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Wharton Wildcat News
December 20, 2024
A Message From Ms. Modiest
Happy Holidays!!!
Thank you for attending our Holiday Show. Parent engagement and involvement plays a major role in student success. As we come to the end of 2024, we are so proud of the educational growth of our students. We acknowledge that attendance matters, appropriate behaviors, and quality instruction are important to the success of our learners.
From all of us at Wharton School, we would like to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! We welcome 2025 and it is our wish to continue making memories with your children. We will resume classes on Monday, January 6, 2025. We wish all of our families a joyful holiday, healthy , and prosperous New Year!
Just a reminder: We are tracking tardies. Every 3rd tardy will result in a detention. We want to support our famiies in developing appropriate practices. Being on time for school and ready to learn is important.
Breakfast will start daily at 7:20 and 8:20 on Wednesday late starts. We will begin school promptly at 7:50 on regular days and 8:50 on late starts. If a child is late please enter Door #4.
We appreciate your support in the following:
*Making sure your child arrives on time and attends daily.
*Completing all classwork and homework assignments.
*Promoting a love for reading.
Raquel K. Modiest, Principal
Spanish Club/Mrs.Reyes...
The students in Spanish club learned about Hojalatas (Mexican tin art). Students also learned about the art techniques used, such as drawing, embossing, pressing, stamping, punching, and coloring. They also learned about how culture and traditions help shape our identity. They had the opportunity to show their learning through their Hojalata by choosing a picture that represented something about their family's celebrations around the holiday season.
Mrs. Kladis' 1st grade news...
"1st graders are ending 2024 strong and ready to bring on the new year! Enjoy the next 2 weeks with your families making memories and relaxing! We wish you a beautiful holiday season and rejuvenating new year!
Mrs. Gleaves 3rd Grade News...
5th grade Agriculture in the class/Mrs. Manzke...
Students in Ms. Penrod's room were fortunate to have educator and farmers come all the way from Edward's County 4.5 hour away for fun lessons of Agriculture learning. Pig, corn, and technology were all covered. Students received a graphic novel "Stepping Stones". Students were able to connect their learning with both Benchmark and HMH!
Thanks for supporting our Toy Exchange...
School Board Meeting/January 14, 2025/7:00 @Walker School
Awesome Attendance Ximena!!! She won a $50 gift card to the movies!!!!
Attendance Matters!!!
A big round of applause to our families!!! We are very proud to say that our student tardies and absences are low. We also appreciate all of your efforts for contacting our office and keeping us informed when a student will be absent or tardy. Keep up the amazing job!
Dress For the Weather
With colder weather upon us, we want to be sure that your child comes dressed for the weather and ready to play outside. We will be going outside for recess each day. Please make sure that students are wearing a coat, hat, gloves, and scarf. Also boots in severe inclement weather.
News from our Nurse...
Happy Holidays Wharton Families,
Tis the season to get together with friends and family! Make sure to share kindness and not germs.
Keep loved ones and yourself healthy by practicing these strategies:
*Practice frequent hand washing
*Cough and sneeze into the elbow rather than your hands
*Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
*Drink plenty of water
*Get rest/sleep
Cold and Flu season is here. Please have your child stay home if they have a fever above 100.4, diarrhea, or vomiting in the past 24 hours. Your student may return to school once they are fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours and, no diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours.
Flu shots are still available in the community. Getting a flu show will decrease the risk og getting the flu or getting severe flu. Please see attached flyers for where you can get flu vaccines.
Wharton will host Dental Day on Tueday January 28, 2025. Permission forms were sent home earlier this month. Please complete the form and return to school as soon as possible or scan the QR code for easy sign up (see attached flyer). This is a completely free resource so please take advantage and sign up now.
Remember, a dental exam is a registration requirement for kindergarten, 2nd and 6th grade. Therefore, signing up would fulfill this registration requirement. If your student does not have a current dental exam on file or will be in the above grades next school year, this is the perfect time to sign up. All students, however, are encouraged to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.
Cold and Flu season is here. Please have your child stay home if they have a fever above 100.4, diarrhea, or vomiting in the past 24 hours. Your student may return to school once they are fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours and, no diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours.
As always, our goal is to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all students. Please contact the nurse or Wharton's mail office with any questions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy Holiday!
Nurse Julie
Julie Richter RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Certified School Nurse
Wharton Elementary School
Main Office: 708-458-0640, Extension: 7226
Back to School Information
Regular School Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
7:50 AM (arrival)
2:50 PM (dismissal)
Wednesdays (Late Start)
8:50 AM (arrival)
2:50 PM (dismissal)
Office Hours
August 21st-June 3rd
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Free Breakfast
Breakfast will be available every morning for students.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays starting at 7:20 AM.
Wednesdays at 8:20 AM.
School Uniforms
Students are required to wear a maroon collared polo or dress shirt with long/short sleeves. The polo/dress shirt may be plain or have the district logo. No other logos are allowed. Plain black or white undershirts may be worn under the maroon collared shirt. Shirts must extend to waistline.
Students may wear a plain black or maroon sweater/sweatshirt over their collared school shirt or over a plain white or black undershirt.
Must be black or khaki and worn at the waist. This includes shorts, Capri pants, and skirts. Leggings may be worn, but only when a shirt extending to mid-thigh is worn as well.
Students may wear their Wharton school spirit shirt with jeans every Friday.
- Student clothing (including accessories) may not advertise, promote, or a picture of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, violent behavior, or other inappropriate images.
- Student clothing (including accessories) may not display lewd, vulgar, obscene, offensive language/symbols nor gang signs.
- Hats, coats, bandanas, and sunglasses may not be worn inside the building, during the school day.
- Dress and accessories that pose a safety hazard are not permitted in the bathrooms and educational classrooms.
- Clothing with holes, rips, or tears, that reveal skin and/or undergarments may not be worn at school.
- The length of shorts or skirts must be appropriate for the school environment.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Open-backed footwear is not permitted.
Dates to Remember
Dec. 20th, Friday: PBIS Celebration/Polar Express/Early Release (1:50 pm)/PBIS Celebration
***Monday, December 23-Saturday, December 31-Winter Break***
January 1, 2025 ***New Year's Day***
Jan. 6th, Classes Resume
Jan. 8th, Wednesday: Late Start
Jan. 14th, Tuesday: School Board Meeting @7:00 p.m./Walker School
Jan. 15th, Wednesday: Late Start
Jan. 20th, Monday: Martin Luther King Day/No School
Jan. 22nd, Wedneday: Late Start
Jan. 28th, Tuesday: Miles for Smiles
Jan. 29th, Wednesday: Late Start
Kindergarten will recieve an IPad and charger on their first day.
First Grade will be given their device, charger and case on the first day.
Second, Third, and Fourth Grade will need to bring their device and charger from the previous year.
Fifth Grade will need to return their old device with the charger to recieve a new one.
You can call our Main office if you have any questions or concerns.
Main office:
Stay Connected
- Download the free district app to stay up to date with important information. Search Summit School District 104 in the app store.
- Facebook: Summit School District 104
- Instagram: @schooldistrict104
- Twitter: @104Summit
- Website: https://www.sd104.us/o/wharton-es