Junior Hawks
November '24
Field of Flags
Thank you to everyone in our community that donated to this year's Field of Flags in honor of Veterans Day. Because of your generosity, we were able to raise $2,065 for DAV (Disabled American Veterans) to provide much needed services to our nation's disabled veterans. As a result, we were sent 192 flags to be planted on the West Hills Campus. Students will have an assembly on 11/6 where they will learn more about the importance of this project and get a chance to go and see the field up close. Again, we thank everyone who made this project a success!
Things to Know
November is full of exciting events at West Hills Primary! On Tuesday, November 5th, West Hills Primary School will be holding a mock election. The kids will be able to vote for their Presidential candidate of choice: Either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. Past elections have accurately predicted the winner of the election. We'll see if this year follows suit. Ask your children for the results of our school election and don't forget to go out and vote for yourself!
WHP is also proudly displaying our Veteran's Day wall once again. Students are asked to bring in photographs of past and present veterans that they know or are/were related to. At the primary age, students don't often understand what a veteran is or what they do. By proudly displaying their pictures, we're able to at least help them have a better understanding of the importance these great Americans have in our country. We, at West Hills Primary School, love our veterans and would like to thank them for their service and sacrifices to our country.
Upcoming Events:
November 7th @ 7:00 - PTO meeting at WHP
November 11th - Veterans Day: No School
November 28th-December 2nd - Thanksgiving Break: No School
The Guidance Suite
Welcome to November! We are certainly moving right through this school year. I feel like just yesterday I wrote the October Newsletter. I hope that everyone had a safe and healthy month and it is now time to move on to the next chapter.
The Intermediate will be participating in career day on November 27th. We are still looking for community volunteers to come and speak with our students about your chosen careers. Career Day is a very valuable experiences that our students will enjoy and gain knowledge.
We have two great buildings here at West Hills. Being able to experience everyone participating in Unity Day and Red Ribbon Week was a lot of fun and it was so nice seeing our children working together for the cause.
Continue to set goals for yourself. Wake up each day saying that you are going to be a better person than you were the day before. Will we always succeed in that goal? Maybe not and that is okay. We learn from our mistakes and life experiences. We will do better tomorrow. It is a pleasure being here with you and watching you grow into young adults. You are all capable of achieving any goals you set for yourself with a little hard work and determination.
Try your best, continue to learn all that you can, and be the person that others want to be around. You all can and will be everything that you want to be. Have a great month everyone!! BE KIND, BE STRONG, BE WELL and
Always Choose Kindness,
Mr. Walters
Nurse's Notes
School Nurse Information
*If your child needs to take medication during the school day, please get a written doctor's order and complete the Armstrong School District parent consent form. An adult must deliver the medication in the original packaging to the school. Students should never carry medications.
*All Kindergarten students need to turn in a private physical form by the end of this school year. Forms can be found on the Armstrong School District web page.
*All Kindergarten students need to turn in a private dental form by the end of this school year. Forms can be found on the Armstrong School District web page.
*All Third Grade students need to turn in a private dental form by the end of this school year. Forms can be found on the Armstrong School District web page.
*If your child has a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, please keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
*West Hills Primary nurse contact information: phone:724-548-7651, ext 3, fax: 724-548-8765, ebishop@asd.k12.pa.us
PTO Happenings
- Meetings: PTO meetings this year will be held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at West Hills Primary. The November meeting will be held on November 7th.
From Our Teachers
Letter Sounds and Blending Our kindergarteners are busy learning letter sounds in CKLA Skills. They are practicing blending these sounds together to read simple words. It's amazing to see how quickly they are picking up this important reading skill!
Exploring Plants In CKLA Knowledge, we're diving into the fascinating world of plants. We're learning about the different parts of a plant, how they grow, and the important role they play in our environment.
Math Adventures Our little mathematicians are hard at work on Topic 5. They're developing their number sense and problem-solving skills through a variety of fun activities.
November Fun As the month progresses, we'll celebrate Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving with special activities and lessons. Stay tuned for more updates!
2nd Grade
Happy November! It's hard to believe how quickly the school year is moving along. Our 2nd graders are working hard in reading and math. Please encourage your child to share what they're learning with you- it's a great way to reinforce new skills. With the temperatures dropping, we would like to remind families to make sure your child comes to school dressed for the possibility of outside recess. We go outside if the temperature and windchill reads 40 degrees or above. At the end of the month, the children will hear the story Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade. The author, Melissa Sweet, tells the story of Tony Sarg, a master puppeteer with a fascinating imagination, who invented the first balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The children will have the opportunity to plan, design, and create a "balloon" for their very own 2nd grade parade. We are so excited to see their creative ideas! Happy Thanksgiving!
3rd Grade
Happy Fall!! We hope your children have been enjoying school as much as we have. They have been learning so much these first few months of school. Keep practicing multiplication facts. It is important for students to be confident with their multiplication facts as we move on to division and higher-level math skills. Are you looking for a way to spend more time with your loved ones over the holiday break? Getting the whole family together for at-home reading can help kids improve their focus, comprehension, and overall attitude toward learning.
The Third Grade Teachers wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
This month students will be receiving their Square 1 arts flyer and artwork. All orders can be completed online using the square 1 website and your child’s code, which is printed in red on the front of the flyer your child will be bringing home soon. Orders will be shipped directly to your home and all of the products should be ready for the Holiday season. All of the funds raised by this program will go back to supporting our art program here at West Hills. My favorite part of this program is all students get a free pack of stickers with their art printed on the front of the flyer. This allows us all to feel included, even if you are not able to purchase anything this year!
Mrs. Camino
Art Teacher
West Hills Primary School
Title I Tidbits
Parents of students in grades 1st-3rd, have probably heard the term "fluency". Students who have been working on sounding out words are now trying to improve by reading "fluently". Each grade has a goal they are working towards. To get a little more information, read below!
~Happy Reading!
WHP Title 1 Teachers
Helpful Links
About Us
Email: bpetras@asd.k12.pa.us
Website: https://wps.asd.k12.pa.us/
Location: 181 Heritage Park Drive, Kittanning, PA, USA
Phone: (724) 548-7651
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057294435837