Goodrich Middle School
June 2016
From the Desk of Principal von Keltz
Dear Parents and Students,
As we come to the end of another successful school year, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for your support during my first year at Goodrich. What an incredible year it has been! I am so proud to be able to serve the wonderful students here and the entire Goodrich community.
It didn’t take long after my arrival to realize that it’s our students here at GMS that make our school such a wonderful place to learn and work. The students here are always surprising me with their willingness to go above and beyond! Their school pride shows each and every day in their commitment to their studies, their willingness to offer a hand when needed and their friendships with each other. The pride they take in what they do leads them to excel and gives us the assurance that they will be the true leaders of tomorrow.
For those students who are leaving GMS for high school, I wish you much continued success and happiness! Relish your high school years and enjoy them! You have left your mark on GMS and the school is a better place because you were here - now it's time to make a positive influence at GHS!
For those of you who will be returning to GMS in the fall, enjoy your summer break! Be on the lookout for information regarding our Open House in August. Remember to keep reading during the summer and to visit the local libraries and museums to enhance your education.
Once again, I extend my grateful thanks to the entire Goodrich community for the way you continue to support us, our teachers and our students. I wish you all an excellent summer, wherever you may be, and I look forward to many more years ahead. Have a wonderful summer!
Ms. von Keltz
Yearlong Class Elective Options at GMS
In an effort to foster future opportunities for post-secondary pathways, the school district is offering high school level courses next year; French 1 or Spanish 1 for 7th grade and Spanish 1 for 8th grade. Please know that specific criteria will be considered before students are placed in either class such as: good attendance, above average grades in core classes, willingness to lose one hour of elective classes, and a solid work ethic. These are yearlong courses which could result in the student gaining high school credit.
Interested students will be given a form during lunch on June 7th to bring home for parent signatures. Forms should be returned to the office by Friday, June 10th. Students enrolled in either class will be notified during Open House upon receipt of their schedule.
Class of 2020 Visits Washington DC
The Goodrich Middle School 8th grade class traveled to Gettysburg and Washington DC from May 13th to May 17, 2016. During the trip, students Jaylin Jenkins, Olivia O’Brien, Grace Wojtalewicz and Cameron Rossell honorably participated in a Wreath Laying Ceremony, representing Goodrich Middle School, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Ceremony.
Students and chaperones enjoyed excellent weather and a variety of sites and activities
while on the trip. Sites visited included: the Smithsonian, Pentagon Memorial, WWII memorial, the Vietnam Wall; Korean, Lincoln, FDR, and Jefferson memorials, the White House, the Capitol, the National Cathedral, and Mt. Vernon. The group also enjoyed time on a dinner cruise on the Potomac River and food and games at Dave and Busters.
This was the 14th year in a row for teachers and 8th grade class sponsors, Tena Czap and Dawn Robb to coordinate and supervise the trip.
Thank you to Mrs. Czap, Mrs. Robb and all of the chaperones who helped to make this year's trip such a fun and educational event!
Arlington Wreath Laying Ceremony
Middle School Art Show
The Middle School Art Show will be displayed June 14th and 15th outside of the gymnasium doors in the foyer. Lists of participating artists will be displayed on the art room windows beginning the week of May 23. All art may be taken home June 15-17.
4th Marking Period PRIDE Party on June 16th!
National Geographic's GIANT Map a HUGE Success!
From May 16-20, National Geographic's Giant Traveling Map was at GMS for use by our 6th and 7th grade Social Studies classes. The map measured 25 feet by 36 feet was created by National Geographic for schools to rent for geographical fun and learning! With help from the Genesee Intermediate School District and the Michigan Geographic Alliance, our students were able to walk, crawl , jump and hike their way through an entire continent.
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/Events/
for the most up-to-date information!
6/7 - MS Band Concert (5th-8th Grades) - 6:30 PM - HS Auditorium
6/10 - 8th Grade Cedar Point Trip
6/14 - MS Fine Arts Show
6/14 - 7th Grade Awards Ceremony - 8 AM
6/14 - PTO Meeting - 8:45 AM- Oaktree Elementary
6/14 - 6th Grade Awards Ceremony - 9:15 AM
6/15 - Records Day - Half Day of School
6/15 - 8th Grade Awards Ceremony - 9 AM
6/16 - Records Day - Half Day of School
6/16 - Last Day of 4th Marking Period - Last Day of School - Half Day of School
Middle School Summer Office Hours:
6/17-6/22 - 7:00AM - 3:00PM (CLOSED 6/23 and 6/24)
6/27-6/30 - 7:00AM - 3:00PM
The MS office will be CLOSED beginning July 1st and will reopen on August 8th from 7:00AM- 3:00PM daily.
Looking Forward to NEXT School Year...
PTO Updates and News
For Parent Teacher Organization news, updates and important information, please visit the PTO website here!
Keep Updated!
For daily updates on GMS events and announcements, please be sure to check www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/! Just click on "News and Announcements" on the left side of the page.
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts