PLE Updates
September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
Chaparral Homecoming week is always such a great time! I have enjoyed seeing all the school spirit as the students come in each day following each day’s Road Trip Theme. It is also a great reminder that we are part of a bigger system that contributes to the success of our community. The Chap Fam is an amazing community!
We also held our Annual Bear Brunch! This event warms my heart every year. It is such a joy to hear our students' excitement as they introduce their friends and teachers to their family. I see connections made between families that carry out into the community. This event also reminds me of the importance of Crew, emphasizing that everyone belongs and is a part of helping us accomplish our purpose to empower excellence in character, achievement, and contribution to a better world.
Planning for school improvement is an important part of the work that our whole Crew does. We are currently coming to the conclusion of a school plan that was started pre COVID. Our work has included clarifying a Language Arts and Math Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum that assures knowledge sets and skills are progressively and consistently developed from kindergarten to 6th grade, building culture and systems that help us ensure we are holding students accountable to grade level standards and aligning instruction, and now finally we are developing a system that helps us efficiently identify gaps in learning and intervene quickly to keep kids achieve at grade level and stay at grade level. Over the past few years we have seen this work propel us to higher and higher levels of achievement and growth. A huge thank you to our staff, students, and you all for continuing to strive toward excellence!
Through this year, I am working with our stakeholders and leadership teams to build a new five year plan that propels us to the next level. I would like to request your help in this work and invite you all to come out to our next SAC meeting which is scheduled on September 25th from 4:45-6:30 pm. I am hoping to gather your input into this process as we begin to cast a vision for what we would like to accomplish. I do ask that you RSVP to this meeting so that I can plan appropriate protocols and to gather everyone’s thoughts. If you plan to attend this meeting please RSVP here: SAC Meeting RSVP I would love to have as many voices represented as possible.
I am very proud of our Crew! Have a wonderful weekend!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- September 17th - PLEA Spirit Night: Raising Cane's Fundraiser
- September 19th - PLEA Fall Fundraiser Pick Up 4:30pm - 6:30pm
- September 20th - No School for Students Professional Development day for staff
- September 25th - SAC Meeting
- October 1st - 25th - StuCo Candy Wars
- October 4th - Field Day
- October 4th - Love & Logic Parent Training
- October 7th - 11th Book Fair
- October 8th - 4:30pm -8:00pm Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 10th - 4:30pm -8:00pm Parent Teacher Conferences
- October 10th - Discovery Field Trip
- October 14th - 18th - Fall Break
- October 25th - PLEA Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat
Bus Cancelations
- September 16th - Bus 151
- September 23rd - Bus 146 & 186
- September 30th - Bus 145 & 183
- October 7th - Bus 141
- Fall Break - October 14th - 18th
- October 21st - Bus 142
- October 28th - Bus 151
Love and Logic Parenting Class
The original positive parenting program developed by Foster Cline, Jim Fay & Charles Fay.
Parenting the Love and Logic Way™
A six session parenting program designed by the Love and Logic Institute.
Learn how to:
Avoid un-winnable power-struggles and arguments
Stay calm when your kids do incredibly upsetting things
Set enforceable limits
Avoid enabling and begin empowering
Help your kids learn from their mistakes rather than repeating them
Raise kids who are family members rather than dictators
And much more!
This parenting program is designed to give you practical skills
that can be used immediately!
Would you like to feel more confident as a parent? Would you like to have more fun, & feel more relaxed at the end of the day? This program focuses on our roles as parent or caregiver, and how we can and NEED to hold our children accountable, in loving real world ways to prepare them for the many consequences life has to offer. Get involved and enhance the gift of your relationship with your kids!
Answers to questions such as.....
“How do I get them out of bed in time? How do I stop the bickering and fighting?”
“How do I get my children to help with the chores without an argument or whining?”
“Is there a way to discipline my toddler in public without creating a scene?”
“How can I get my teenager to speak more respectfully to me?”
**Note October date was originally Oct 4th but changed due to Field Day**
1st class Putting an End to Arguing - October 21st 9:30-11am South Mobile
2nd class Teaching Responsibility - November 8th 9:30-11am South Mobile
3rd class Setting Limits - January 10th 9:30-11am South Mobile
4th class Avoiding Power Struggles - February 7th 9:30-11am South Mobile
5th class Solving Our Own Problems - March 14th 9:30-11am South Mobile
6th class How to Get Kids to Complete Chores - May 2nd 9:30-11am South Mobile
***Refreshments will be provided. Classes will be taught by Pine Lane counselors Jessica Zimmerman and Alexandra DeBever**
Please fill out the LINK to sign up for the email list. More details to come
Field Day
PLEA Updates
Fall Fundraiser
Volunteers Needed - Thursday September 19th
We need assistance with the distribution of our Blooma Farms Mums!
- Thursday September 19th
- 4pm - 7pm
Sign Up below by Tuesday 9/17 if you are able to assist us!
Last Day to Place orders:
Orders can be placed until 11:59pm on Friday Sept. 13th!
Fall Fundraising Complete details! Click on link below
Join our Fundraiser at Raising Canes!
Mention the fundraiser at the register and Cane's will donate 15% of sales to Pine Lane Elementary.
- Tuesday September 17th
- 3:00pm - 9:00pm
- 18200 Cottonwood Drive - Parker CO
Please ensure your students dismissal is correct in Pik my Kid every day and you are changing it as needed. If you have a Bus Cancelation, please update how your student will be going home for the week.
We have created a tutorial for using Pik My Kid. Use the link below for details.
Quick Links
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8276
- Linked below is a year-long calendar for your reference and planning:
- 2024-25 PLE Year Long Events Calendar - Draft (Highlighted Items are not finalized).
- If you utilize Google Calendar, you can also subscribe to our PLE Events Calendar
- Please familiarize yourself with our PLE Website.
- You can also stay informed through social media via Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.
- Our community has also created a group on Facebook called Pine Lane Families; this group is a very helpful community and they are very responsive.