The Mountain Vista Voice
(Parent newsletter) September 3rd, 2024
Principal's perspective
Greetings Mountain Vista families, and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Dr. Angela Valdez, and this is my 7th year as principal! As a graduate of Harrison School District 2, it is a privilege to serve our students, staff, and families.
My administrative team consists of Dr. Nicole Paxton and Mr. Aaron Vandewarker. Dr. Paxton has been in D2 for 9 years. She served as the assistant principal at Sierra High School before making the transition to Mountain Vista 4 years ago! Mr. Aaron Vandewarker has been in the district for 6 years as the former assistant principal at Turman Elementary for 2 years, and now starting his 4th year at Mountain Vista!
Please note some important reminders and updates:
If your child is absent, please use the following link to report the absence. You are also welcome to call our front office at 719-527-3400 to report an absence. If your child is out, please let us know so we can get the absence excused. Each student receives 10 excused absences for the school year.
You can find a variety of important information on our school website including the bell schedule, our uniform policy, as well as a calendar of important events: Home - Mountain Vista Community School (
If you haven’t already, “LIKE” us on Facebook for important updates throughout the school year.
On behalf of our staff, thank you for entrusting us with the education of your child(ren). As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or need any support. My email is or 719-527-3405. We look forward to a RAMTASTIC year!
At your service,
Dr. Angela Valdez
¡Saludos familias de Mountain Vista y bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025! Mi nombre es Dra. Angela Valdez, ¡y este es mi 7º año como directora! Como graduado del Distrito Escolar 2 de Harrison, es un privilegio servir a nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias.
Mi equipo administrativo está formado por la Dra. Nicole Paxton y el Sr. Aaron Vandewarker. Dra. Paxton ha estado en D2 durante 9 años. Comenzó como subdirectora en Sierra High School antes de hacer la transición a Mountain Vista hace 4 años. El Sr. Aaron Vandewarker ha estado en el distrito durante 6 años como el subdirector en la Escuela Primaria Turman durante 2 años, ¡y ahora comienza su 4º año en Mountain Vista!
Tenga en cuenta algunos recordatorios y actualizaciones importantes:
Si su hijo está ausente, utilice el siguiente enlace para informar de la ausencia.
También puede llamar a nuestra oficina principal al 719-527-3400 para informar una ausencia. Si su hijo está fuera, por favor háganoslo saber para que podamos justificar la ausencia. Cada estudiante recibe 10 ausencias justificadas para el año escolar.
Puede encontrar una variedad de información importante en el sitio web de nuestra escuela, incluido el horario de campanas, nuestra polícia de uniformes, así como un calendario de eventos importantes: Home - Mountain Vista Community School (
Si aún no lo ha hecho, haga clic en "Me gusta" en Facebook para recibir actualizaciones importantes durante todo el año escolar.
En nombre de nuestro personal, gracias por confiarnos la educación de su(s) hijo(s). Como siempre, no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta, inquietud o necesita ayuda. Mi correo electrónico es o 719-527-3405. ¡Esperamos con ansias un año RAMTASTIC!
A su servicio,
Dra. Ángela L. Valdez
La Directora
District corner news
September 2024 District-Corner News
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year in Harrison School District 2. We offer many opportunities for you to be informed about the direction of our school district and hope you will take advantage of each one. Be in the know!!
- Provide your child’s school with your current email and cell phone number – allowing you to receive emergency and inclement weather updates
- Follow us on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vimeo
- Download our District app for free from the App Store or Google Play
- Check our website regularly at
- Watch Board of Education meetings monthly via the District’s Facebook page and website
Septiembre de 2024 Noticias de District Corner
Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025 en el Distrito Escolar Dos de Harrison (D2). Ofrecemos muchas oportunidades para que se informe sobre la dirección de nuestro distrito escolar y esperamos que aproveche cada una. ¡¡Estar en el saber!!
• Proporcione a la escuela de su hijo su correo electrónico y número de teléfono móvil actuales, lo que le permitirá recibir actualizaciones de emergencias y condiciones meteorológicas adversas
• Síganos en las redes sociales: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Vimeo
• Descargue nuestra aplicación del Distrito de forma gratuita desde la App Store o Google Play
• Visite nuestro sitio web con regularidad en
• Vea las reuniones de la Junta de Educación mensualmente a través de la página de Facebook y el sitio web del Distrito.
Our busy classrooms
Kindergarten has been practicing routines and transitions as well as learning about Respect for the past two weeks. In math, we are working on counting objects up to 10 as well as counting on our fingers. In CKLA, we are learning to draw shapes as well as reading nursery rhymes and fables.
2nd grade
Second grade has been learning about elements in tall tales and fairy tales. As a way to celebrate what we have learned, some students dressed up as either a fairy tale or tall tale character.
4th grade
In 4th grade, we have established our routines and are now diving into our first units. In math, students are working on place value to the millions. You can support your child by practicing multiplication and division facts for ten minutes each night. In reading, we are working on locating text evidence, analyzing character traits, and determining the theme of a story. You can support your child by ensuring they read 20 minutes a day at home and asking them questions about what the read.
6th grade
6th Social Studies
This month in social studies, we will focus on learning about Geography. This will actual take most of the quarter. Many kids are being exposed to this subject in Social Studies for the first time. My goal is to explain the 5 Themes of Geography and the types of questions geographers ask using them. We will also focus on map skills like using latitude and longitude, map projections, continents, landforms, and slow/rapid changes to the Earth’s surface. It’s a fun way to start out the year!
6th Science
This month in science, we are investigating cells and all things microscopic! We are currently looking at how the scale of cells and their organelles change depending on the cell’s job. For example, muscle cells are large and complex, while blood cells are small and simple. Understanding cells is a foundational concept that makes it easier to access science topics in 6th grade and beyond. Our next units will explore metabolism and genetics. In metabolism, we will explore how mitochondria turn the molecules broken down from food into energy. In genetics, we will explore DNA and how cells use genes to make our body look a certain way.
8th grade
Government is learning about what Power and Authority are, how they are used foundationally in governments, and comparing the types of economies and governments around the globe.
U.S. History is learning about how early European explorers interacted with the Native Americans and how that interaction changed over time.
World Cultures is learning about how Climate and Geography are foundational to Culture!
In 8th Grade Math, we are starting the year off learning about scientific notation and exponents. In algebra, we began learning about polynomial expressions. All 8th graders are having a great start in math class!
We are having a great start to the year in 8th grade ELA by reviewing how to annotate, sentence structure, and to write a narrative. In 8th ELA, we read short stories about places we call home; in English I, we read short stories about adventure.
In Elementary PE we are focusing on Locomotor skills and spatial awareness, and in Middle School PE we just finished our first round of fitness testing. We are working on improving our scores for the next month. Fair is doing Volleyball and Menke is doing Flag Football.
Sports and clubs at Mountain Vista
Sports at MVCS
Volleyball games are on the following dates:
9/3, 9/5, 9/10, 9/17, and 9/19. Come cheer on the volleyball team!
Cross Country meets are on the following dates:
9/6, 9/11, and 9/16. Come celebrate the success of our cross-country athletes.
Calendar highlights
Parent advisory committee (PAC)
Come share your views and support the school's vision on ensuring all students succeed. The meeting is 5pm on 9/26/24, here at Mountain Vista.
Challenge Day
Challenge day is where students dive into getting to know fellow peers and staff at Mountain Vista. The idea is to show that everyone is not alone and increase community within middle school. Challenge day is scheduled for 9/12/24 during the school day.
We have partnered with a local family owned business to bring MV apparel to our students, staff and families. Click the title above to shop and place your orders now.
Labor Day lift off at Mountain Vista
Staff joined the local community in enjoying labor day lift off! Would you like to join us next year when Mountain Vista does the lift off?
Stay in the loop
2024 Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) Conferences
If you have a student with a disability come to the 2024 Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) conference. Click on the attachment to learn more!
Food pantry
Food Panty will be opened on Thursdays this year from 2:35-3:45. Parents may come in and shop or their students may shop. Resources provided through the pantry are free. If this day/times does not work, families may contact the school to set up an appointment to come in and shop.
Contact us
Dr. Angela Valdez - Principal
Dr. Nicole Paxton - Assistant Principal
Mr. Aaron Vandewarker - Assistant Principal