October 24th, 2024
Principal Mónica GarcÃa
As part of our commitment to our core value of Community at WMS, we are excited to share with you three upcoming events that provide meaningful ways for us to support and honor those in our community.
CCSD Cherry Creek High Feeder Area Donation Drive:
West Middle School is hosting a Donation Drive to support students and families during the upcoming month! We will be collecting individually-packaged snacks, shelf-stable items, and toiletries to stock our school-based community pantries from Friday, November 1 until Friday, November 29. If you would like to make a monetary donation instead, please use this link. To purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist, click here. Donation drives are one of many ways we support students through our CCSD strategic plan, which includes a focus on literacy, whole wellbeing, and disproportionality.
Visit CherryCreekSchools.org/DonationDrive for more information!
WMS Literacy and Math Night:
On Monday, November 4th from 6:00pm-7:30pm, WMS will host our first annual Literacy and Math Night. We will have four Literacy and four Math learning sessions for parents and community members to choose from based on their curiosity and interests. Some topics will include: How to interpret STAR and CMAS Assessment Reports, Writing expectations at West, and how we are re-vamping our math instruction with Open Up Resources. We look forward to seeing all of you in our work to build a stronger and higher achieving West Community.
WMS Veterans Day Celebration:
Join us on Thursday, November 7 as we honor our veterans and active military members. We will have three assembly times by grade level to celebrate our Veterans: 7th grade - 10:58 a.m., 6th grade - 11:32 a.m., and 8th grade - 2:11 p.m. We will have performances by our student musicians and a formal recognition of the Veterans in our community. It's a wonderful opportunity for us to express our gratitude and connect with those who have served our country.
These events are a reflection of the heart of our community spirit, and we look forward to your participation and support. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community.
Due to the tremendous support of our community through the PTCO fundraising activities, the Board was able to approve many teacher grants to help support this year’s students body. The grants were for everything from soldering kits in Science to a field trip at the zoo.
Make sure to check out the WMS PTCO website for information!
Please follow us on Facebook (link below) to get updates on how the grants are being utilized!
Dear Parents,
This is the final reminder to order your child’s school photos. To ensure your photo package arrives in time for the holiday season, please place your order promptly.
Visit mymiddleschoolpictures.com, select West Middle School, and enter your child’s student ID number as the online code to view proofs and complete your purchase.
Order Deadline: Monday, October 28th
For any questions, please contact Creative Imaging at customercare@cidmphoto.com.
Seven years ago, West Middle School began a partnership with Hero’s Puppy For Life.org to raise money for veterans suffering from PTSD. We use the money raised to purchase service dogs, one year of veterinary care, and service-dog training for the veterans and their animals. This year our goal is to raise $3500.
There are several ways you can support this goal.
- Attend dine-out nights at Parry’s Pizza. Dates will be advertised in the coming weeks.
- Purchase baked goods during conferences from our NJHS students and sponsors, who will be selling these items in the main hallway.
- Attend any boy’s basketball HOME game and purchase concessions outside the main entrance to the gym.
Check your Voter Registration!
Are you registered to vote this November? Check your registration today at https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter—it only takes 1 minute!
Reminder: Ballot measures that impact your town and your school district will be at the bottom of the ballot after national, statewide, and county measures. Don’t forget to fill out your ballot completely. Measures at the bottom of the ballot have the greatest local impact.
If your student is going to be absent, you must call the WMS Attendance line to report the absence at 720-554-5110 (last name A-L) or 720-554-5111 (last name M-Z). For any student who is marked Tardy or Unexcused Absent during the school day, automated phone calls will go out at 10am and 4pm daily.
- If you feel an error was made in your child’s attendance, please contact the WMS attendance clerk at 720-554-5109.
From the Cafeteria
The Food and Nutrition Services Department has moved to a new software program (MySchoolBucks) for all operations. All meals (breakfast and lunch) remain free for all students this year. Families are encouraged to complete a meal application to take advantage of other benefits offered to them and to support Title I funding in CCSD.
Go to https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home make account for your child. It's going to ask you to pick the school and ask for either your child’s student ID or their birthday. Once the account is created you will be able to add money to their account. Linq is deactivated for the district any money that was left over from last year would have been transferred to their new account.
Please join us for our second annual Cultural Festival on Friday, October 25 at WMS from 6:00-7:30 pm, in the cafeteria. This evening event will highlight the beautiful diversity in our community, and feature WMS and CMS student performances, student artwork, and a potluck dinner. If you would like to attend and bring a dish, you can sign up below!
Does your student want to be a part of yearbook club?
Calling all writers, photographers, and graphics designers…Yearbook Club needs your skills! Join us on Mondays after school in A212! Members will receive training and assignments to cover various school activities, take photos, conduct interviews, write stories, and digitally design pages. Your skills will carry you into yearbook at West next year or into yearbook club at your high school. Let’s go!
Are you looking for extra help with homework, studying, and/or class projects? West Middle School offers Homework Help/Study Hall!
Before School: 8:00am to 8:40am, Mondays - Fridays
Enter the building through Door 1 and enter the Commons.
After School: 3:50pm-4:40pm, Mondays - Thursdays; no after school activities on Fridays
Enter the Commons after the final bell.
Expectations for Homework Help/Study Hall
Use the restroom and fill your water before entering.
Stay in the Commons.
Bring a charged device.
Sign in. Find a seat. 1 person per table.
Keep your phones put away and off.
Work on school work quietly until dismissal.
At the end of Homework Help/Study Hall… Push in your chair and take all your belongings.
Monday 10/28:
Drama Club after school in room D127.
Yearbook Club after school in room A212.
Math League after school in room B104.
Soccer Club after school with Mr. Clark, Mr. Temple, & Mr. Yemi - meet on the track.
6th & 8th Boys Basketball practice in the gyms.
Drama Rehearsal in the cafeteria or in room D127.
Tuesday 10/29:
Jazz Band after school in room D126.
Minecraft Club after school in room D111.
Wildcat Orchestra Club after school in room D125.
Spelling Bee Club after school in room A101.
Student Council after school in room C108.
Drama Rehearsal in the cafeteria or in room D127.
6th Boys Basketball practice in the gym.
8th Boys Basketball Games @ WMS from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
Wednesday 10/30:
No after school activities or late buses - In Person Conferences from 4:00pm-8:00pm.
Thursday 10/31:
6th & 8th Boys Basketball practice in the gyms.
Drama Rehearsal in the cafeteria or in room D127.
Friday 11/1:
NO SCHOOL - Conferences in person from 8-12. Virtual conference 12:30-4:00
Monday 11/4:
Drama Club after school in room D127.
Yearbook Club after school in room A212.
Math League after school in room B104.
Soccer Club after school with Mr. Clark, Mr. Temple, & Mr. Yemi - meet on the track.
6th & 8th Boys Basketball practice in the gyms.
Drama Rehearsal in the cafeteria or in room D127.
Literacy/Math Night at WMS from 6:00pm-7:30pm.
Tuesday 11/5:
Jazz Band after school in room D126.
Just Do It - Young Business Leaders after school in room B102.
Minecraft Club after school in room D111.
Wildcat Orchestra Club after school in room D125.
Spelling Bee Club after school in room A101.
Student Council after school in room C108.
8th Boys Basketball practice in the gym.
Drama Rehearsal in the cafeteria or in room D127.
6th Boys Basketball Games @ Prarie from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
Wednesday 11/6:
SAGA Club after school in room A214.
Robotics Club after school in D111.
Marvel Cinematic Universe Club in Counseling.
6th & 8th Boys Basketball practice in the gyms.
Drama Rehearsal in the cafeteria or in room D127.
Future Bruins Night at CCHS from 6:00pm-8:00pm.
Thursday 11/7:
Veterans Day Assembly during Advisory classes.
Brain Bowl after school in room B205.
STEMblazers in room D110.
6th Boys Basketball Games @ WMS from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
8th Boys Basketball Games @ Horizon from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
Friday 11/8:
No after school activities or late buses.
Please see our athletics schedule below!
Attention Boys Basketball Parents
The boys' basketball season is here, and we’re thrilled to have your 6th and 8th graders on our team representing West! Here are a couple of important reminders:
1. Please ensure that your athletics form is filled out. You can pick one up at the Dean's office or find it online under the athletics tab. Once completed, please email it to cwheeler@cherrycreekschools.org.
2. Don’t forget to log into West Middle School Revtrak to pay the basketball fee for your grade.
Thank you, and let's have an amazing season!
Students on the WMS Track Team were issued Track Jerseys to wear for Track Meets. Now that the season is over, those should have been returned to the Track Coach as they are the property of the school. If your student has not returned their Jersey, a fee of $35 has been assigned in PowerSchool. If the Jersey has been lost, please log in to PowerSchool to pay that fine. Jerseys can be returned to Coach Nahorniak, and once she has accounted for them, the Bookkeeper will be notified to remove the fee.
Track Team also has a participation fee of $60. If your student was on the Track Team and that fee was not yet paid, please log on to PowerSchool to pay that fee. All Athletic Fees go to the District to offset the cost of Coaches, Officials, Transportation, and other costs associated with supporting Athletics at WMS.
West Middle School offers a variety of opportunities for students to engage in athletics, after school activities and clubs. We encourage all students to pursue their interests and passions through extracurricular activities. The more involved a student is within their school, the better they will achieve and feel connected.
Please be sure to talk with your student about staying after school and communicating with you about which club/activity and days your student plans on staying after to participate. After school activities run from 3:45 to 4:40 Monday – Thursday. Late buses are available for students who are already assigned to a bus, and depart at 4:45 PM. Those who do not take a bus and participate in an after school activity are expected to be picked up no later than 5:00 PM.
Students are encouraged to participate in clubs and activities that interest them. Research has shown that students who complement their academics with extracurricular experiences often enjoy school more and connect with their peers and teachers through more positive interactions. In addition, clubs and activities provide opportunities for students to express their creativity in a variety of ways. Students should listen to the announcements and check the building rotators for sign-up information, start dates, and times.
Calling All Interested Drama Students
Colorado Jr. Thescon is coming to the Convention Center Downtown on December 12.
A one-day event filled with engaging theatre activities and opportunities to showcase talents.
Registration due to Mrs. Brickley October 31.
Open to any interested student, even if you are not in drama or the play this semester.
More info at bit.ly/wmsdrama or see Mrs. Brickley
From the Counselors
Hello Parents and Families,
As we enter the second quarter of the semester, we wanted to take a moment to connect and offer some tips for helping your students navigate this time of year. The second quarter often brings new challenges, and you may notice changes in your child’s behavior or motivation. It is not uncommon for students to experience increased frustration or anxiety, which may come from a lack of motivation to engage with academic tasks. During this time, your awareness and support are crucial. Being mindful of your child’s emotional responses, particularly regarding schoolwork, can make a meaningful difference in identifying when they might need a bit of extra help.
With fall sports coming to a close, we encourage students to explore additional before- and after-school programs that can help them stay active and engaged. These programs offer academic support and ensure students are grasping the concepts being taught in class. At West, we offer several options for this support, including morning sessions in the Commons from 8:00-8:40 a.m., as well as after-school sessions from 3:45-4:45 p.m. Students also have the chance to spend extra time with teachers after school if they need additional academic support in a specific content area.
If you have any concerns about your child's progress or feel they could benefit from additional resources, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their teachers or to us directly. Also, remind your child to keep up with Schoology (https://my.cherrycreekschools.org), where teachers often post external resources or supplemental materials to support their learning.
As we transition into this new quarter, open communication between home and school is key. Let's work together to ensure students stay motivated and feel supported throughout the year.
Thank you!
From the Deans
West Wildcats!
As we settle into the second quarter, we’d like to take a moment to highlight the core values that define who we are as a community: Community, Achievement, Respect, and Equity. These values are not just words—they are the foundation of our school culture and guide everything we do, both inside and outside the classroom.
Community: We are stronger when we support one another. Whether it’s lending a helping hand to a classmate or participating in school activities, every act of kindness strengthens our school family. Take a moment to reflect on your acts of community in the first quarter - how can you add to that this quarter?
Achievement: At our school, we celebrate hard work and perseverance. Achievement looks different for everyone—whether it’s academic, athletic, or personal growth, we encourage students to strive for their best. We are so proud of all of our students at West for their hard work in the first quarter and are looking forward to all the new achievements you'll unlock moving forward!
Respect: Respect is essential to creating a positive learning environment. This means treating others with kindness and understanding, embracing differences, and honoring the efforts of our peers and teachers. Being in a school of over 1,000 students means that there will always be someone who you connect well with and others that you don't want to spend as much time with. How do you treat each person with respect even if you don't necessarily have the same perspectives?
Equity: We are committed to ensuring every student has the support they need to succeed. Our diversity is our strength, and equity ensures that everyone has access to the same opportunities, no matter their background or challenges. We look forward to building our knowledge of different perspectives and how we can use our differences to strengthen the community as a whole. We are West!
Thank you all for being a part of this amazing community! Let's go Wildcats!!
Transportation is required by CDE Regulations to account for all students on the bus and unauthorized passengers are not permitted. However, the Transportation Department recognizes that circumstances may arise, e.g. a family emergency, parents out of town, etc., when a student needs to ride home with another student on a one-time only basis. The student must get off at the assigned stop of the student they are riding with (no exceptions).
Make sure to fill out and turn in the linked Permission Slip to the Dean's office no later than 9:00 AM on the requested ride date. Forms can be printed and handed to the Dean's Assistant. Hard copies of the form can be picked up from the Dean's office if they are needed but must be picked up prior to the day they need to ride a different bus. No emails will be accepted. If there is an emergency, please call the main office at 720-554-5180.
From the Clinic
Medication in School:
Just a friendly reminder that middle school students are not permitted to carry medication, even over the counter medications. No medication is permitted to be shared with other students at any time. If your student needs to take medication during the day, please contact the nurse at 720-554-5117 to set up a plan.
COVID Tests:
Following another wave of COVID, the government is offering more free COVID-19 tests that can be ordered through the mail: Covid Tests
CCSD Family Resource Guide:
Please see the attached family resource guide for food, clothing, housing, mental health resources and more!
From the State of Colorado
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has detected an
increase in Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) infections reported across Colorado during the
month of October 2024.
STEC infections can range from mild gastrointestinal illness to severe illness requiring
hospitalization and resulting in death.
Individuals are typically exposed to STEC bacteria by consuming food or water contaminated with small amounts of human or animal feces. It can also spread from person to person through exposure to fecal matter.
Symptoms of STEC infections may include mild non-bloody diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps (often severe), nausea, and vomiting.
Up to 20% of children with STEC infection will develop hemolytic uremic syndrome
(HUS), a condition which can cause: damage to the lining of blood vessel walls, destruction of red blood cells, and kidney failure.
Here are steps you can take to prevent the spread:
Always wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating or preparing food, after using the toilet, and after changing diapers
All staff and students with diarrhea will be excluded from attending school until at
least 24 hours after diarrhea has resolved without the use of medication.
Spooky Reads!
Fall is here and there’s a chill in the library!
We have lots of books for the season: mysteries, scary tales, who-done-its and more! We also have lots of new books to enjoy, so make sure you stop by the library to get a book (or two).
Check Out Our Numbers!
Let’s celebrate how our students, teachers, and communities are already using our library resources this year!
Our Middle Schools have really stepped up their use of Sora, with 8,778 eBook, audiobook, and magazine checkouts so far in 24-25, compared to 5,920 checkouts at this point last year, an increase of a whopping 48.277%! 🔥 Make sure you or your students stop by the library to check out a book, or go online to find an e-book or audio book through Sora
How do I add a person to my student's contacts?
Parent/ Guardians are now able to update Additional Contact info in their https://my.cherrycreekschools.org/ accounts by clicking on the Guardian Tile.
Some things to keep in mind:
- If a Household 1 Parent/Guardian has not completed Parent Forms, they will not have access to the Guardian Update tile.
- Household 2 will only be able to access this tile if they have a 2nd household setup in PowerSchool. If they need to create a 2nd household, please see the Admissions section on the District Website. On the left menu, they will need to click on the link titled “Change/Update/Verify Address or Household Info."
- Changes made through the update tile will be visible in PowerSchool within minutes.
- Occasionally, parents will not see their students listed when logging into the Guardian Update tile. Refreshing the screen will correct this issue.
Where can I pay my student's fees?
You can pay your student's fees by visiting the West Middle School Revtrak page or you may send your student with cash to the bookkeeper. Regrettably, we are unable to accept checks.
Update to CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please see the below message regarding the new CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process. If you are currently volunteering or plan to volunteer in the future, please complete the online volunteer form. It should only take a few minutes to complete. We want to thank you in advance and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
New Colorado legislation has prompted greater need to screen and document volunteers in our schools. Therefore, beginning January 2022, we must ensure that every volunteer completes a brief application to support activities in CCSD schools. This information will be automatically linked to the Raptor System. The good news is they only need to complete this form once per school year, and it will meet the requirement to volunteer in all CCSD buildings.
To access the form, please click on the following link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NzU0OmVuLVVT
- Volunteers are guests who are supporting students, completing tasks, and under the immediate supervision and direction of District licensed personnel.
- Visitors are guests who are solely entering the building to conduct business such as participate in a meeting, eat lunch with their student, or attend a school sponsored activity.
The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. Every person entering our buildings must have a District ID or a badge printed from the Raptor System.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Get your West Spirit Gear!
Store link: WMS Sideline Store
Remember, a portion of all proceeds return back to West Middle School to support our students -- so thank you Wildcat families!
Information and Expectations
Dear Families,
This email is to serve as an important reminder for students to carry their bus card when riding the bus. Students without a bus card will experience longer wait times on the bus and/or could be denied a ride home from school if they cannot be identified. Please see below for more specific details and information on how to replace your student’s bus card if necessary.
All students will be provided a ride to school in the morning regardless of whether they have their bus card or student ID. If a student does not have their bus card, the student will be directed to the back of the line and the following process will take place:
- Student will be asked to provide their student ID.
- Bus driver will check student ID and manually load student in system.
- If the student cannot be found in the system or the information contradicts the student ID or what the student is saying, the bus driver will call Dispatch.
*Students must ride the bus home to which they are assigned.
In the afternoon, if a student does not have their bus card, the student will be directed to the back of the line and the following process will take place:
- Student will be asked to provide their student ID.
- Bus driver will check student ID and manually load student in system.
- If the student cannot be found in the system or the information contradicts the student ID or what the student is saying, the bus driver will take the following action appropriate for primary and secondary level students.
- Bus driver will call security/administrator at the school to identify the student.
- If a school staff member is unable to identify student or respond in a timely manner, the student’s ride will be denied, and the student must contact a parent for a ride home.
Students with a lost or damaged bus card should take action to replace it. Please ask your bus driver for information on how to replace a lost or damaged bus card for free. Bus riders who are repeatedly unable to provide identification will be referred to the appropriate dean or administrator at their school.
ALL FOOTBALL GAMES at LEGACY STADIUM AND STUTLER BOWL are $6.00 each and AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY or with Credit or Debit at the Gate. NO CASH is accepted at the Gate. Middle School students should be accompanied by an adult, when attending CCHS football games. Please use the link below to purchase tickets ahead of time.
Overland High School PTCO
Overland High School PTCO would like to invite you for our Fall Craft Fair, scheduled for October 26 from 9 AM to 3 PM. They are hosting over 80 vendors and are enthusiastic about making this a key event in the community! Make sure to check out the Fall Craft Fair and show your pride for Cherry Creek Schools!
CCSD Donation Drive
In the month of November, Cherry Creek Feeder schools will be collecting donations to support school resource pantries throughout CCSD. Please see the flyer below for more details.
CCSD Upcoming Events
K-8 ~ No School
Nov. 1, 2024
PIN Meeting
Nov. 5, 2024
9:15 AM - 11:00 AM
- Finding Our Feelings: Tools for Exploring & Navigating Emotions
- Rae Thomas, LPC CCO & Co-Owner of Feelings Found
Fremont Building
14603 E Fremont Ave
Centennial, CO 80112
District Accountability Committee ~ Community Forum
Nov. 6, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Fremont Building
14603 E Fremont Ave
Centennial, CO 80112