Kellogg ROAR
May 13, 2024
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Principal's Message
Kellogg Families,
I hope you had a magnificent Mother’s Day weekend filled with family, fun, and sunshine.
This week is an important week as students take their OSAS test. As a reminder, OSAS will occur on the following dates:
• Tuesday, May 14th = Reading Part I OSAS (6th-8th grade)
• Wednesday, May 15th = Reading Part II OSAS (6th-8th grade)
• Thursday, May 16th = Math Part I OSAS (6th-8th grade)
• Friday, May 17th = Math Part II OSAS (6th-8th grade)
Please make sure your student brings their charged Chromebook and their charger every day, especially during OSAS testing. We will be sending daily reminders at the end of this week and every day during testing.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Mr. Thai Nguyen
Kellogg Middle School
Successful School Survey
Portland Public Schools highly values the input and opinions of its families, and we welcome all PPS parents and guardians to complete this year’s survey. We use the data to help improve our schools, providing targeted feedback and training on how to create healthy school environments that are welcoming for all.
You can complete the Successful Schools Survey online using the link provided below. Please complete one survey per household. If you have more than one student at PPS, we ask that you complete the survey considering the experiences of your eldest child.
The survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete and is available in English, Spanish, Russian, Somali, Vietnamese and Chinese.
For more information about the Successful Schools Survey, please go to
End of Year Expecations
As we wind down the end of year, we can feel students excitement rise as they get ready to start summer. We need your help to remind students summer doesn't start until June 14th at 3:45pm!
Our expectations are the same, but here are few we want to review with students.
Please remind students to limit bathroom or nurse visits. We have some students who ask to use the restroom every period and/or visit the nurse daily.
Students need to be in class on time. We are seeing an increase in tardies. You can view your students tardies in studentvue.
Keep hands to self. This includes play fighting or "joking" around with friends. All student should keep hands to self at all times.
Remember to attend the school dance no more than 5+ referrals or a 2/3 referral. Continued infraction will result in the loss of privileges including end of year school events: 8th grade PSU visit, 8th grade Oaks Park, 6th grade kickball tournament, 7th grade end of year celebration, etc.
Please note we will not refund money for field trips if students loss their privilege to attend.
Library Books Due
Looking ahead…. May 24 is the last day for Kellogg students to check out books from the library. Please return all books on or before June 3 or by June 14 at the very latest.
Remember you may return library books from other schools to the Kellogg library and we will get them to their home school.
If you have library books that are overdue, please renew them if you are still reading them. If those books are not being read, please return them as soon as possible. Other students are waiting to read those books. Happy reading to everyone! Thank you for your support!
Carri Nowak and Jayne Morgan
Counseling Corner
Lesson update: This week counselors pushed into classes and supported students with completing the success schools survey. This survey is an opportunity for students to give feedback on their experience at Kellogg this year.
FREE Summer activity for student age 13 and older: Junior Educator program allows teens ages 13 -17 to join a camp learning leadership and job skills in an outdoor setting for free. We think this might be an excellent opportunity for students interested in gaining experience in the environmental and educational job fields during the summer.
8th Grade Corner
As we get closer to the end of the school year we will have more updates on our 8th Grade events.
Are you ready to send your 8th grader off with a bang?! Kellogg Staff, together with the PTSA are excited to announce the 8th grade end of the year Oaks Park Trip!
When: Tuesday June 4th 8th graders will take school buses from Kellogg to Oaks Park where they will enjoy a day of fun with their friends. More details to come as the date approaches.
Cost: $25 PTSA has secured the spot at Oaks Park, but we still need to raise $6000 to pay for the buses and ride bracelets for the kids. That comes out to $25 per student. Click this link to the School Pay site to submit your payment. Or scan the QR code below. Don’t have $25? Pay what you can! Have more than $25? Sponsor a kid and pay extra! Feel free to share this link with family and friends interested in helping to make this trip a whole lot of fun. If we raise more than our goal, we can add some fun extra treats to the day!
Want to be a part of the fun? We need 7 chaperones to accompany the kids and teachers. This will be a full day's commitment, but can you think of a more fun thing to do? Click this link to sign up to volunteer. Need a background check? Click here!
Summer Program for Rising 9th Graders
Leap into 9th Grade prepares incoming ninth-grade students to excel in high school by building a foundation for success before starting high school. Programming will take place July 1-19, 2024 from 9 am - 12:30 pm for incoming students at Franklin, Grant, Jefferson, McDaniel, and Roosevelt. Register Here!
8th graders will attending PSU on May 23, 2024 and will be needing parent chaperones. Please email Ms. Scantling at to volunteer.
Promotion will be held at Franklin High School on Wednesday, June 12th. The 8th grade trip will be on June 13th at Mount Tabor. The last day of school will be June 14th.
Franklin High School Incoming Freshmen/Current 8th Grade Student-Athletes: May 22nd , 5:00 PM, Main Gym, Franklin HS If you are interested in competing at Franklin High School…. We will be having an information night for student- athletes and parents. Meet our coaches. Registration process. OSAA Requirements. Academic Requirements & program expectations FRANKLIN YOUTH GIRLS SUMMER BASKETBALL CAMP - JUNE 24-26TH
Summer SUN will take place at Kellogg Middle School this July. Incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will be eligible to participate in this programming. Forms can be found here:
Rose City Self-Defense Workshop at Kellogg Middle School
The Kellogg SUN Community School is partnering with Rose City Self-Defense to offer a self-defense and youth empowerment workshop at Kellogg Middle School.
Date: June 10, 2024
Time: 6pm-8pm
Spots remaining: 5
Location: Kellogg Middle School Cafeteria
Who: Female-identifying and gender non-conforming students and their adults
How to register: Please reach out to Melany directly for link to register:
*Rose City Self-Defense empowers girls, women and the LGBTQ+ community, with a focus on engaging communities of color, people with disabilities, folks with unstable housing, as well as safety for sex workers. ALL PROGRAMMING IS FREE!
Thank you so much to parents who brought food for Teacher Appreciation week!
PTSA needs Board Members to continue next year. We have done a lot this year with sponsoring Movie Night, 8th Grade Oaks Park Trip, Teacher Appreciation food and raffle. With more support we could continue all those and add more classroom support for teachers - incentives, snacks for hungry kids, and other support. We are fortunate to have our current Treasurer continue on next year to make the transition easy. We have one Co-President! We have an Events Coordinator! We need a Secretary and another Co-President for PTSA to continue. It is a great way to get into the school, see what’s going on, and have your voice heard. Find a friend and join the Board. Board Members will be voted in on Jun 5 at the next General Meeting. Email with any questions about the need for the PTSA, positions, and time commitment.
Next PTSA General Meeting June 5 at 6:30pm in the Cafeteria.
Volunteers Wanted
We are looking for volunteers to help during lunch and to be hall monitors. You must go through the PPS background check.If interested, please sign up here.
Multnomah County Library FREE homework help!
If your student is in need of academic supports, Multnomah County Library has free homework help. Any student with a Multnomah library card can access this FREE support.
This resource provides:
One-on-one chat with a live tutor who will help students of all ages understand their homework. Available in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Ways to use this resource:
- Share a rough draft of your paper and have it proofread.
- Help tackling how to do a math problem.
- Live real-time tutoring in Spanish as a foreign language.
Social Media Support
Thank you everyone your reports. Please help us flag and report content and sites on instagram and tiktok.
You can report on instagram by:
- Click on the site
- Click on the 3 dots on the top right hand corner of the page
- Follow prompts to report content or site
Report on TikTok
- Go to the person's profile
- Tap the Share button at the top
- Tap Report
- Tap Report account
- Select a reason for the report and tap Submit
Tiktok: Kelloggdrama67
Instagram: kellogg_realcuties
There will be NO REAP after-school programming until further notice.
Looking ahead, we will be celebrating our 8th graders with an end of year potluck on Thursday, May 23rd, so please come join us!
Additionally, we have our Spring Family Night occurring on Wednesday, May 29th at 6pm. Bring your family for a night of food and games! Attached is the flyer with more details and to register.
Upcoming Dates
- May, 13th - 17th OSAS Reading and Math Testing
- May 22nd, Ballmer Institute Parent Presentation: Coping with Anxiety in School
- May 23rd, 8th Grade PSU field Trip
- May 27, NO SCHOOL
- May 29, REAP Family Night
- May 31, School Dance 5:30-7:00pm
Kellogg Middle School
Location: Kellogg Middle School, Southeast 69th Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-5707