GHS Weekly Newsletter:

Week of September 23, 2024:
Purchase Homecoming Tickets here:
Monday, September 23: Roll Out of Bed Spirit Day
TBA Girls Varsity Golf Sectional Golf Tourney @ Hamilton Elks
4:00 PM ESPORTS Overwatch vs Gilmour Academy @ Esports Lab
4:00 PM Girls Varsity Tennis vs Middletown High School @ GHS
5:00 PM Varsity Cross Country @ Goshen Warrior Invitational @GHS
Tuesday, September 24 Beach Spirit Day
TBA Girls Varsity Golf Sectional Golf Tourney @ Walden Ponds
2:30 PM Random Acts of Kindness meeting @ Mr. Siefert’s Room
4:00 PM Girls Varsity Tennis vs Spencer Center for the Gifted @ GHS
5:00 PM Girls Junior Varsity Volleyball vs New Richmond @ GHS
5:00 PM Girls Junior Varsity Soccer @ New Richmond High School
6:00 PM Girls Varsity Volleyball vs New Richmond @ GHS
6-8 PM GTAG Cast @ GHS Auditeria
6:30 PM Boys Varsity Soccer vs New Richmond High School @ GHS
7:00 PM Girls Varsity Soccer @ New Richmond High School
Wednesday, September 25 Soccer Mom/BBQ Dad Spirit Day
Warrior Up Bell
TBA Boys Varsity Golf Sectional Golf Tournament @ Glenview GC
10:30 AM Wrestling Informational Meeting during Warrior Up Bell
4:00 PM ESPORTS Apex Legends @ GHS Esports Lab
4:00 PM Girls Varsity Tennis @ Clermont Northeastern
Thursday, September 26 Students Dress Like Teachers/Teachers Dress Like Students
4:00 PM ESPORTS Valorant vs New Bremen GHS Esports Lab
6-8 PM GTAG Cast/Crew Optional @ GHS Auditeria
6:30 PM Boys Varsity Soccer Clermont Northeastern HS Home
Friday, September 27 Red and Grey Day
8:45 AM Traveling Homecoming Pep Rally @ GMS
9:15 AM Traveling Homecoming Pep Rally @ Spaulding
9:45 AM Traveling Homecoming Pep Rally @ Marr/Cook
1:40 PM GHS Homecoming Pep Rally @ GYM
5:30 PM GHS Homecoming Parade
7:00 PM Boys Varsity Football vs New Richmond High School @ GHS
Saturday, September 28
TBA Varsity Cross Country Centerville Sat. Night Lights CC Invite
10:00 AM Girls Varsity Volleyball Tri: Anderson & Lakota East @ GHS
10:00 AM Boys Junior Varsity Football @ New Richmond High School
10:00 AM Girls Freshman Volleyball Tri @ Lakota East w/Anderson
11:00 AM Girls JV Volleyball Tri @ Anderson w/ Lakota East
8-11 PM Goshen High School Homecoming Dance @ Stadium
Homecoming 2024:
Wrestling Informational Meeting: There will be a sign up meeting for anyone interested in wrestling during warrior up on Wednesday, September 25th. Parents and students should add the sportsyou app with code- VTPB7VPL
Random Acts of Kindness: If you are in need of community service hours, join Random Acts of Kindness. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 24 in Mr. Siefert's room from 2:30-3pm. We will practice face painting for the pep rally at this meeting. See Mr. Siefert for more details about becoming a NEW member of Random Acts of Kindness.
Stanley's Driving School will begin on October 15, 2024. Applications are in the main office. Please have your application back to Mrs. Bailey by October 14.
Attention Juniors! PSAT/NMSQT testing is coming soon to those who would like to sign up. Read the following information below carefully as this test can be an important scholarship opportunity! We will have building wide testing on Tuesday, October 8th. On this date, all juniors will be taking the practice ACT but you can choose to take the PSAT instead as participating in the PSAT as a junior allows you to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship program. Juniors who perform at a high level (in the top bracket of national scores) on the PSAT/NMSQT are automatically entered into consideration for the National Merit Scholarship program. If you are identified as a semifinalist by College Board based on your PSAT score from junior year, you are then offered an opportunity to complete an application which could potentially allow you to qualify as a National Merit Finalist, which can mean significant scholarship opportunities for college. In order to qualify for this program, students must be a junior in high school and take the PSAT on October 8th. Juniors interested in taking the PSAT in order to attempt to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship program MUST EMAIL their school counselor (Mrs. Royal royalk@goshenlocalschools.org for last names A-K or Mrs. Mantz mantzk@goshenlocalschools.org for last names L-Z) in order to be added to this testing list no later than Friday, September 27th. All other juniors on October 8th will be taking a practice ACT test, so if you do not email a request to take the PSAT then you will automatically be on the list to take the practice ACT. Please go to the following website to learn more about the PSAT/NMSQT. You can click on "Why Take the PSAT" to learn more information about all the benefits of taking the PSAT as well as more information about the National Merit Scholarship Program. https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt
The Help Center: Located in the main office, the Help Center offers students access to free personal care products such as deodorant, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste and more. Whenever you need something, feel free to stop by. The Help Center is sponsored by Random Acts of Kindness.
Class of 2026 Prom Committee Information: We are looking for any juniors who would like to be a part of this year's Prom Committee! We held our first meeting on Monday, September 16th to begin discussing our upcoming Powderpuff fundraiser. If you missed this first meeting but would still like to join our committee, please use the following instructions to join our Remind group. This will allow you to get all of the important information regarding our next meeting date, upcoming fundraisers, and prom planning discussions. We can't wait to work with you all this year as we plan this exciting event!
“Where To Wednesday” Newsletter:
Every Wednesday, the College and Career Readiness Department will send a “Where To Wednesday” newsletter. Make sure that you are checking out the newsletter each week to find out important information coming out within the College and Career Readiness Department and throughout the high school! Click the link to read this week's newsletter:
Attention seniors and parents/guardians of seniors! Are you applying to college or considering that college could possibly be the pathway for you? If yes, then make sure to read the following information! During Warrior Up on Wednesday, September 18th the GHS guidance department did a presentation on how to manage the college application process. As we understand that this can be a very overwhelming process, we have all of the presented information in one comprehensive document. Please use the link below to access this document to help you as you navigate this process. Remember that we are also here to answer any questions that you have as you go through senior year. Email Mrs. Mantz or Mrs. Royal with any questions or to set up a time to meet and go over your questions! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wJu3mBM-3zBgTmp9J1FDKM5DtjdqcYQXkYG-YpI8u44/edit?usp=sharing
HealthFORCE Careers Event Field Trip: Are you interested in a career in healthcare? Want to explore potential workplaces that might spark your interest? Visit the library and speak with Mrs. Creekmore or Ms. Meyer to sign up for more information!
It is our goal to increase communication with the school community throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Please access the following social media sites in order to keep informed:
Follow @GoshenWarriors on TWITTER for daily updates/announcements, celebrations, extra-curricular updates and photos of daily activities.
Follow Goshen High School on INSTAGRAM (GHSWarriors) to see photos of our students in action.
Like Goshen Local Schools on FACEBOOK to celebrate successes in all buildings across the district.
GOSHEN HIGH SCHOOL WEBSITE: Check the Goshen High School website frequently for school related information as well as a calendar of important events. Goshen High School
GHS Staff Email Addresses:
The following link included all email addresses for teachers at Goshen High School. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Staff Email Address Document:
Administrative Team and Responsibilities:
If you have questions or concerns regarding your child, school or athletics, feel free to reach out:
Mrs. Stephanie Walker, Principal: walkers@goshenlocalschools.org
Ms. Randi Isaacs, Assistant Principal isaacsr@goshenlocalschools.org
Mr. Chuck Boothby, Ascend Director boothbyc@goshenlocalschools.org
Mr. Scott Wake, Athletic Director: wakes@goshenlocalschools.org
Mrs. Kerri Mantz, Guidance Counselor L-Z mantzk@goshenlocalschools.org
Mrs. Kelly Royal, Guidance Counselor A-K royalk@goshenlocal schools.org
Meet the GHS Administration:
Stephanie Walker, Principal
Randi Isaacs, Assistant Principal
Chuck Boothby, ASCEND Academy Director
Cell Phones: House Bill 250, which was signed into law by Governor DeWine, limits the use of cell phones and other wireless devices in our schools. Goshen Local Schools agrees with the research behind HB250 and with limiting the distractions that cell phone use creates for our students. With that in mind, below are the proposed changes to our cell phone practices and student handbook policies for the 2024-2025 school year, pending Board approval. Students are permitted to have cell phones on campus. Students are not permitted to use phones during class time or to take phones to the restroom. The expectation is for cell phones and wireless earbuds/headphones/AirPods to be put away and silenced in the classroom unless documented in IEP/504 or for documented health concerns. Students may access their devices before school, during lunch, and after school. To ensure compliance with these guidelines, the following consequences will be enforced:
Consequence for violating cellphone guidelines
1st offense (Classroom) - warning provided and parent contacted by teacher
2nd offense (Strike 1 in Office) - phone sent to office, parent contacted, and student can pick up phone from office at the end of the day
3rd offense (Strike 2 in Office) - phone sent to office, device must be picked up by the parent/guardian, and conversation is had about the repercussions if a student earns Strike 3.
4th offense (Strike 3 in Office) - phone sent to office, device must be picked up by the parent/guardian, and the device is not permitted to return to the school building for a designated amount of time up to and including the rest of the school year.
Chronic abuse of cell phone privileges will result in appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including suspension from school.
Oct. 2 Hoxworth Blood Drive
Oct 8 GHS Building Wide Testing Day
9th - Pre-ACT
10th - PSAT
11th - Practice ACT
12th - Community Service Day
Oct 10 SENIORS: Jostens: Grad Order Class Meeting 7:40 am
Oct 10 Parent-Teacher Conferences: 3:30-7:00 pm
Oct 15 Fall Choir Concert
Oct 17 Parent-Teacher Conferences: 3:30-7:00 pm
Oct 17 Lifetouch Fall Photo Retake Date
Oct 17 SENIORS: Jostens: Graduation Orders @ Lunch
Oct 17 End of 1st Quarter
Oct 18 Teacher Work Day- NO SCHOOL
Oct 21 NO SCHOOL- Fall Break
Oct 29 Marching Band Concert @ 7:00 pm
Nov 5 NO SCHOOL: Election Day (Teacher Work Day)
Nov 7 Sophomores: Jostens Class Ring Meeting 7:40 am @ Auditeria
Nov 11 NO SCHOOL: Veteran’s Day
Nov 15 GHS Fall Play School Performance @ GHS Auditeria 8:30 am
Nov 15 GHS Fall Play @ GHS Auditeria 7:00 pm
Nov 16 GHS Fall Play @ GHS Auditeria 7:00 pm
Nov 27 NO SCHOOL: Conference Exchange Day
Nov 28 NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break
Nov 29 NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break
Dec 5 SENIORS: Lifetouch Shirt & Tie Composite Photo Date (7-11 AM)
Dec 11 Holiday Choir Concert @ 7:00 PM
Dec 19 SEMESTER EXAMS: Bells 1, 3, 5, 7 (Modified Schedule)
Dec 20 SEMESTER EXAMS: Bells 2, 4, 5, 6 (Modified Schedule)
Dec 20 End of 2nd Quarter
Dec 23-Jan 5 NO SCHOOL: Winter Break
Jan 20 NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Jr Day
Jan 23 Talent Show 7:00 pm @ Auditeria
Jan 24 Talent Show (Bells 2-4) @ Auditeria
Jan 24 ComingHome Dance and Game
Feb 6 Parent-Teacher Conferences: 3:30-7:00 pm
Feb 13 Parent-Teacher Conferences: 3:30-7:00 pm
Feb 14 NO SCHOOL: Teacher Work Day
Feb 17 NO SCHOOL: President’s Day
March 13 Spring Choir Concert
March 14 End of 3rd Quarter
March 25 Juniors: ACT Administration/Sophomores: Pre-ACT
April 14-20 NO SCHOOL: Spring Break
April 24 Hoxworth Blood Drive
April 25 GHS Spring Musical 7:00 PM
April 25 GHS Spring Musical School Performance @ GHS Auditeria 8:30 am
April 26 GHS Spring Musical 7:00 PM
May 9 GHS Prom
May 13 SENIORS: Scholarship/Award Night @ GHS Auditeria 6:30 pm
May 14 SENIORS: Top 20 Academic Signing Event @ Auditeria 8:30 am
May 15 SENIOR EXAMS: Bells 1, 3, 5, 7 (Typical Schedule)
May 16 SENIOR EXAMS: Bells 2, 4, 5, 6 (Typical Schedule)
May 20 Underclassmen Exams: Bells 1, 3, 5, 7 (Modified Schedule)
May 20 SENIORS: Cap and Gown Distribution/Warrior Walk 8:30-11AM
9:30 am Marr/Cook
10:00 am Middle School
10:30 am Spaulding
May 21 Underclassmen Exams: Bells 2, 4, 5, 6 (Modified Schedule)
May 21 SENIORS: Mandatory Graduation Practice 8-12:00
Where To Ceremony &
May 22 SENIORS: Graduation 7:00 pm @ Truist Arena: NKU
May 22 Last Day of School: Exam Make Up Date
May 23 Teacher Work Day
Goshen High School
Email: walkers@goshenlocalschools.org
Website: https://ghs.goshenlocalschools.org/
Location: 6707 Goshen Road, Goshen, OH, USA
Phone: 513-722-2227
Twitter: @GoshenWarriors