Monday Notes
January 13th, 2025

Thank you!
Thank you for making the All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference such a wonderful success! This incredible event would not be possible without the dedication and support of hundreds of volunteers, clinicians, adjudicators, conductors, and, most importantly, the exceptional efforts of the Executive Committee and Site Coordinators. We are deeply grateful for all you do!
Friendly reminder to make sure that all invoices have been turned into the business office for payment. Thanks!
MPA Rubrics
The NMMEA Board of Directors has approved revised MPA rubrics which can now be found on the website (link). This rubric is to be used this spring.
Jazz Survey
Jazz directors, please participate in this short three question survey to provide feedback to the Executive Committee as they begin preparation for next year's events. This survey will close on January 30th.
Band Surveys
Band directors, please take the following two surveys:
Both surveys will close on January 17th.
NAfME Division Elections
Keep an eye on your inbox for details about the upcoming NAfME Division elections! We’re thrilled to announce that Joseph Flores will be on the ballot for the Southwest Division. Let’s show our support for Joseph and ensure New Mexico is represented on the National Board.
NMAA State Contests
Find important dates and links below regarding NMAA State Contest Dates.
State Choir Contest
- April 4 & 5, 2025
- Guidelines
- The registration deadline has passed. If you missed it, please contact Zac Stevenson.
State Concert Band Contest
- April 10, 11 & 12, 2025
- Guidelines
- The registration deadline has passed. If you missed it, please contact Zac Stevenson.
State Marching Band Contest
- October 25, 2025