Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 20th October 2023
Walk to School Day
Walk to School Day
Spike and the team were visiting school to promote the importance of walking to school. They talked to the children and families and gave out road safety bands and reflectors along with stickers.
Well done to everyone who made the effort to walk into school.
Harvest Festival
The theme this year is about sharing and as part of our Harvest celebrations we will be doing a collection for Ripon Community House. They are an organisation who provide emergency support for people in crisis in Ripon, Boroughbridge and the surrounding villages. They are particularly asking for donations of the following items.
Toiletries/Toothpaste/New toothbrushes
Washing liquid (laundry and dishes)
If families would like to donate to this local worthy cause, please can children bring items in on Tuesday 24th October. Many thanks for your continued support.
Year 5 Worship
Leaf Man in Nursery
Purpose Curriculum Pillar
At Ripon Cathedral School, we have five curriculum pillars that help to drive our curriculum and ensure that children encounter a broad learning experience that helps them to think, explore and apply their learning and knowledge in the world in which they live. They are:
Big Ideas
Our curriculum provides varied opportunities for children to develop their understanding about the purpose of learning and an appreciation for life beyond school.
Children regularly apply their skills and learning through a range of experiences that include REAL projects, enterprise tasks and opportunities that develop courageous advocacy. We use questions to help children apply their thinking within different contexts. Deep questions help children to demonstrate their learning and deepen their understanding of how concepts and knowledge relate to the wider world.
To find out more information about our Purpose Pillar click on the picture below.
Book Look and Parent Consultations
Book Look
On Monday 23rd October, parents and carers are invited to come into classes at the end of the school day (from 3.10pm/3.15pm) with their child to look at the work that they have been doing.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Parent Consultations
We are looking forward to seeing parents and carers at our parent consultations on Tuesday 24th October (face to face meetings) and Wednesday 25th October (online meetings). In order for the teachers to be able to have open discussions with parents, we ask that children do not attend appointments. Thank you.Clubs Next Week
As a result of parents meetings we are cancelling school run extra curricular clubs next week. Schools Out will still be running on Wednesday.
Stars of the Week
Jensen for being an independent learner.
Robin for the kindness he shows others when playing. He always listens to the ideas of the his friends, shares and takes turns.
Year 1
Martha for always showing excellent behaviour for learning and giving 100% effort in her challenges. Well done!
Year 2
Felix for working so hard in everything. Felix you are a superstar. What an amazing story you wrote!
Year 3
Glenda for powering through her times tables every week, showing real enthusiasm and inspiring others.
Year 4
Charlotte for wonderful effort with her learning on the water cycle.
Year 5
Isla for always being ready to learn and contributing to class discussions and her excellent role in our class worship. Well done.
Year 6
Jack for challenging himself in maths and for making valuable contributions in English and science.
Question of the Week
'It would be mayhem and there would be arguments.'
'No one would follow the rules and everyone would get agitated and everyone would be ignored.'
'The world would be a mess.'
'No one would listen to people's feelings and sharing feelings can help you feel better.'
'Everyone would be upset with each other.'
'It would be lonely and it would not bring happiness.'
'We would not know what to do.'
'Everyone would be sad it would be a sad world.'
'We have no fun and no friends.'
'It would be bad – no one would hear important messages.'
'No one would listen to cries of pain.'
'We should all listen to each other just as God listens to us.'
Autumn Term Worship
Tuesday 24th October 2023 - Year 4 Harvest Service in the Cathedral at 1.30pm
Wednesday 8th November 2023 - Year 2 Class Worship at 9am
Wednesday 15th November 2023 - Year 1 Class Worship at 9am
Wednesday 22nd November 2023 - Year 3 Class Worship at 9am
Friday 22nd December 2023 - Key Stage 1 Nativity in the Cathedral in the afternoon.
We do our best to let parents know dates in advance. Sometimes we do need to change dates and times so please do check the latest update to confirm when events are happening. Thanks
Dates for Diaries
We are currently organising a range of events for the term. Below are dates that we currently have planned. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
Monday 23rd October 2023 - 3.10/3.15pm 'book look' (lost property out in the entrance hall)
Tuesday 24th October 2023 - Parent consultations (lost property out in the entrance hall)
Wednesday 25th October 2023 - Parent consultations
Wednesday 25th October 2023 - SEND and Sleep Workshop 9am
Thursday 26th October 2023 - Year 6 visit to Flamingo Land
Thursday 26th October 2023 - School closes for October half term
Friday 27th October 2023 - School Training Day
Monday 6th November 2023 - School reopens
Wednesday 8th November - Blue Cross Workshop - animals in WW1
20th - 24th November 2023 - Road Safety Week
Thursday 30th November 2023 - Year 4 sound day
Friday 1st December 2023 - Year 3 Hindu Temple visit
Friday 22nd December 2023 (at 1.30pm) - Key stage 1 Nativity in the Cathedral
Friday 22nd December 2023 - School closes for Christmas break at 2.30pm
Lost Property
Individual Photographs
Community Events
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Phone: 01765 602355
Twitter: @riponcathschool