CCAC Monthly Scholarship Listing
October 2024
Students With Heart Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship is for students who have cardiac disease or a cardiac deformity. A letter from a licensed physician, official transcripts, letter of recommendation, and personal statement are required.
Candidates must:
Have cardiac disease or a cardiac deformity
Be entering or currently attending a US post-secondary institution as undergraduate or
graduate student
Maintain a full-time status of 12 credits or more with a GPA of 3.0 or greater
Be a United States citizen, national, or permanent resident
Award: varies from $500 - $6,000
Deadline: October 1, 2024
Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
Chris Jackson was an amazing human being who was smart, insightful and had a razor-sharp wit.
What most people don't know about Chris is how much he struggled to afford his degree in his early years. That degree ultimately helped him build a rewarding and impactful career in technology.
Sadly, Chris passed away in the fall of 2020. To honor his spirit and legacy, the Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship will support undergraduate students who are pursuing a computer science degree. The scholarship will be awarded twice a year.
Applicants will be required to discuss their interest in pursuing a computer science degree, their career aspirations, and why they think they should receive the award.
Award: $5,000
Deadline: October 1, 2024
Web Design Scholarship
Submit a Design or Live URL
Show us how creative you are! The web design can be from the past or present. Your submission will be entered into our semi-annual $1000 award contest. The winner will also be granted a design critique session with Ken Braun, for any project of your choosing.
Only open to students attending school in the United States.
Applicant must be a student at an accredited school, or be accepted to begin school at an accredited school within 6 months of application.
Deadline: October 2, 2024
AES Engineers Scholarship
Our belief is that achieving a high grade point average should not be the only criteria for determining who deserves to be helped. For that reason, we are offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by evaluating the essays that are submitted.
Submit essay to: scholarships@aesengineers.com
Be sure to include your full name as well as the name of the school you are attending this year and your plans for next year.
Essay required. Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following question: When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?
High school seniors and all students attending a post-secondary educational facility
Engineering courses not required
Award: $500
Deadline: October 8, 2024
Association for Iron & Steel Technology – Steel Intern Scholarships
The AIST Foundation offers up to Fifty (50) Steel Intern Scholarships valued at US$7,500 per year each, including the Premier Intern Scholarship valued at US$12,000 per year. These scholarships require a commitment to a paid summer internship at a North American steel producing company or steel-related company during the Summer of 2025. Internship may require temporary relocation. Undergraduate sophomore and juniors, and seniors heading into their first year of graduate school may apply.
To qualify for a scholarship, you must meet the following criteria:
I am a citizen of the United States, Canada or Mexico.
I am enrolled full-time in a four-year undergraduate or entering year one of a two-year graduate program at an accredited North American University.
At the time of application in October 2024, I am a university Sophomore, Junior or Senior planning to enter year 1 of graduate school. Applicants must have a minimum of one semester following the internship during the summer of 2025.
Graduate student applicants must be entering year one for the 2025-2026 academic year.
I am majoring in engineering, engineering technology, computer science, data science, environmental/sustainability science, and industrial safety.
I have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
I am able and willing to relocate for the required internship, if necessary.
I have a strong interest in the iron and steel industry.
Award: One-year scholarship between $7,500 and $12,000 with a paid Summer internship
Deadline: October 14, 2024
American Trucks Student Scholarships
At AmericanTrucks we are passionate about our mission to Serve the Community that supports us. We've recognized a growing trend in the building trades industry. Educational programs are receiving a lot of attention from national leaders and it’s our goal to be involved in a meaningful way.
With that in mind, we are pleased to offer 2 x $2500 scholarships to students pursuing a career in the traditional building trades such as HVAC, carpentry, electrical, or related fields of study.
One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester, and one scholarship will be awarded for the spring semester each year.
Currently enrolled full-time in an accredited United States technical institute, 2/4 year college/university with a program in construction management, secondary votech school or tuition bearing apprenticeship program in the traditional building trades(e.g. carpentry, HVAC, electrical or related fields of study). Students pursuing certificate programs or apprenticeship programs are welcome to apply.
Currently attending high school and will be attending an accredited school in the next academic year to one of the aforementioned programs.
Note: All scholarship applicants are required to submit proof of enrollment* when submitting applications with the button on this page.
Award: $2,500
Deadline: October 15, 2024
NSCA Foundation Scholarships
The purpose of the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation (NSCAF) is to support the mission of the National Strength and Conditioning Association by providing funding for educational and research activities that enhance the practical application of strength and conditioning. All general and specific guidelines for each respective scholarship are outlined at the sponsor website and should be closely read by the applicant to ensure all guidelines have been met prior to submission.
All scholarship applicants must be National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) members at the time of application deadline and must be pursuing careers in strength and conditioning. Applicants are not eligible to win more than one scholarship in any given year; however, applications can be made in more than one scholarship category in a given year. Applicants are eligible to receive up to two scholarships from each category for which they qualify.
Award: $2,000 for each respective scholarship
Deadline: October 15, 2024
ExtremeTerrain’s Student Scholarships
ExtremeTerrain is offering two $2,500 scholarships, one for the fall semester and one for the spring Semester to eligible students pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Environmental Research, Land Use, Earth and Atmosphere Studies, Sustainable Land Management, Parks and Recreation, or Sustainable Agriculture Systems.
Students should submit a 700 – 1500 word essay here that describes who you are, why you feel it is important to maintain access to public lands for recreational use and how you plan to use your degree to advocate for the recreational use of public lands. Essays should be submitted as a PDF or Microsoft Word document to be eligible for consideration and must also be accompanied with proof of current enrollment in an accredited United States college or university.
Undergraduate college/university students and high school seniors who are pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Ecology, Land Use, Earth & Atmosphere Sciences, Sustainable Land Management, Environmental Biology, Sustainable Agriculture Systems. Proof of enrollment is required along with submission.
ExtremeTerrain Scholarships are non-renewable, however previous winners who are still eligible may submit a new essay that follows the same criteria. Entries are limited to one essay per student each semester.
Award: $2,500
Deadline: October 15, 2024
Annual Prevounce Preventive Health Scholarship Program
The scholarship program here at Prevounce is competitive and is based upon leadership, academics, and achievements. Only attendees of U.S.-based educational institutions are eligible for these scholarships and all funds will be disbursed directly to the institution.
Applicants must:
Must be pursuing a career in healthcare or a health related field
Must be entering or already established in an accredited, U.S.-based undergraduate program in fall 2024
Completed application
Completed essay question (PDF format)
Submit Transcript(s) (official or unofficial in PDF format)
Submit copy of resume (PDF format)
A personal essay - Please discuss why you are planning to pursue a career in healthcare and how you hope to play a role in preventing illness. Must not exceed 650 words. Must be typed and double spaced. Must be responsive to the topic. Do not reuse non-responsive admissions essays.
Award: $1,000
Deadline: October 15, 2024
College JumpStart Scholarship
The College JumpStart Scholarship is an annual, merit-based competition -- financial need is not considered -- that is open to 10th-12th graders, college students and non-traditional students. The main requirement is that you are committed to going to school and can express your goals for getting a higher education. The first place prize is a $1,000 scholarship to help cover educational expenses. This award can be used at any college or university in the United States.
High school 10th- 12th grader, college student, or non-traditional student
US citizen or legal resident
Committed to pursuing post-secondary education that improves their quality of life as well as that of their family and/or community
Award: $1,000
Deadline: October 17, 2024
Northern Michigan University Presidential and Leadership Awards
The Presidential Scholars Competition is designed for high school seniors and transfer students to compete for a limited number of "full-ride" scholarships and approximately 200 additional scholarships. Our Fall 2025 competition will have two in-person competitions and a virtual competition option. Students choose one to attend. * See host site for competition details
High school Senior, graduating in 2025, and entering college in Fall 2025.
High school GPA is 3.50 or higher (cumulative, 9th-11th grade).
Must be admitted to NMU before applying for this competition.
If you are in an early college credit program, you are eligible to compete if you are in your final year of high school, have a high school GPA of 3.5+ and are entering college as a degree-seeking student the following year.
Award: Depending upon individual scholarship, awards vary – up to ‘full ride’ (tuition + room and board)
Virtual: Registration deadline: October 16 at 8 a.m. Eastern Time (for October 27-28, 2024)
In-person, on campus:
Registration deadline: October 21 at 8 a.m. Eastern Time (For Nov. 3-4, 2024)
Registration deadline: October 28 at 8 a.m. Eastern Time (For Nov. 10-11, 2024)
VFW Voice Of Democracy Scholarship
Established in 1947, our Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. Each year, nearly 25,000 ninth through 12th grade students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $1.3 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program.
The national first place winner receives a $35,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college or vocational/technical school. A complete list of other national scholarships range from $1,000-$21,000, and the first place winner from each VFW Department (state) wins at least a scholarship of $1,000.
To apply for the scholarship, applicants must:
Be a current high school student.
Submit an audio essay on the theme "Is America today our forefathers' vision?"
Award: Up to $35,000
Deadline: October 31, 2024
Central Michigan University Centralis Awards
Our competitive scholarships for incoming freshmen are awarded based on a variety of factors, including academic success, community engagement, leadership, enhancing diversity, multiculturalism and inclusion, and more.
These require a separate application and have application deadlines different than our merit awards. Once you submit an application for admission, the competitive scholarship applications you qualify for become visible in your applicant portal.
High School Seniors, currently enrolled or who have applied to Central Michigan University.
Must have a 3.7 GPA or higher when applying.
Award: Covers 100% of tuition (up to 33 credits per academic year) and $5,000 to study away OR Covers 100% of tuition and fees (up to 33 credits per academic year), housing and food, $250/semester book allowance, and $5,000 to study away.
Deadline: October 31, 2024
Funded By:
13 Connected Community School Career Preparatory Funds • Alro Steel • The A.P. Cook Foundation • Baker College • The Bill and Vi Sigmund Foundation • Dream Maker Fund • The Grace Family Charitable Endowment Fund • The Hurst Foundation • Jackson College • Jackson Community Foundation • Jackson County ISD • John George Student Loan • The Lavery Foundation • Marshall Plan for Talent • Michigan College Access Network • Michigan Small Business Restart Program • Phil and Pat Willis Foundation • Robinson Family Endowment Fund • Spring Arbor University
Mission: Navigating ALL Jackson County residents to productive careers through the pursuit of appropriate post-secondary education and career training.
Vision: By 2030, 60% of all Jackson County residents will have a valuable post-secondary credential.