Bateman Buzz; VOL 9
2024-2025; VOL 9

2024-2025; VOL 9
Dear Bateman Families & Friends,
We hope you are having a wonderful week! Since returning from Winter Break, we have seen an immense increase in the amount of students arriving tardy to school. Instruction at Bateman begins at 8:00am. Doors open at 7:50am to allow students time to get breakfast and arrive at their classroom in a timely manner. When students arrive on time, the positive impacts on the day are endless. Students feel a sense of connectedness to their peers, are aware of expectations of the day, and build lifelong habits of punctuality and preparedness.
We want each child at Bateman to start their day successfully. Here are a few strategies to help:
Walk to school to avoid traffic. The more walkers we have, the smoother the morning!
Try to leave 10 minutes early.
Check the weather to plan accordingly.
We know if we all work towards that 7:50 arrival time, all of our students can start their day smoothly at Bateman!
As the weather warms up a bit next week, please also be mindful of sending your child appropriately dressed for outdoor recess. We highly encourage all students to come prepared for outdoor recess as our hope is to be outside as much as possible!
Thank you so much for your attention and assistance.
Ms. Davos & Ms. Kloepper
ACCESS Testing Window
Saturday, January 25th: BFC Sports Day @ 1pm
Monday, January 27th: FORGE Programs Begin
Tuesday, January 28th: 8th Grade Graduation Picture Retakes
Tuesday, January 28th: Girls Basketball Game vs Bell @4:30pm
Tuesday, January 28th: Boys Basketball Game vs Hawthorne @ 5:30pm
Wednesday, January 29th: 7th Grade Springfield Trip Down Payment Due
Thursday, January 30th: Girls Basketball Game at Nettelhorst @ 5:30pm
Friday, January 31st: School Tour @ 8:30am
Monday, February 3rd: Girls Basketball Game vs. Franklin @ 4:30pm
Monday, February 3rd: Boys Basketball Game vs. Lincoln A @ 5:30pm
Wednesday, February 5th: LSC Meeting @ 3:30pm
Wednesday, February 5th: Bateman Boosters Meeting @ 6pm
Tuesday, February 11th-February 14th: Shop to Donate: TAG Outlet |3310 N. Elston | 10-4pm
Thursday, February 13th: Middle School Valentine's Dance [6th-8th]
Thursday, February 13th: BFC Meeting
Monday, February 17th: Presidents Day | No School
Tuesday, February 25th: Professional Development Day | No School
Taffy Grams
Help the 7th Graders kick off their fundraising efforts for their 8th Grade Washington DC Trip by purchasing Affy Tapples for your friends, classmates, teachers and other Bateman staff!
Don’t wait – these Taffy Grams will go fast!
Orders open now through Wednesday, February 5th!
Orders for the whole classroom are due by Friday, January 31st!
$3 per Affy Tapple (Cash or Check accepted)
Taffy Apples will be delivered on February 14th.
Please send the exact amount. No change will be provided.
School Tour
Friday, January 31st at 8:30am
Are you interested in sending your child(ren) to Bateman? Come see what we have to offer at our wonderful neighborhood school! School Tours are typically offered on the last Friday of each month. Please check the Bateman Calendar or the Bateman Buzz for updates.
3rd & 4th Grade Girls on the Run Registration STILL Open!
Get your sparkle fingers ready! Our GOTR Team at Bateman meets twice per week. Each "practice" includes a powerful lesson on topics such as self-esteem, navigating friendships, and more! Accompanying each lesson, runners will build their stamina as a team as they work towards the culminating event of a full 5K Race in Grant Park! This year's 5K is scheduled tentatively for Saturday, May 10th.
Girls on the Run is a tuition based program. Tuition will be based on how many runners are committed to participating in the program! More information in the link below.
BFC Sports Day
Saturday, January 25th @1pm | Gymnasium
Join Bateman Fathers' Club as they host open gym at Bateman. It’s a chance for kids to get those Winter Jitters out! All ages are welcome.The whole family is welcome, not just dads! For any questions please email batemanfathers@gmail.com
Basketball Season
Check out the full season schedules below for our Girls and Boys Basketball teams! If attending, all students must be accompanied by an adult and enter through Door 1. Please double check the Bateman Calendar for all live updates should any scheduling changes occur.
Local School Council
Bateman LSC
The Bateman Local School Council (LSC) supports our school by making decisions that affect our children, their education, and the environment of the school. The primary responsibilities of the LSC include the following:
- to select the school’s principal & renew the principal’s contract,
- approve the Continuous Improvement Work Plan (Bateman CIWP)
- approve the school’s budget for the school year.
Monthly meetings will take place in the Bateman Library on a rotating morning and afternoon schedule. Morning meetings will be at 8:15am and after school meetings will take place at 3:30pm.
Bilingual Advisory Committee
Bateman Elementary is excited to welcome the following new parents to the Bilingual Advisory Committee. La Primaria Bateman se complace en darle la bienvenida a los siguientes nuevos padres al Comité Asesor Bilingüe.
Click on the Images to view Meeting Dates & Topics!
BAC Officials - English Version
Oficiales del BAC - Versión español
Parent Advisory Council
Bateman Elementary is excited to welcome the following new parents to the Parent Advisory Council. La Primaria Bateman se complace en dar la bienvenida a los siguientes nuevos padres al Consejo Asesor de Padres.
PAC Officials - English Version
Oficiales del PAC - Versión español
Bateman Boosters is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting our community school. We are parents, neighbors and community friends committed to enhancing the learning experience for all Bateman students through fundraising, community events, and teacher support. All are welcome.
Next Boosters Meeting Weds, February 5th @ 6pm
Come join us at our next meeting on Wednesday, January 8th at 6:00pm at Le Village (3146 W Irving Park Rd). Kids are always welcome!
Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser
The Boosters are once again hosting a Super Bowl squares pool! The Super Bowl is on 2/9/2025. If you would like to join in on the fun, you can use the link below to signup! Send on to your friends and family too. All are welcome!
Use the following pool password: bears
Pick whatever square matches your favorite number, kid's birthday, or jersey number of your favorite player! No Limit on squares. Square price is $50 per square.
Here are some of the specifics of the game:
Game Number: 1196845
Pool Password: bears
Price Per Square: $50.00
Payouts: 1st Qtr= $625.00 2nd Qtr= $625.00 3rd Qtr= $625.00 End of Game: $625.00
Maximum squares you can buy: Unlimited
Additional Notes: The rest of the proceeds will go to the Bateman Boosters to support our school!
Please pay as soon as you buy your squares and in the notes for your payment, please add the square number(s) you purchased.
Zelle - steve.buck2@gmail.com
PayPal - steve.buck2@gmail.com
Venmo - @Steve-Buck-17
Auction Items Needed for Spring Fling!
🎉 Spring Fling is Back! 🎉
Can you help make this year’s auction a HUGE success? Do you have something you can donate to our event? Do you own a business and want to get your name out there? Do you know someone who owns a business who would be willing to donate an experience or item?
We are looking for sponsorships, restaurant gift certificates, sporting event tickets, hotel stays, spa packages and kids activities.
Reach out to BoostersAuction@friendsofbateman.org if you can help or donate to raise funds that will benefit ALL Students at Bateman Elementary School
Become a Bateman Sponsor!
Join us in making a difference in young lives! As a sponsor, you'll provide essential resources and support that help shape the future of our children. Your contribution can fund educational programs, enrich classroom experiences, and create a thriving community. Together, let’s empower the next generation to reach their full potential. Sign up today and be a champion for education!
If you're interested in sponsoring Bateman or learning more, please contact Meg Dempsey, Mary McConville or Daniella Cornue at BoostersAuction@friendsofbateman.org. Let’s invest in the future—one child at a time!
Check out our new BFC Facebook Page!
Click here to join and follow upcoming events with the Bateman Fathers' Club!
Next BFC Meeting on Thursday, February 13th
We hope to see you at the next BFC Meeting on Thursday February 13th at 7:30pm at Greenstar Brewery at Uncommon Ground (3800 N Clark St). All are welcome to join in!
Save the Date!
Join the Bateman Fathers' Club for its second annual Bowling Day at Timber Lanes on Saturday, February 22nd from 2:30-5:30pm!
A few notes:
- Bowling shoes are included.
- The BFC will provide pizza, some snacks and drinks.
- Suggested donation of $5 per person to cover costs.
- Timber Lanes has a cash-only bar. (There's an ATM around the corner you can use if you forget to bring cash.)
- All children must be accompanied by an adult (i.e., no drop-offs).
- We'll be selling some raffle tickets during the event ($5 each). Prizes will include tickets to the Cubs, Wolves and more!
Timber Lanes is at 1851 West Irving Park Road. It does not have a parking lot; if you drive, street parking will be your main option.
Sign up soon, since space is limited!
NRC's Community Choice Awards
Make your voice heard! Check out the North River Commission's Community Choice Awards! It’s that exciting time of year again—let’s recognize the incredible small businesses in our communities with the 2025 Community Choice Awards! We want YOU to select the winners for this years Community Choice Awards!
Do you have news to share?
We are always trying to improve our communication! If you have information to share with the Bateman Community, we would like to know! To submit an item for the biweekly Bateman Buzz, please send an email with the event details including date, time, and location. Any photos should be submitted in .JPEG format. Please submit by 5pm on Wednesday and you might see it in the Bateman Buzz, Bateman Website, or on social media!