IEYMS Castle News

Principal's Corner
Dear IEYMS Community,
The first marking period has ended. Please take some time to review your child's report card with them. Talk with them about what they are learning and if they need anything to succeed in class and school.
Grade 8 Algebra, Biology Living Environment, Geometry, and, level 1b and level 2 World Language courses, are high school credit courses. Grades in these classes are part of your child’s permanent high school transcript and count towards high school credit. The classes are high school level and are taught as such. To receive high school credit, students must successfully meet all the proficiency requirements of the class, including achieving a passing score on the New York State Regents Examination in the Spring. Additionally, all grade 8 students must meet the academic requirements of middle school to participate in the Moving Up Ceremony in June. Students who fail two or more academic classes for the year cannot participate in the ceremony.
If your child is struggling in school and you would like to speak with school staff, don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's school counselor to schedule a conference. Conferences are available via telephone, Zoom, or in person. Appointments must be made in advance. During the meeting, teachers and school counselors can help design a plan for success. If you have a specific question or concern about a course, please get in touch with the teacher directly via email.
We dismiss all children from school at 3:06. When students are dismissed, the expectation is that they follow the afterschool plan set by parents and guardians. Sometimes middle schoolers make decisions to alter the plan without seeking parental permission. These changes might include walking home instead of riding the bus, eating/hanging out with friends, or taking an alternative route home. Naturally, this causes angst for parents when children change their plans without consent or do not arrive home when scheduled. We know that you have established an after-school routine for your child. Sometimes, they need a reminder. We kindly ask that you reinforce clear expectations for your child regarding after-school expectations. If you need assistance or support, please reach out to one of our school social workers for resources.
As a reminder, November 27 is a half-day for all students. IEYMS students will be dismissed at noon. If your child rides the Boys and Girls Club van, please confirm transportation and program services for that date. Please remember to make adjustments to car services, ride shares, and pick-ups for the half day.
Wishing you a great week!
Dr. Robinson
Dates to Remember
November 18-22: 8th Grade Trip to Ellis Island
November 18-20: Home Access Parent Portal Registration Help New Rochelle Library
November 19: Last day to register for High School/JV Winter Sports
November 19: Modified Cheerleading Interest Meeting 3:30 Room 211
November 21: National Parents Involvement Day
November 21: Great American Smoke Out
November 22: Money due 7th-grade trip to Museum of Natural History NYC
November 25: Students Against Destructive Decisions 8th grade Assembly (SADD)
November 23: New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence Pancake Breakfast 8:00 am
November 23: New Rochelle Thanksgiving Parade 10:00 a.m.
November 27: Half Day All Schools IEYMS 12:00 Dismissal
November 28-29: Schools Closed Happy Thanksgiving
Click the Gold Button above for more information.
Student Assistance Counselor News
No Vape November
This month is No Vape November. November 21 has been designated as the Great American Smoke Out, an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society that encourages individuals to make a plan to stop smoking and vaping, or to take steps towards a smoke-free life. Throughout the month, students are encouraged to visit the Student Assistance Counselor bulletin board, which features valuable information about the risks associated.
The IEYMS Y2Y Club will host a spin-the-wheel trivia activity to highlight the dangers of vaping and smoking, as well as the harmful effects these habits can have on your body. Students will also attend an educational presentation on refusal skills presented by the New Rochelle High School SADD Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions).
Please find resources attached that include current trends, and other information for parents. In addition to the Great American Smoke Out, we are also launching our “When the Holidays Aren’t So Happy” campaign, which runs from November through January. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the impacts the holiday season can have on people. While holidays can bring joy and celebration, they can also be a challenging time for some, particularly for those who have experienced loss, are facing difficulties within their families, or are alone. The holiday season can also expose youth to more risky situations and decision-making that may negatively affect their health.
Please contact, Mr. Leak, the IEYMS Student Assistance Counselor for more information.
Home Access Center Parent Portal
The Home Access Parent Portal is an important tool for parents to stay informed and have immediate access to report cards, attendance, and other information. Follow the steps below to register. If you need help with the registration process, the district is hosting free tutorials for parents at the New Rochelle Library. The dates and times of the tutorials are below. If you have additional questions send an email to NRhomeaccess@nredlearn.org.
A Day of Fun at Stuarts Farm
Ms. Roper, Ms. Carragher, Ms. Bejar, Mr. Snyder, and Ms. Guardino's classes enjoyed a day of apple picking at Stuarts Farm. Stuart's Fruit Farm is a family-operated farm since 1828 located in Westchester County, New York. It is about an hour away from New York City. The farm began as a cattle farm and evolved into an agricultural farm. This trip is a great extension experience as some of the students are learning to cultivate and grow produce in the IEYMS Garden.
The IEYMS Lost and Found is full. Unfortunately, we do not have space to hold or store unclaimed items. Throughout the year, we make several announcements and provide opportunities for students to check the Lost and Found which is conveniently located in the back of the cafeteria. When items are unclaimed, we donate to a local New Rochelle charity or clothing bank. Students have until November 27 to check Lost and Found. All unclaimed items will be donated at the close of business on November 27. Please encourage your child to visit the Lost and Found if they are missing items.
IEYMS Pride Day Fridays
Every Friday we wear our school colors, green and white, to show our IEYMS PRIDE.