Weekly Email
Lake View Students
Teacher Daily Schedule
Phone Directions
Please update your name and voicemail.
San Angelo Schools Foundation
Cards in your box. You may give them to Erika when you are ready.
Due date extended to Friday, September 18th
Parent Conferences
Teacher Expectations
Also, I know emergencies happen but we need to be in our classrooms by 7:20. If this is an issue for you and your family please talk to me individually.
If you are sending something home or through DOJO that is a major event or change please let myself and Dr. Knight know. It doesn't look good when we have parents asking us questions and we have no idea what they are talking about - LOL.
Hospitality Dues
Certified staff will contribute $25.00 and all support staff and split-campus employees will pay $12.50. Erika will collect the dues. Please pay by September 24th.
September Calendar - Link
Next Week:
9/14 - PLC and Faculty Meeting
9/15 - Process Champ Meeting
9/15 & 9/16 - Vision and Hearing
9/16 - Ashley @ IC Mtg Noon-4pm
9/18 - San Angelo Schools Foundation Donor Cards DUE
Goliad Elementary
Email: shannon.klepac@saisd.org
Location: 120 East 39th Street, San Angelo, TX, USA
Phone: (325) 659 - 3660