Tuffree Times
August 31, 2024
Message From the Principal
Dear Tuffree community,
And with that, week one is in the books! Both students and staff were energized and on point as we kicked off the school year with our "WOW" week. From learning our core values, to limbo at lunch, our falcon community was back in full effect. As we look forward to next week, everyone can expect a more academic focus. As parents and guardians, we appreciate your support and partnership in ensuring that your students come to school prepared and ready to learn. Please help them remember to bring their charged chromebooks each and every day.
Have a fantastic holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing your students on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Sarah Barton, Principal
Chromebook Checkout For All New Students
On Thursday, your student received their school issued device and charger. Students are responsible for bringing their device to school each day, fully charged. We would recommend a small sticker with the student name as all the devices are identical. We have a small amount of extra devices to lend out in the event a student forgets theirs, however it is a daily rental only on a first come, first serve basis.
We do follow progressive discipline steps at Tuffree, and in the event that a student is consistently forgetting their chromebook and/or charger, students will be assigned break and/or after school detention through our campus supervisor after the third time.
If you would like to purchase District Chromebook Insurance, the link is here:
Please remember that this is a school resource and students are responsible for all items checked out to them. Each TMS device is valued at $250 each.
TECHNOLOGY (loss & damage)
Replacement Chromebook $220.00 - $260.00
Power cord/charger $15.00
Keyboard/screen $50.00
Hinge/Case $10.00
Protective Case (Lost) $20.00
Hotspot Replacement $75.00
Office Reminders
Bell Schedule: Our bell schedule is found here. Campus supervision begins at 7:45 am. Wednesdays are early release at 2:30 pm for teacher planning and collaboration
School Calendar: The school calendar can be found here. In observance of Labor Day, there is no school on Friday, August 30th, and Monday, September 2nd.
Nutrition: Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no charge to all students.
Aeries Parent Portal: Communication between home and school is key to student success. Be sure to check Aeries regularly to monitor student progress.
Daily Attendance: Every day counts when it comes to student attendance. Students must maintain good attendance to achieve academic success. When a student is absent, please contact the attendance office. The attendance office can be reached by text at (714)202-6891 or by contacting our front office by phone at (714)986-7480. Please include your student’s name, your name, and the reason for the absence. Note that you must report absences every day your student is out, and you have 48 hours to clear an absence.
Behavior Expectations
Activities Update
Picture Day
Picture Day is Thursday, 9/5! Photo order forms will be sent home Wednesday, 8/28. Bring the envelope back on Picture Day with payment. Or, you can order online at www.shopstudio1.com with order code T578.
Back to School Night
We look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night on September 10th at 5:45 pm. This is a valuable opportunity to meet your student’s teachers and strengthen the home-school connection.
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 05:45 PM
Tuffree Middle School, North Kraemer Boulevard, Placentia, CA, USA
PTA Information
1. PTA Membership: No volunteer time required! $15 will help Tuffree PTA support students and staff with activities, assemblies and much more!
2. Volunteer form: Want to help out at events such as family fun night or at 8th grade party?! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/nf7NuU2ZLPCEuQdg7
3. SpiritWear: Order all kinds of Tuffree Spirit Wear for the whole family to show your Falcon Pride. Online orders only: https://uniforms.american-casual.com/ProductList.aspx?school=Tuffree+Middle+School+-+Spirit+Wear&cat=0
Non-Discrimination Statement: The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying in all district activities, programs, and employment based upon actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, age, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. In accordance with AB-1078, this applies to all acts of the governing board and the superintendent of the school district in enacting policies and procedures that govern the local educational agency. The following employees have been designated to handle questions or complaints of alleged discrimination: Employee complaint- Dr. Issaic Gates, Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources (714) 985-8408. Title IX and any other discrimination complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670, bpedraza@pylusd.org. Title II Coordinator / 504 Coordinator / Americans with Disabilities Act complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670. Bullying, intimidation complaints - Tonya Gordillo, Administrator, Student Services (714) 985-8671. The mailing address for all compliance officers is 1301 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870.