HHS Choir Monthly Updates
Summer 2024
HHS Choir Update
Thank you, HHS Choir Family for a wonderful 2023-2024 school year. From beginning to end, this was a fantastic year and I am very proud of the growth I saw from each individual musician as well as the collective group improvement from August to May!
I sincerely hope that everyone has a wonderful and relaxing summer vacation! I'll be heading to Italy, England, & Ireland starting on Monday; if you happen to be there also, I hope we get a chance to run into one another.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, thank you for allowing me the chance to make music with you. I am a better musician and person for having been given the opportunity!
Congrats to the Cast, Crew, & Orchestra of "Into the Woods" on 4 Dazzle Awards
Best Actress (Lindsey Ross) - WINNER
Lindsey will perform at the Jimmy Awards in NYC on June 24th!
Musical Apprenticeship (Ryan Heckroth)
Best Student Orchestra - WINNER
Best Ensemble/Chorus
Best Costume Design
Best Technical Execution
Best Scenic Design - WINNER
Best Musical (Tier 2) - WINNER
HHS Choir Uniform Fittings & Choir Picnic
Wednesday August 14 | 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Choir Room
All new and returning choir members will need to come to the HS Choir Room on Wednesday August 14th between 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM to be fitted for their uniform for the year.
In order for students to take their uniform home with them, they will need to have their signed contract and the uniform fee turned in. As we get closer to the date, there will be an email with a link for students to schedule a uniform fitting time, the contract that must be signed and the link to pay the uniform fee online.
If you will be out of town on 8/14, please let us know and we will coordinate a makeup time with our ChoirVPs, Kim Murphy & Kyla Rollins.
HHSMA Yard Sign Fundraiser for Music Programs
Highlight your support for our programs by purchasing a yard sign on or before 4th of July.
Pick up during your respective uniform fittings. You have the option of buying individual signs for each program (band, choir, jazz and orchestra) OR have one sign and buy individual program stickers to affix. The choice is yours. Along with yard signs we are also offering car clings. All proceeds raised will go to each individual program. Hurry and order now!!
24-25 Vocal Impact Camp
Monday August 5th thru Thursday August 8th
Camp is scheduled for:
Monday August 5th thru Thursday August 8th from 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Location @ HHS Choir Room/Auditorium
A one hour lunch break will be scheduled during each day
Tag Day
Saturday August 24th | 9 AM - 12:30 PM
Tag Day is MANDATORY for all Hudson High School music students.
For those unfamiliar with this day, students will be taken around different neighborhoods in Hudson by parent volunteers where they will head door to door to pass out "tags" with our concert dates and ask them for any donations to the program
Tag Day is a HHSMA fundraiser that all students in Band, Orchestra, & Choir participate in to help raise money for the music programs
On 8/24, students should report to the choir room at 8:45 AM while parent volunteers should head to the HHS Commons for last minute details and directions. The day will end by noon, perhaps even earlier
To pull this off we NEED 100 adult volunteers to drive students to Hudson City School District neighborhoods and participate in our most important fundraiser for the Hudson High School Music Association.
We ask that all students participate. The more students that are involved, the more money that is dispersed to the choir program. If the choir is not well represented on Tag Day, then we do not receive as many funds as we would should all attend
- This fundraiser supports ALL of the High School Music programs. Mark your calendars and look for a driver sign up to be sent later this summer. Email tagday.hhsma@gmail.com with any questions.
2024 Choir Photos & Videos
Shining Star CLE/COYC/All State Auditions
Shining Star CLE is an inclusive solo singing competition allowing Northeast Ohio high school students to compete for college scholarships and the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Chorus was founded in 1991 to raise interest in choral music within the schools of northeastern Ohio, and to encourage more students to continue their choral activities through college and into adulthood. OMEA is having auditions for the 2024-2025 All State Choir, the top ensemble in the state. Auditions are all done virtually, click on the button below for more information; auditions are due May 31st. Finally, Baldwin Wallace is hosting a Conservatory Summer Institute for High School Musicians & Theatre Artists. More information can be found by clicking the button below
These are two events that HHS are open to any current freshmen, sophomores, or juniors. For more information as well as audition dates/deadlines, please click on the links below.
COYC Final Audition Date is May 30th
OMEA All State Choir Audition Deadline is May 31st
Shining Star CLE Final Audition Date is June 30th
Vocal Impact Camp
Monday August 5th thru Thursday August 8th
8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Location @ HHS Choir Room/Auditorium
Uniform Fittings & Choir Picnic
Wednesday August 14th
Between 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
(check your email over the summer for a SignUpGenius link)
HHS Choir Room
Tag Day
Saturday August 24th
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Meet in HHS Choir Room
Thanks for a great year, HHS
About Us
Email: moorej@hudson.k12.oh.us
Website: hudsonhighchoirs.com
Location: 2500 Hudson Aurora Road, Hudson, OH, USA
Phone: 3306531416
Facebook: facebook.com/HudsonHighSchoolChoir
Twitter: @MrMooreChoir
Instagram: @hudson.high.choir