McGuire Minute
Mustang PROUD! Empower Excellence!
Let us know how our staff is doing and help us to recognize them by completing our Staff Shout Out. You can recognize an amazing teacher by filling out a few questions in the link below. We will present them with a Staffirmation Certificate that tells what they were recognized for and by who.
Good Things!
Celebrating our School Social Worker!
Celebrating our Maintenance Staff!
Students Designed McGuire Yearbook Front and Back Covers!
Mustangs are doing a variety of activities throughout the month for Reading Month! The theme this year is "Women in STEM" to pair with March also being Women's History Month. Read-alouds from guest readers will be posted at 6p.m. every Wednesday on the McGuire Elementary Facebook page, and the activities that teachers can choose to do in class that week match with the story of the week. During students' library time they can design their own bookmark the first week of March, and those will be voted on in the library during the 2nd week of March. The week before Spring Break the winning bookmarks will be available for students to take during their library time, and the winners will also receive a free book!
Check out our first Guest Reader-our Superintendent Jennifer Verleger!
Author Visit-Jessie Rencountre
Family Game Night
Mar 18- Digital Dopamine: Exploring Impact of Tech-Mental Health of Young People
Capturing Kids' Hearts National Showcase School Nominee
McGuire has been working to show our students that they matter and that they are our "why" daily. We have worked hard on the Capturing Kids' Hearts process and we are so proud of our work so far. We are so excited to keep working and growing and are so proud of our staff and how much passion we have for our students! Mustang PROUD!
Capturing Kids' Hearts
March-Step Up: Courage
Mcguire Mustangs are Safe, Respectful and Responsible!
At McGuire Elementary, our school expectations are Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible and we are committed to teaching and reinforcing positive behavior expectations in all areas of the school from the classroom to the playground. Each area of our school day, has a focused set of positive expectations that we teach, model, and practice - on what it looks like to be safe, respectful, and responsible.
Our Mustang matrix is at the front of your student's agenda in the pages included for the student handbook, we encourage you to review these expectations at home with your child too.
Daily our students earn Dojo Points for meeting positive expectations, we recognize students with our Mustang Tickets, Weekly Drawings, Positive Office Referrals, Positive Postcards mailed home, and Students of the Month.
We know our students are still growing and developing mentally and socially, so we recognize it is always a work in progress when teaching and reteaching expectations. We utilize restorative practices - including repairing the harm, circle ups, and more.
We appreciate your partnership in supporting our McGuire Mustangs to help make McGuire a great place to be!
Mrs. Erin King and the McGuire Elementary Staff
Specials Classes Newsletter
Check out what is happening in our Specials classes at McGuire. Each week students have two sessions of Art, Computers, Music, and PE and one session of Library. Ask your student what they enjoy about their Specials classes!
Sex Ed Advisory Council-SEAB-Seeking New Member
The Sex Ed Advisory Board is seeking a new required member; a "Community Health Professional." If interested, please complete the form available at this link:
Mt. Pleasant Public Schools 2024-2029 Strategic Plan
Mt. Pleasant Public Schools would like to share our 2024-2029 Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan incorporates input from the community, staff and students and explains how MPPS will empower excellence in ALL aspects of our community.
Clear, Uncarbonated Beverages Only at School
Please be sure that your student comes to school with clear, uncarbonated beverages only and does not bring any pop in their cold lunch. Thank you!
March Students of the Month
It's easy to celebrate our kids when we strive to demonstrate the mindset from Capturing Kids' Hearts. We LOVE affirming our students and showing the GREAT things we see them doing daily and celebrating the amazing students we have. Check out our February Students of the Month!
Grasp Summer Program
GRASP Summer Workbook forms can be requested if you are interested in signing up for summer learning workbooks to do at home. You are able to sign up for a math/and or reading practice book to continue to work on skills over the summer at a low cost. Feel free to contact your child's teacher or the office via email or phone at 989.775.2260 or Sarah Burkhart, sburkhart@mp.edzone.net. Money and order forms are due Friday, April 25th. Checks can be written directly to McGuire Elementary.
March Counselor Newsletter
Order your Yearbook for McGuire 2024-2025 through Mar. 20th!
Youth Services Update
Update from the Nurse's Desk
McGuire Elementary 2024-2025 Student Council
Upcoming Events
Important Upcoming Dates
- March 7 - No School for Students, Professional Development for Staff
- March 14 - Title I Sponsored-Open Skate @ Martin Ice Arena, 4-5:30pm
- March 18 - Digital Dopamine: Exploring Impact of Technology on Mental Health of Young People 7pm MPHS
- March 21 - No School, Spring Break Begins
- March 21-30 - No School, Spring Break
CARE Solace Information-How to ask for help
Mount Pleasant Public Schools is committed to the health, safety, and well-being of our students, staff, and families. We want to reminder you of our partnership with @CareSolace to support our ongoing commitment.
If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace will quickly connect you to community providers matched to your needs.
Call 888-515-0595 at any time or search on your own at caresolace.com/mpps.
McGuire Spirit Wear
Mcguire spirit wear is always in style! Gear up for the winter at https://1stplace.sale/49000
Upcoming Promotions
- Dates: March 10th - April 1st
- Savings: 20% sitewide
- Promo Code: SPRING
School Safety Drills
During the course of the school year, our buildings are obligated to practice at least 5 Fire Drills, 2 Tornado Drills and 3 Lockdown drills. At times, we do have our YSU Liason or other officers from the Police Department assist in our drills. We cover with our students the locations of where to go for each drill, what to do during specific drills, and how to properly evacuate when it is needed. You can also find this information in your child's Handbook at the front of the student agenda.
During the first weeks of school, classes read the story, I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared book in their class with their teachers. This book focused on the main components of the safety protocols that we work on with children.
I also encourage you to check out our district website where we have information that pertains to our district school safety. Click here to get to the website.
Nutrition Club
MPPS Nutrition Club is a unique community support that provides supplemental, weekend food twice a month to participating students.
If your son or daughter qualifies for free or reduced school meals and this nutritional support is needed, he or she is welcome to be enrolled and participate in the MPPS – Nutrition Club.
MPPS - Nutrition Club is made possible through an amazing partnership with the Community Compassion Network and Greater Lansing Food Bank. Financial support is provided by generous donations from many community members and organizations including Mount Pleasant City Women’s Club, Mount Pleasant Area Community Foundation, First United Methodist Church and many other local businesses and groups. In addition there is a multitude of volunteers who donate their time to make this program happen.
To enroll your son or daughter in the MPPS - Nutrition Club, simply complete the following enrollment form. You must also complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Application, which can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1keAoTS3rmP_WAq4wIblJ__s_9WxuIGdq/view
All Student/Parent Information Needs Updated!
Medication at School
If your student will be taking medications at school we have a form for that:
All medications must be brought to the office with the appropriate health form. Please do not send medications to school with your child. This includes inhalers and epi-pens.
Community Events
CMU MakeSHIFT Events
Morning Drop-Off 8:35am
Afternoon Dismissal 3:49pm
Reminder-No outside food for student lunches
Request for Transportation use the form linked here
https://mtpleasantschools.net/district/transportation/Other forms linked on the Transportation website:
- Permission to Leave Alone
- In City Busing Reduction
Website: https://mtpleasantschools.net/district/transportation/
Phone: 989-775-2323
Before and after school care
PEAK (after school): https://www.mtpleasantschools.net/page/peak-program
SACC (before school)- School Aged Child Care (Before School Program)- 775-2340
No Student Cell Phones, Hats, or Hoods
McGuire has a no student cell phone policy in our student handbook. If a cell phone comes to school with a student it should be turned off and stored in their locked from 8:40am-3:49pm.
We also have a no hats or hoods policy inside the school building, students can wear them outside during recess.
Attendance Policy
Join us here at McGuire as a Lunch Supervisor!
Like @McGuire Elementary
MPPS Website and App
Have you checked out our website?
Download on the App Store
or Get it on Google Play
*scroll to the bottom of the MPPS website and see Stay Connected and the links to download
What's on the Menu?
Bright by text shares tips for you based on your child's age and where you live.
Mary McGuire Elementary
McGuire Elementary Mission Statement:
Empower Excellence
Office Hours 8:00-4:00 p.m.
Erin King, Principal
Email: eking@mp.edzone.net
Website: mtpleasantschools.net/McGuire
Location: 4883 East Crosslanes
Phone: (989) 775-2260
Facebook: facebook.com/McGuireElementary
Twitter: @McGuireschool