Quarter 1 Report Cards Have Been Mailed Home!
Report Cards for Quarter 1 have been mailed home, so you should be receiving your student's report card soon. Quarter 1 Grades are also available now on the San Juan Parent Portal* as well as on the Student Portal.
Quarter 1 officially ended on October 18, 2024. Grades are final at the end of a quarter, and they become a part of students' official transcripts.
Please take this opportunity to discuss your student's grade in their classes with your student. If you have any questions or concerns about your student's learning or grades, please contact your student's teachers directly.
*For Pin and Password information, please use the Forgot your Pin? and Reset Your Password options on the Login page of the Parent Portal.
San Juan Unified Wants Your Feedback!
Dear Families,
San Juan Unified introduced a new student dress code at the start of this school year and we would like to take this opportunity to check in on how the rollout has been so far. Your feedback is important to us, and we would greatly appreciate hearing your thoughts.
Please visit www.sanjuan.edu/dresscode for an overview of the new dress code and take the survey here.
Thank you for your continued support of San Juan Unified.
Important Update About Tardies and Scan Manager After 1st Week of Use:
As you know, we have been experiencing an increase in tardies (late arrivals to class), and we implemented a new process, Scan Manager, to encourage students to arrive on time to class.
We have seen much improvement in this first week of implementation! Students are getting to class much more quickly than they were, and we have seen a dramatic decrease in tardies in only one week!
Last week was our first week of using Scan Manager, and we experienced some technology issues with the program. We will not be counting last week's tardies against students for the purpose of implementing a disciplinary consequence, such as social probation or community service, because we can't be certain of an accurate tardy count.
Now that we have had time to trouble-shoot the issues, Scan Manager is tracking tardies and notifying families correctly and accurately. Students will be starting from a count of "zero tardies" on Monday, October 28th.
Thank you for your patience as we implement new technology!
More Information about Scan Manager:
We have been experiencing an increase in tardies (late arrivals to class) at Arcade. Late arrivals to class are disruptive to the learning environment and students who are late miss valuable minutes of instruction. Arcade's tardy policy is this: students must be in class, seated, and with their materials when the bell rings. This policy ensures that teachers are able to start class right after the bell has rung and use each instructional minute to the fullest.
At the start of the second quarter, on October 21st, Arcade started a new process for tracking tardies, using the Scan Manager program. It is a tardy tracking and notification system that is used by several middle schools and high schools within the San Juan Unified School District. These schools have seen dramatic decreases to the number of overall tardies, and, so far, the same is happening at Arcade!
Students learned of these processes and were reminded of our tardy policy through the morning announcements (see the video below).
Here is how Scan Manager works:
Parents and guardians now receive an immediate notification each time their student is tardy to a class, including to 1st Period. Parents will receive an email notifying them which period their student was late to, along with the running total of tardies their student has earned for the quarter. (If there is a valid reason for a student arriving late to 1st Period, families can call the office and excuse that tardy.)
Scan Manager tracks student's tardies, and automatically assigns consequences based on the number of tardies per quarter. Tardies will reset at the beginning of each new quarter. Here are the consequences for excessive tardies to class:
At 10 tardies, the student is placed on social probation.
At 13 tardies, the student receives community service.
At 15 tardies, the student and family will have an administrative conference.
If you have any questions regarding the new Scan Manager policy, please email Vice Principal, Philip Tateishi at philip.tateishi@sanjuan.edu.
Please Read This Message From Coach B, Arcade's Wrestling Coach!
Message from Coach B:
Hello Spartans!
This is Coach B with Spartans Wrestling. I am so excited to come back to a brand new school, with brand new kids. The wrestling season will be starting soon and I would love to see all of you join the team this year!! With that being said, November 4th will be our FIRST practice. The first part of the practice will be a parent/guardian meeting. You will need to bring water, athletic clothes, and wrestling shoes if you have them. If you do not, I will go over where to get them or how to borrow some from me. A parent or guardian must attend the first half as we will talk about important information about the season.
Practices will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights from 6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. You are always welcome to show up early to help set up mats! Tournaments will be held on most Saturdays throughout the season. Tournaments begin at the end of November and end in February.
You can NOT practice if you do not fill out the athletic permission slip. You can pick up permission slips in the office.
I hope to see you on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the MP room.
Parents or guardians, if have any questions you can reach me through text, email, or Instagram.
Go Spartans!
- Coach B
For more information, please contact Coach Bradley! You can reach him via cellphone, email, or DM on Instagram!
Cell phone : (916) 508-4379
Email: bradleynorman14@gmail.com
Instagram: @arcadespartanswrestling
Informational Meeting & First Wrestling Practice
Monday, Nov 4, 2024, 06:30 PM
Arcade MP Room
Fall Photo Retake Day On November 4th!
This is for students who were absent or retaking their pictures for purchase.
8th Grade Exploratorium Field Trip On November 6th!
Students need to arrive at school by 7:15 A.M. Students must arrive promptly in the morning, or they may miss the bus! Students will be back at Arcade around 4:30 P.M.
No School On Monday, November 11th!
No School On Friday, November 15th.
Teacher Work Day On Friday, November 15th. No School.
School Recess
No School November 25th-29th. We will be back on Monday, December 2nd.
In addition to tardies, excessive Early Dismissals are also starting to impact our learning environment at Arcade. Over 20 students are typically leaving early each day.
Early dismissals are disruptive to entire classes, which are interrupted to notify the teacher and student of the early dismissal. They are also disruptive to the office staff, which must process the early dismissals. Finally, early dismissals remove students from the learning environment and they miss valuable class time.
Many medical appointments must happen during the school day, which we understand. We simply ask that you limit all other early dismissals unless absolutely necessary.
Thank you for helping ensure a productive and uninterrupted use of class time!
Please Read This Message from El Camino's Principal!
Hello Arcade Families,
We cordially invite you to our annual Open Enrollment Information Night on Tuesday, October 29, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Come and get a glimpse of what El Camino has to offer in academics, specialized programs, athletics, clubs, and activities. Come feel the spirit and pride that is unique to El Camino and see why EC is the high school for you. Please mark your calendars and we look forward to meeting you in our Large Gym on Tuesday, October 29.
Take care and Go Eagles!
Evelyn Welborn
El Camino Fundamental High School
Learn More About What Rio Americano High School Has To Offer!
Interested in attending Rio Americano High School?
Attend Parent Information Night on November 6, 2024, from 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. in Rio Americano's large gym.
Mira Loma Invites Incoming 9th Graders for Info Night!
Mira Loma's Information Night is on November 7, 2024 from 5:30 P.M .- 8:00 P.M.
They have a full agenda scheduled, including a campus tour! This a great opportunity to see what Mira Loma has to offer!
Registration is now open for Arcade’s Running Club. Running Club is open to all grades!
Join Arcade's Running Club, coached by Ms. Spencer! We are very excited to be hosting a MaraFUNrun at Arcade!
What is Running Club? Running club is an after school club at Arcade. Students will participate in weekly running/strength building activities in order to build endurance to complete Running for Rhett’s MaraFUNrun 5k race on Saturday, December 7th.
Meet-up details are below:
When: Wednesday & Friday @ 3:00 - 4:00 P.M.
Dates: Oct 23, 2024 to Dec 6, 2024
Where: Arcade Track
Who: 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders
Coach: Ms. Spencer
If you are interested in signing up, please fill out the form below and the first 30 students will be accepted.
Arcade Running Club Application
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Spencer via email at meagan.spencer@sanjuan.edu
Join us for a fun time!
Join a Tutoring Session with Sacramento State Students!
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Sacramento State is offering a free tutoring program for middle and high school students. The mission of the Math Tutoring Buddies (MTB) Program is to provide free, high-quality one-on-one tutoring to middle and high school students in the local community that will enrich the learning opportunities for both university and middle/high school students.
All tutoring occurs EVERYDAY online after school. Please visit the Math Buddies website for times!
Join the Arcade team! We are hiring an Instructional Assistant for our ASD Program. Apply here!
San Juan Unified’s Adult Education program also offers a preparation course for those interested in taking San Juan's Instructional Assistant exam. These are FREE prep classes to help prepare you for the role! The class is free and enrollment is open all year. Learn more.
If you or someone you know is interested, please apply as soon as possible!
Intermediate Boys Basketball (grades 6th, 7th, & 8th) Registration is Now Open!
The Arcade 6th/7th grade team has only 7 spots left! Arcade's 8th grade team is still looking for players!
- Who: 6th, 7th and 8th grade Middle School Boys.
- When: January 16th, 2025 - March 15th , 2025. **We do not practice or play over SJUSD holidays**
- Where: Practices are held at the school you attend. Games are on Saturdays, at Arden Middle School or El Camino HS.
- Cost: $125 per participant. Fees include jerseys, coaches, gym time, referees, and scorekeepers.
- Practices: *Practice times may vary depending on gym space and coach availability.
- Games: Generally, 6/7/8 games will be held on Saturdays between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Coaches will hand out information on the location, dates, and times of these games after the first practice.
- Registration: Registration opens September 2, 2024 on a first-come, first-served basis and closes December 29th, 2024, or until teams are full.
For more information, please contact us at sports@morpd.com or 916-570-2806.
Please Read This Update From The District Office.
In June, San Juan Unified’s Board of Education adopted a resolution adjusting the attendance boundaries for Arden Middle School, Arcade Middle School, Katherine Johnson Middle School, Winston Churchill Middle School and Starr King K-8.
The Board selected map no. 3 for the new middle school boundaries within the western region of the district. The new boundaries will go into effect next school year.
Exclusive enrollment opportunities which will be available for families impacted by the boundary change. More information will be shared in the coming months.
You can view the new boundary map, enter your address to see if your assigned middle school for next year has changed and learn more about the background of this change by visiting the middle school boundary adjustment webpage.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and schools.
Campus Opens & Breakfast Service Begins at 7:30 A.M.
The school gates open at 7:30 A.M. each morning. Once the school gates open, students enter into the MP room. In the MP room, students may get breakfast. Breakfast service begins at 7:30 A.M. daily. Students can eat in the MP room and then can move about the rest of campus, starting at 7:45 A.M.
ONLY students are allowed through the school gates. If a parent or guardian needs to speak with a school staff member, that person must enter through the Front Office entrance.
All students receive FREE breakfast and lunch everyday! Check out the menus for this month below.
Parent Project Series- A Free Parenting Support Program
This is a family education class for parents, guardians, and caregivers of teens with challenging or concerning behaviors meets weekly for teen sessions. Participants will receive a free class handbook containing the weekly topics that include:
- Nurturing positive home communication
- Practice strategies to reduce family conflict
- Learn how to avoid arguing with your child
- Prevent risky, difficult teenage behavior
- Improve school attendance and academic performance
Meetings are on Wednesdays, 5:45-7:45 P.M. from September 11th through November 13th.
Register now here! Childcare and dinner are provided!
All students in transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade can ride Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) for free through the RydeFreeRT program. With RydeFreeRT, students can ride the entire SacRT transit network, including SacRT buses, light rail and SmaRT Ride on-demand microtransit service for FREE!
RydeFreeRT is available all day, any day of the week, all year during regular SacRT service hours.
To ride free, students need to show a valid RydeFreeRT card. Youth who are experiencing homelessness or taking part in foster programs are also allowed to participate in the program, regardless of current residence or school address.
RydeFreeRT cards are available at school locations, including at Arcade, or at the SacRT Customer Service Center at 1225 R Street (adjacent to the 13th Street light rail station) and Sacramento Public Libraries.
Learn more about the program at rydefreert.com.
Pick up a free SacRT card from the Arcade front office!
CALENDAR ITEMS - Looking Ahead
- October 30: ELAC Meeting, 6:00 - 7:30 P.M
- November 4: Fall Photo Retake
- November 6: 8th-Grade Exploratorium Trip
- November 11: No School
- November 13: Family Info Night, 6:00 - 7:30 P.M.
- November 15: No School
- November 18-23: STEAM Week
- November 18: School Site Council, 3:00 - 4:00 P.M.
- November 20: WEB Movie Night, 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.
- November 21: Band Concert, 6:00 - 7:30 P.M.
- November 22: Progress 2 Grading Period Ends
- November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break, No School
- December 3: Dental Screening
- December 4: 7th Grade Field Trip to the CA Academy of Sciences
- Monday - Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
- Attendance Phone Number: 916-971-7300, ext. 1
Email: arcadems@sanjuan.edu
Website: sanjuan.edu/arcade
Location: 3500 Edison Avenue, Sacramento, CA, USA
Phone: 916-971-7300