Mustang Minute
Friday, March 24th
From the Principals' Offices
One more week until Spring Break! Wisconsin Forward testing is now in full swing for grades 3-8. Thanks to all of our families who have helped to prepare kids by ensuring that they are coming to school on time, well rested, and with full bellies. We appreciate you! It's been a LOT of fun these days as well! BES students enjoyed participating in Heritage Day last Friday and will be doing the Kids Heart Challenge-Pie a Teacher Event this afternoon! BMS students will be enjoying a full week of dress up days next week to "Spring into Break!" Monday is "Ready to Shine Day!" Wear sunglasses, floppy hats or caps to school. BOTH Buildings will be hosting their Spring Extravaganza next Friday! Students will engage in fun and educational enrichment activities throughout the day and celebrate Being Brookwood! Seems like Spring is officially in the air!
Have a fantastic weekend, Mustangs!
Mrs. Franz
Principal, BMS &
Mr. Braden
Principal, BES
3/24 - BES Kids Heart Challenge- Pie A Teacher Event
3/24 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/24 - Yearbook Club Planning, 6-8th grade @ BES, 2:45-4:15pm
3/27 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/27 - Community Yoga @ BES, 6:00pm
3/28 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/29 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
3/29 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - 2:45-4:30pm
3/29 - Community Zumba @ BMS, 4:30-5:30pm
3/30 - Forensics Club @ BES for 1st-3rd grade,3:35-4:00
3/30 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
3/31 - BES Mustang Playgroup ages 3-4, 8:30-10am
Spring Break Dress Up Days at BMS!
Entrepreneurship Sales
Mother/Son Glow Party
Brookwood Fun Fair!
Heritage Day!
The Golden Horseshoe Moves On...
Congratulations to our BES Be Brookwood Shout Out Students!
KG- Brady, Gio, Benjamin, Jett, Oliver, Elianna, Reid, Leland, Alexzander
1st- Kollin, Emery, Logan C., Logan F., Lilah, Eian, Nico, Josalyn, Avery
2nd- Sophiah, Connor, Emileigh, Izzie, Reed, Gideon
3rd- Cody, Talia, Oliver, Alan, Brea, Phillip
What's Happening in Ms. Pacholczak's First Grade Class?
The students in Ms. Pacholczak’s First Grade class have started a new literacy unit about plants. These future botanists have been reading about different types of plants and finding “WOW” facts about these plants. A “WOW” fact is an interesting, cool fact found inside their book. The students have been discussing facts versus opinions and sharing the interesting facts they’ve found during their independent reading time. During writing, they’ve had a chance to write their “WOW” facts inside their lab notebook and draw a detailed picture to go along with their sentences. Throughout this unit, the students will explore plant parts, life cycles, habitats, basic needs, interdependence and more! Thanks to one classmate, Drew, this week the class learned that peanuts help us make fireworks! WOW!
What's Happening in Mrs. Arshem's Reading Classes?
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss
If you were to visit Mrs. Arshem's classroom, you would find students working hard to improve their reading skills. They use a variety of activities to help them practice fluency, decoding, comprehension, and more. Two decoding activities that the students love would be using the whiteboard and the sand trays, where they can write out different spelling patterns or words. A fun way to practice fluency is when the students roll the emotion dice and then have to read a sentence using that emotion. We also read class stories together where students have to answer comprehension questions and make predictions. It's amazing to see the students encouraging each other while all working towards the same goal!
From the Athletic Director...
As a reminder, we’ve reopened our Mustang Athletics spiritwear shop! Use the link below to order any team swag for both athletes and fans. The online store closes at the end of the day this Sunday, March 26th. https://pfi-fashions.printavo.com/merch/brookwoodsports
Please keep your eyes peeled for information about our upcoming track season! If you have any initial questions about track, please see Mr. Guth. You will need to have a concussion form on file in order to participate. Lace up those shoes and start running, Brookwood!
Go Mustangs!
Coach Metcalf
How Can We Save Memorial Park?
We need your help to get more families to support the Box Tops program. The more people that participate, the more our school can earn to help get the supplies it needs!
PLUS, you can earn a bonus for our school by inviting your friends, family, and other parents to sign up and participate in Box Tops.
To refer friends to sign up, go to the Invite Friends section of the Box Tops app. (You can get there by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app home screen.) You'll get a referral code that you can send to a friend. You'll BOTH earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when they scan their first receipt — that's extra cash that counts towards our Box Tops earnings goal of $1,000 this year.
Thanks for your help!
Email the BFO at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com with any questions regarding box tops.
For Brookwood schools use referral code WY7S80A1
Academic Lab at BMS
Students will begin their study time with one of their teachers, right after school in that teacher’s classroom.
At 3:20pm, students will then report to the Academic Lab in the library. A team of Academic Lab teachers will continue to help students in working on the tasks of focus, as assigned by their teacher.
Academic Lab teachers will also assist students with putting any unfinished assignments needing to be completed into their assignment notebooks, so that families are in the loop of tasks that still need attention at home.
Academic Lab will end at 4:25pm. Students will not be allowed to leave early unless a parent needs to pick them up sooner.
The Late Bus will continue to be offered as afternoon transportation home from the Academic Lab, and will depart promptly at 4:30pm. (Note: The Late Bus will also still be available on Tuesdays for students in athletics).
Families: We need your help in giving our students the attention they need and deserve. We hope that you will take full advantage of this resource when your student is in need of additional support.