grades 2-8)
AW Youth Foundation Athletics
· Anthony Wayne Youth Foundation
· Glass City Broomball (Girls, Grades 8-12)
Student Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
· Metroparks Toledo Camp Counselor Training Program (Ages 13-18)
Community Support
· Neighborhood Bridges
· AWLS Community Resource Guide
· AWLS Surrogate Parents Needed