Otsego Middle School Newsletter
Otsego Middle School October 11, 2024
Calendar of Upcoming Events
October 14-17: School Safety Week
October 15: Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-8 PM (Sign Up Link Here)
October 16: Parent/Teacher Conferences 5-8 PM (Sign Up Link Here)
October 16: Delayed Start
October 18: No School
October 21: No School
October 22: 8th Grade Field Trip To MI Career Quest
October 23: NO DELAYED START (Normal Schedule)
October 25: Boo Bash
Upcoming OMS Athletic Events
October 11: Middle School Soccer @ Vicksburg 6:45 PM
October 14: Middle School Volleyball @ Three Rivers 5:00 PM
October 15: Middle School Soccer @ Cassopolis 5:00 PM
October 16: Middle School Football @ Niles 4:30 PM
October 16: Middle School Volleyball @ Vicksburg 5:00 PM
October 17: Middle School Soccer @ Home Vs. Quincy 6:00 PM
October 18: Middle School Soccer @ Gun Plain Township Vs. Marcellus 5:30 PM
October 21: Middle School Soccer Home 6:00 PM
October 23: Middle School Football Home Vs. Plainwell 4:30 PM
October 24: Middle School Soccer @ Kalamazoo Soccer Complex 5:30 PM
October 25: Middle School Soccer @ River Oaks 5:30 PM
School Safety Week: October 14-17
Carly Posey to speak at OPS
New Visitor System Launched
Our continued efforts to enhance security to keep our students and staff safe will include the implementation of a new visitor sign-in procedure called Raptor. This is for those visiting and spending time in our buildings.
Starting next week, if you are visiting the school, you will stop at the main office as usual.
With this new system, we will scan your ID to create a Visitor ID Label.
This label will have your photo, name and location within the building that you are visiting.
This allows others in the building to immediately know you are a welcome visitor in the school and have been checked in at the office.
At the end of your visit, stop back in the main office to sign out.
With Raptor, IDs will be screened against the registered sex offender databases and a custom database created/maintained by each school that could include banned/restricted visitors, individuals with restraining orders, etc. Adding this level of security does not add a lot of time to the sign-in process, but will provide an added layer of safety and comfort.
Boo Bash
Fall Conferences
It is that time of year again for Parent Teacher conferences! We will be hosting Parent-Teacher Conferences here at Otsego Middle School on the evening of Tuesday, October 15th & Wednesday, October 16th, 2024. Please sign up for a time with the teachers you would like to conference with. Conferences will be held in teacher's classrooms. Parent teacher conferences are a great opportunity for us to make the connection between home and school and share how we are supporting your child through their academic journey. We look forward to meeting with you!
Please click on the button below to access the sign-up for conferences. Please only select one time-slot per child per teacher. Contact the middle school office with any questions.
Teacher Appreciation Dinner
It's that time of year again. Fall Conferences! We would love to have a delicious dinner ready for our teachers before they begin their conferences. This will take place on Tuesday, October 15th. Please click the button below to sign up. Thank You!
Middle School Boys Basketball Tryouts
Week of October 28th
Monday: Tryouts
6th/8th: 3:00-4:30
7th: 4:30-6:00
Tuesday: Tryouts
6th /8th: 3:00-4:30
7th: 4:30-6:00
Wednesday: Tryouts ( Team Decisions are made today)
6th/8th: 3:00-4:30
7th: 4:30-6:00
Thursday: Practice ( out by 5:00 for Halloween)
6th/8th: 3-4
7th: 4-5
Friday: Practice
6th: 3:00-4:30
8th: 4:30-6:00
No 7th grade Practice on Friday.
Players need to have all paperwork completed on Final Forms with their name highlighted in Green. If your player is highlighted in red, it means you are missing something. Email Carrie Curtiss if you have any questions about Final Forms. https://otsego-mi.finalforms.com/
All practices are held in the middle school gym.
Each player will need shorts, t-shirt, and water bottle for tryouts and practice each day.
Typically we keep approximately 12 players on each team. Team decisions will be made based on basketball skills and ability, effort, attitude, coachability, teamwork, and sportsmanship. We will have our cuts/team decisions on Wednesday October 30th.
Full Season Schedule: https://otsegoathletics.com/main/teamschedule/id/3786494/seasonid/4850723
6th Grade Coach: Jake Knash ( jknash@otsegops.org)
7th Grade Coach: Steve Long (slong@otsegops.org)
8th Grade Coach: Michael Miller ( mmiller@otsegops.org)
OMS Fundraiser
Dear Families! Thank you to everyone participating in our OMS Fundraiser. Our program will be wrapping up in a few days. Please make sure all cash and check donations are turned in to the office by Wednesday, Oct. 16, or before. Checks can be made payable to Otsego Public Schools. If you haven't done so already, you can still donate. It will take only a few minutes to click, register, and donate. https://app.pop4kids.org/reg/code/3P3TJ Thank you to all our families for making this program a huge success! The staff and students thank you for your generous support. We continue striving to give our students the most AWESOME school experience possible!
Mr. VanderKlok & Mrs. Patin
Be confident that the data entered into the donation platform is safe and secure. Privacy Policy
Need Help Registering? Click Here
Link of the Week
Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portal
Thank you for keeping your contact information up to date in our student and parent portal to ensure that you are getting district and building communications!
Athletic Pass Information
Volunteer Opportunities
There are a lot of volunteer opportunities at OMS! Check out all the options and sign up with us today by clicking on and filling out the form below.
Otsego Middle School
Email: mvanderklok@otsegops.org, spatin@otsegops.org
Website: https://oms.otsegops.org/
Location: 540 Washington St. Otsego, MI 49078
Phone: (269) 694-7500