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Principal e-Note
Crestwood Elementary School
August 25th 2024
Upcoming Dates
Aug 26th: K-2 outdoor Passport Day
Aug 27th: 3-5 outdoor Passport Day
Sept 2nd: NO School, Labor Day
Sept 11th: First Responders celebrated in hallway walk
Sept 11th: Crestwood PTO meeting, 6:30 pm
Sept 20th: PTO Fundraiser "Wild About READING" Kicks off (more info TBA)
Sept 26th: Picture Day!
Sept 26th: PTO Block Party 6-8 pm
Sept 27th: No School, staff Professional Learning Day
From Norton & Holmes!
Crestwood Community!
It was an incredible start to the 2024-2025 school year! The weather was perfect, and our students and staff did an amazing job diving into the new year with energy and enthusiasm. This week focused on building relationships, establishing classroom routines, and learning about the Crestwood Schoolwide Expectations through our Passport Days sessions. It's been wonderful to see students already embrace our foundational mission to build, practice and sustain a culture of BELONGING at Crestwood!
We are looking forward to our second week of school with a few reminders;
- Toys, cards, play equipment should stay at home.
- Please monitor the footwear your student is wearing. This helps ensure they can fully participate in recess, PE and other activities. We really encourage students to wear full footed athletic shoes (aka tennis shoes) on a daily basis.
Kit & Jillian
Mrs. Holmes greeting students at arrival
Staff getting pumped up for the First Day arrival time!
KDG team ready to go, day ONE!
Ms. Teagan, Ms. Sandy, Ms. Gigi and Ms. Emma
Our Crestwood Flyers Club staff!
This is much more entertaining than "Pupstruction!"
Recess took a pause while a dump truck delivered soil for sodding the field!
First Day in 5th Grade!
Mrs. Paffrath's class looking cool on day one!
Crestwood PTO information
Please follow PTO on social media! And please share this in your weekly emails!
These are the desktop websites but I'm sure most access from apps on their phone.
PTBoard - A communication tool for PTO. This system will sync with our parent information system. While we are unable to communicate with PTBoard right now, we will use social media for PTO updates. After PTBoard is updated, it will be another way to connect and get updates.
Arrival and Dismissal Information
Pick-up and Drop-off
“Drive-Through” Pick-up/Drop-off
Doors will open at 8:35 am. Students will enter the building through the Walkers' main entrance and Carline entrances near the library/gym. Students may stop and get breakfast in the Cafeteria.
All children who are late to school after 8:45 a.m. will need to sign in at the office.
Morning Carline Drop Off:
Crestwood Staff members will open the school doors to begin our daily arrival at 8:35 am. Students arriving at school before 8:35 am will not have staff-provided supervision outside until 8:35 am.
In the morning, caregivers will drive up to the drop-off area and students will enter the building by using the main entrances indicated in the image below. We ask that caregivers not get out of their vehicle in the carline. We will have adults direct students and greet them to the proper doors. If for some reason you need to walk your child to the front doors please park in the parking lot and do not go through the drop-off line.
Carline adults must display PikMyKid CarTag on their dashboard
Afternoon Carline Pick-Up:
Car Riders:
We ask that all caregivers download the PikMyKid app This app allows you to check in and adds your child's name to our list. We also have a staff member outside to assist in this checking-in process. Caregivers that pick up will enter through the parking lot's main entrance.
We work closely with the city of Crestwood and the Crestwood Police Department to ensure safe vehicle traffic onto and off our campus. We require a RIGHT turn into the school and a RIGHT turn Exit off of our campus.
If your student is a Carline pick-up student, they will wait in the gym until their name is called. Caregivers do not get out of the car. We will have staff members walk your children out and to the cars after the car line stops moving.
*This process is slower the first few days as our youngest students learn the routine!
Walkers will be dismissed out the front doors at 3:35 pm
Bus riders will be walked to the bus by staff
If you have any changes in the regular dismissal process, please use the PikMyKid app to notify the office and teachers by 2:40 p.m. of any changes.
Hispanic Heritage Month begins begins Sept. 15th and runs through Oct.15th
School District updates
From Stories to Service Connects Schools, Community
As we start this new school year, we also celebrate our success from 2023-24. From Stories to Service brings together Lindbergh elementary students and community members for a shared reading experience, and we are excited to continue the program this year in all six elementary schools! Look at how the project came together, and what its creators hope to bring to future iterations.
Now Hiring: Jobs at Lindbergh Schools
Did you know we hire retirees, high school students, moms and dads, and caring community members for jobs that support our students and educators? Lindbergh Schools is a great place to work! We are currently hiring building assistants, custodians and Flyers Club employees.
Click here to apply
2024-25 Student Board Representative Advisory Group - Apply Today!
Hello! My name is Lara Pimentel and I am serving as the Student Representative for Lindbergh’s Board of Education for the 2024-25 school year. Representing students from across our district is important to me because I want to ensure that students get a say in their education experience. That is why I am looking for students currently in grades 4-8 to participate in next year’s Student Board Representative Advisory group.
Each month, I will visit a different school in the district and talk to a small group of students. These short meetings take place during the school day for elementary schools, and directly after school for middle schools. In these meetings, I ask questions to the group of students and gather feedback regarding their experiences at Lindbergh. We look at what our schools are doing well and which areas could be improved upon.
From there, I share key information with the Board of Education and provide suggestions on ways to address student concerns.
So, if you are interested in representing your classmates, please fill out this form before Friday, Sept. 6!
Mr. Kit Norton
Mrs. Laura Rossi
Mrs. Jillian Holmes
Mrs. Joy Long
Mrs. Karen Daubendiek
Mrs. Ann Kleitsch
Crestwood Elementary School Mission Statement
Crestwood Elementary School
Email: crestwood@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/crestwood
Location: 1020 Sappington Road, St. Louis, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2430
Facebook: facebook.com/CrestwoodFlyers
Twitter: @CrestwoodFlyers