TTAO Summer Newsletter
July, 2024
A Message from our President
Dear Adjudicators and Contest Managers,
I am thrilled to take this moment to reflect on the outstanding achievements of our organization
during the recent UIL OAP Season. Firstly, I express my sincere gratitude to the 63 adjudicators
who actively participated in our new SIOS Initiative. Your dedication to serving students and the
community is truly commendable, and we deeply appreciate your contributions. Additionally, the
programs implemented last season, including continuing education, diversity training conducted
at board meetings and the TxETA Convention, integrity oaths, and satisfaction surveys,
underscore our commitment to lifelong learning, impartial judgment, and meaningful
engagement with underserved schools. Together, we are making a significant impact on the
lives of students and educators.
Following the board members’ meeting in June, I addressed the UIL Legislative Council. It was
a gratifying experience as I presented our initiatives for the upcoming 2024 – 2025 UIL OAP
season and our unwavering dedication to supporting students and teachers throughout Texas.
The UIL Academics Committee of Superintendents also extended their gratitude for our
collective efforts.
The upcoming UIL OAP season is brimming with exciting opportunities. During the TxETA
Convention, we will commemorate TTAO’s Tenth Anniversary with a black and white gala. I
cordially invite you to attend and join us in celebrating this remarkable milestone. The event,
titled “Cheers to Ten Years,” will be a time to wear black and white attire and share fond
memories of our organization. Details regarding a nominal fee for the celebration will be shared
soon. Please keep an eye on your email for information on ticket acquisition. Kindly note that
convention registration is mandatory to attend the gala.
Looking ahead, we are enthusiastic about the plans on the horizon, including continuing our
SIOS service initiative with a registration database, developing a new mentorship program for
novice adjudicators and contest managers, and various other endeavors to further enhance our
organization. These initiatives are crucial for our growth and will bring us closer to our goals. As
we continue to elevate our presence and our purpose, remember that “We Are Better Together.”
Warm regards,
Yvonne J. Phillips-Dupree,
Texas Theatre Adjudicators and Officials Organization
A Message from our UIL State Theatre Director
Updates on rules, FAQ – on licensing- also attached, 2024-2025 Academic alignments can be found on the UIL Theatre home page: https://www.uiltexas.org/theatre
For Zone/District Contest Managers -Official Meet Authorization Request form- https://www.uiltexas.org/machform/view.php?id=1015535
Tentative UIL Official Calendar- https://www.uiltexas.org/files/calendars/2024-25-Tentative-UIL-Calendar.pdf
State Meet Judges 2025
* denotes acting judge
1A Jim Rambo*, Kathy Harvey, Gloria Mcluckie
2A Missey Head*, Travis Springfield, Larry Carpenter
3A Jim Mammarella*, Yvonne Phillips Dupree, Carla Schumann
4A Jackie DeMontmollin*, Freddie Buckner, Scott Schumann
5A Robin Robinson*, Rachel Mattox, Aaron Brown
6A Luis Munoz*, Alison Frost, R. Scott AllenArea and Region Assignments coming soon!
Coming Soon-
- Revised OAP Handbook
- Contest Manager Scripts
- Revised Judge’s Evaluation form
2024-2025 Deadlines:
For Contest Managers & Meet Officials
Aug 10
First day to contact a single adjudicator or the first member of a panel for District or Zone contests
Aug 10
First day to draw performance order
Aug 31
Deadline to report bi-district information and adjudicators to state office
Nov 1
Deadline to hold director's planning meeting
Nov 1
First day to contact and contract the second and third members of a panel for zone and district contests
Paula Rodriguez, UIL State Theatre Director.
Fall Adjudicator Training is Planned
TTAO New Adjudicator Trainings
TTAO is planning one fall training in Plano ISD on November7, 2024. Once the exact location is finalized, that will be announced on the TTAO website (under News) and on the TTAO Adjudicator and OAP Directors Facebook pages.
We will again offer a continued training for current adjudicators at the State Thespians Festivals; Corpus Christi, November 15 - 18 and Grapevine, November 20-23. Be on the lookout for more information as we get closer to the events.
As always, we will offer training at the 2025 UIL OAP State Contest.
Thank you to those interested in becoming TTAO Adjudicators! Stay tuned for more information!
TTAO Dues Payments are Past Due!
As we prepare for the 10 year celebration, we celebrate our past.
TTAO Programming at TxETA
TTAO Programming at TxETA
Plan to attend the TTAO planned workshops for the TxETA conference and connect with fellow adjudicators and contest managers. TTAO sessions include:
TTAO Open Forum
TTAO Annual Board Meeting
TTAO One Act Play Contest Manager Guidelines
TTAO: Continuing Ed for our Adjudicators and Contest Managers
TTAO: What is SIOS? How can I serve our schools?
We look forward to seeing you!