Clark Middle School & High School
Parent/Student Newsletter November 7th - November 13th
November is in Full Swing
It is hard to believe we are moving into the second week in November. We saw a sprinkling of some winter weather here this morning with some flurries. While we have been lucky to not have any winter weather delays so far, we may not be so lucky later this winter. I have included the 10:00 A.M. late start schedule in this newsletter. We will always keep our periods 4 - 8 the same with a rotation of the first 3 periods on those late start times. Hopefully, we will not need to use too many of them.
If the cancellation is before the start of the school day, notice of that cancellation will be issued and relayed to the local radio stations, KWAT, KDLO and KIXX in Watertown. Also cable television stations KELO, KSFY, and KDLT. We encourage you to listen to radio and television stations for the announcements concerning school dismissal. The announcements will also be posted on the district's Facebook page. I have this link posted below for you. Make sure to follow us for weather updates. Our district also uses a School REACH call to inform parents/guardians of early out, late start, and no school.
Ms. Heggelund
Calendar Snapshot
Week of November 7th - November 13th
November 8th - All junior and seniors that took the ACT in October meet in the Library with Ms. Reed (bring computer)
November 9th - Vietnam Veteran's Group Presentation for MS/HS students at 2:00 P.M. in gym
November 10th - Grade 8 - 12 boys basketball meeting in Clark at 3:45 P.M., Girls basketball meeting 9th - 12th grade after school with open gym to follow, Student council meet in the gym over lunch period for Veteran Day Practice
November 11th - Veteran Day Program at Clark High School starting at 10:00 AM, Rolls for our Veterans at 9:00 AM will be served in the lunchroom (Grades 7 - 12 will attend)
November 10-11 - National FCCLA Fall Leadership Conference
A Look Ahead
November 18th - JH Girls Basketball vs Redfield (Home in Clark)
10:00 A.M. Late Start
10:00 - 10:24 Late Start #1 Period 1, Late Start #2 Period 2, Late Start #3 Period 3 (for additional late starts begin with period 1 and rotate)
10:27 Follow regular schedule for Periods 4 through 8A/8B
FFA November Newsletter by Kayla Jordan
South Dakota Department of Education Offers Free, Online Tutoring
Free, online tutoring available for K-12 students
South Dakota students and families can access a new, online tutoring program, staffed by college students who are preparing to become teachers. The Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program offers FREE online tutoring to K-12 students across the state. One-on-one tutoring sessions can help students with their homework, tackle specific trouble areas, and address broader educational concepts.
The Department of Education and Board of Regents are asking for your help in getting word out about this new program to your families. We have designed several resources to assist you in doing that. Find sample messaging for parent communication, social media platforms, websites, and more. You also can access these resources via the Our Dakota Dreams website by clicking on the “Download Tool Kit” button.
Please note: In order to access the service, parents or guardians must register their students, not the school.
As educators, you understand the impacts the COVID pandemic has had on students. This program is meant to supplement efforts at the local level to address learning loss and support all students in achieving their highest potential.
- Share this information with your teaching staff, who could suggest the service to families whose students may need extra assistance.
- Print copies of the flyer to hand out at upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences and/or email them in advance.
- Run an “advertisement” on the homepage of your website or other frequently used pages.
- Use your social media platforms to get word out about the service.
- Promote at school events (in event programs, scoreboard messages, hard-copy flyers).
- The program is staffed by university students accepted into their Schools of Education at Black Hills State University and Northern State University.
- It utilizes a simple and secure online platform, where students and tutors connect for virtual sessions. The platform is a one-stop shop for scheduling and conducting sessions.
- Subject areas include: English/language arts, math, science, social studies.
- Tutors will be available Monday through Sunday afternoons and evenings. The service will not be available on holidays and during Christmas and spring breaks.
- In order to access this free service, parents first need to register their students to use the platform. Once registered, sessions can either be pre-scheduled or on-demand, depending on tutor availability.
- The program is a joint effort of the South Dakota Board of Regents and Department of Education – administered by BOR and funded with federal dollars available to DOE through the American Rescue Plan.
Questions about this program should be directed to onlinetutoring@sdbor.edu.
Math College Readiness Opportunity through Dakota Dreams
Ms. Reed's Google Classroom Codes
Accuplacer: pzpbw2v
ASVAB: gk30uu5
District ACT: ro7fzes
Dual Credit: 46e2h75
Mental Health Resources: 7ezdc4j
National ACT: fqgwzc7
National Career Readiness (NCRC): jt4acud
Pre-ACT: cixfqr4
Regents Scholar Diploma: ob2lfc4
Senior Class: mfplktv
Students Against Destructive Decisions: upqsujz
South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship: 7vfcwnd
South Dakota Virtual Schools Program: 34uoepc
Dual Credit Info for State Schools
South Dakota Center for Virtual Education will replace South Dakota Virtual School - New name, New look
New South Dakota Center for Virtual Education to launch this week
The Department of Education (DOE) is excited to launch the new and improved South Dakota Center for Virtual Education (SDCVE), previously known as the South Dakota Virtual School. The new URL for the site is https://sdcve.k12.sd.us. It will go live around 9 a.m. (Central) Thursday, Oct. 27.
The Center for Virtual Education is a clearinghouse of distance courses offered by approved providers. All course offerings and providers are approved by DOE. The goal of the SDCVE is to provide choice, flexibility, and quality for all students across the state. None of that has changed. The new website will continue to operate much as the old site did, but with an updated visual design that is more user friendly and easy to navigate.
Senior Tech Days at Lake Area Technical College!
Lake Area Tech hosts two Senior Tech Days.
These visitation days are fun-filled, information-packed, and help high school seniors decide the direction of their future. The day starts by allowing the students to fill the shoes of a Lake Area Tech students (we promise-no exams). Students find out what it's like to attend class by getting into some great discussions with instructors and current students, working in the labs, and meeting new friends. Visitors then eat a free lunch and absorb information on the admissions process, applying for financial aid and scholarships, locating housing, and more! Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend.
November 2nd, 2022 or February 1st, 2023
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Open to High School Seniors
Important Links & Resources
Ms. Jennifer Heggelund
Email: jennifer.heggelund@k12.sd.us
Website: http://www.clarkschooldistrict.org/
Location: 220 North Clinton Street, Clark, SD, USA
Phone: 605-532-3603
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkSchoolDistrict